My build of nnn with minor changes
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  1. ## nnn
  2. Noice is Not Noice, a noicer fork...
  3. <p align="center">
  4. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Latest release" /></a>
  5. <a href=""><img src="" alt="AUR" /></a>
  6. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Homebrew" /></a>
  7. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Debian Buster+" /></a>
  8. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Ubuntu PPA" /></a>
  9. <a href=""><img src="" alt="License" /></a>
  10. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status" /></a>
  11. </p>
  12. [![nnn screencast](]( "Click to see nnn in action!")
  13. <p align="center"><i>nnn in action!</i></a></p>
  14. ### Table of Contents
  15. - [Introduction](#introduction)
  16. - [Features](#features)
  17. - [Performance](#performance)
  18. - [Installation](#installation)
  19. - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
  20. - [From a package manager](#from-a-package-manager)
  21. - [Release packages](#release-packages)
  22. - [From source](#from-source)
  23. - [Shell completion](#shell-completion)
  24. - [Usage](#usage)
  25. - [Cmdline options](#cmdline-options)
  26. - [Keyboard shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts)
  27. - [Filters](#filters)
  28. - [Navigate-as-you-type mode](#navigate-as-you-type-mode)
  29. - [File type abbreviations](#file-type-abbreviations)
  30. - [File handling](#file-handling)
  31. - [Help](#help)
  32. - [Quickstart](#quickstart)
  33. - [How to](#how-to)
  34. - [add bookmarks](#add-bookmarks)
  35. - [use cd .....](#use-cd-)
  36. - [cd on quit](#cd-on-quit)
  37. - [copy file path to clipboard](#copy-file-path-to-clipboard)
  38. - [change dir color](#change-dir-color)
  39. - [file copy, move, delete](#file-copy-move-delete)
  40. - [boost chdir prompt](#boost-chdir-prompt)
  41. - [set idle timeout](#set-idle-timeout)
  42. - [Why fork?](#why-fork)
  43. - [Mentions](#mentions)
  44. - [Developers](#developers)
  45. ### Introduction
  46. `nnn` is a fork of [noice](, a blazing-fast lightweight terminal file browser with easy keyboard shortcuts for navigation, opening files and running tasks. noice is developed considering terminal based systems. There is no config file and mime associations are hard-coded. However, the incredible user-friendliness and speed make it a perfect candidate for modern distros.
  47. `nnn` works with the desktop opener, adds new navigation options, [navigate-as-you-type](#navigate-as-you-type-mode) mode, enhanced DE integration, bookmarks, a disk usage analyzer mode, comprehensive file details and much more. Add to that a huge [performance](#performance) boost. For a detailed comparison, visit [nnn vs. noice](
  48. Cool things you can do with `nnn`:
  49. - open any file in the default desktop application for the mime
  50. - *navigate-as-you-type* (*search-as-you-type* enabled even on directory switch)
  51. - check disk usage with number of files in current directory tree
  52. - run desktop search utility (gnome-search-tool or catfish) in any directory
  53. - copy absolute file path to clipboard, spawn a terminal and use the file path
  54. - navigate instantly using shortcuts like `~`, `-`, `&` or handy bookmarks
  55. - use `cd .....` at chdir prompt to go to a parent directory
  56. - see detailed file stats or mediainfo information
  57. - open a (supported) archive in vim to view its contents
  58. - pin a directory you may need to revisit and jump to it anytime
  59. - set timeout to lock the current terminal
  60. - change directory on exit
  61. If you want to edit a file in vim with some soothing music in the background while referring to a spec in your GUI PDF viewer, `nnn` got it! [Quickstart](#quickstart) and see how `nnn` simplifies those long desktop sessions...
  62. Have fun with it! PRs are welcome. Check out [#1](
  63. <p align="center">
  64. <a href=""><img src="!-ff69b4.svg" /></a>
  65. <a href=""><img src="$5-FC746D.svg" alt="Donate via PayPal!" /></a>
  66. </p>
  67. ### Features
  68. - Navigation
  69. - Familiar shortcuts
  70. - *Navigate-as-you-type* mode
  71. - Bookmarks support; pin and visit a directory
  72. - Jump HOME or to the last visited directory (as usual!)
  73. - Jump to initial dir, chdir prompt, cd ..... (with . as PWD)
  74. - Roll-over at edges, page through entries
  75. - Show directories in custom color (default: enabled in blue)
  76. - Disk usage analyzer mode
  77. - Search
  78. - Filter directory contents with *search-as-you-type*
  79. - Desktop search (default gnome-search-tool, customizable) integration
  80. - Mimes
  81. - Desktop opener integration
  82. - Optionally open text files in EDITOR (fallback vi)
  83. - Customizable bash script [nlay]( to handle actions
  84. - Information
  85. - Basic and detail view
  86. - Detailed file information
  87. - Media information (needs mediainfo or exiftool, if specified)
  88. - Ordering
  89. - Numeric order (1, 2, ... 10, 11, ...) for numeric names
  90. - Sort by modification time, size
  91. - Convenience
  92. - Create, rename files and directories
  93. - Spawn SHELL (fallback sh) in the current directory
  94. - Invoke file path copier (*easy* shell integration)
  95. - Change directory at exit (*easy* shell integration)
  96. - Open any file in EDITOR (fallback vi) or PAGER (fallback less)
  97. - Open current directory in a custom GUI file browser
  98. - Monitor directory changes
  99. - Terminal screensaver (default vlock, customizable) integration
  100. - Unicode support
  101. - Highly optimized code, minimal resource usage
  102. ### Performance
  103. `nnn` vs. ncdu memory usage in disk usage analyzer mode (438767 files on disk):
  104. ```
  106. 22515 vaio 20 0 60348 48712 2240 S 0.0 0.6 0:01.11 ncdu /
  107. 28306 vaio 20 0 17644 4500 2708 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.52 nnn -S /
  108. ```
  109. `nnn` vs. mc vs. ranger memory usage while viewing a directory with 11244 files, sorted by size:
  110. ```
  112. 28450 vaio 20 0 93848 51548 7724 S 0.0 0.6 0:00.64 /usr/bin/python -O /usr/bin/ranger
  113. 27265 vaio 20 0 67188 13620 6908 S 0.0 0.2 0:00.16 mc
  114. 27925 vaio 20 0 20608 7168 2648 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.30 nnn
  115. ```
  116. ### Installation
  117. #### Dependencies
  118. `nnn` needs libreadline, libncursesw (on Linux or ncurses on OS X) and standard libc.
  119. #### From a package manager
  120. - [AUR](
  121. - [Debian](
  122. - [Homebrew](
  123. - [Ubuntu PPA](
  124. #### Release packages
  125. Packages for Arch Linux, CentOS, Fedora and Ubuntu are available with the [latest stable release](
  126. #### From source
  127. To cook yourself, download the [latest stable release]( or clone this repository (*risky*). Then install the dependencies and compile (e.g. on Ubuntu 16.04):
  128. $ sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev libreadline6-dev
  129. $ make
  130. $ sudo make install
  131. `PREFIX` is supported, in case you want to install to a different location.
  132. ### Shell completion
  133. Search keyword and option completion scripts for Bash, Fish and Zsh can be found in respective subdirectories of [`scripts/auto-completion/`](scripts/auto-completion). Please refer to your shell's manual for installation instructions.
  134. ### Usage
  135. #### Cmdline options
  136. usage: nnn [-c N] [-e] [-i] [-l] [n] [-p nlay] [-S]
  137. [-v] [-h] [PATH]
  138. The missing terminal file browser for X.
  139. positional arguments:
  140. PATH directory to open [default: current dir]
  141. optional arguments:
  142. -c N specify dir color, disables if N>7
  143. -e use exiftool instead of mediainfo
  144. -i start in navigate-as-you-type mode
  145. -l start in light mode (fewer details)
  146. -p nlay path to custom nlay
  147. -S start in disk usage analyzer mode
  148. -v show program version and exit
  149. -h show this help and exit
  150. `>` indicates the currently selected entry in `nnn`.
  151. #### Keyboard shortcuts
  152. ```
  153. Key | Function
  154. - + -
  155. ↑, k, ^P | Previous entry
  156. ↓, j, ^N | Next entry
  157. PgUp, ^U | Scroll half page up
  158. PgDn, ^D | Scroll half page down
  159. Home, g, ^, ^A | Jump to first entry
  160. End, G, $, ^E | Jump to last entry
  161. →, ↵, l, ^M | Open file or enter dir
  162. ←, Bksp, h, ^H | Go to parent dir
  163. Insert | Toggle navigate-as-you-type
  164. ~ | Go HOME
  165. & | Go to initial dir
  166. - | Go to last visited dir
  167. / | Filter dir contents
  168. ^/ | Open desktop search tool
  169. . | Toggle hide . files
  170. b | Bookmark prompt
  171. ^B | Pin current dir
  172. ^V | Go to pinned dir
  173. c | Change dir prompt
  174. d | Toggle detail view
  175. D | File details
  176. m | Brief media info
  177. M | Full media info
  178. n | Create new
  179. ^R | Rename selected entry
  180. s | Toggle sort by size
  181. S | Toggle disk usage mode
  182. t | Toggle sort by mtime
  183. ! | Spawn SHELL in dir
  184. e | Edit entry in EDITOR
  185. o | Open dir in file manager
  186. p | Open entry in PAGER
  187. ^K | Invoke file path copier
  188. ^L | Redraw, clear prompt
  189. ? | Help, settings
  190. Q | Quit and change dir
  191. q, ^Q | Quit
  192. ```
  193. #### Filters
  194. Filters support regexes to instantly (search-as-you-type) list the matching entries in the current directory.
  195. There are 3 ways to reset a filter: <kbd>^L</kbd>, a search with no matches or an extra backspace at the filter prompt (like vi).
  196. Common examples: If you want to list all matches starting with the filter expression, start the expression with a `^` (caret) symbol. Type `\.mkv` to list all MKV files.
  197. If `nnn` is invoked as root the default filter will also match hidden files.
  198. #### Navigate-as-you-type mode
  199. In this mode directories are opened in filter mode, allowing continuous navigation. Works best with the **arrow keys**.
  200. #### File type abbreviations
  201. The following abbreviations are used in the detail view:
  202. | Symbol | File Type |
  203. | --- | --- |
  204. | `/` | Directory |
  205. | `*` | Executable |
  206. | <code>&#124;</code> | Fifo |
  207. | `=` | Socket |
  208. | `@` | Symbolic Link |
  209. | `b` | Block Device |
  210. | `c` | Character Device |
  211. #### File handling
  212. - `nnn` uses `xdg-open` on Linux and `open(1)` on OS X as the desktop opener.
  213. - To edit all text files in EDITOR (preferably CLI, fallback vi):
  214. export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1
  215. - To enable the desktop file manager key, set `NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER`. E.g.:
  216. export NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER=thunar
  217. export NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER=nautilus
  218. - [mediainfo]( (or exiftool, if specified) is required to view media information
  219. #### Help
  220. $ man nnn
  221. To lookup keyboard shortcuts at runtime, press <kbd>?</kbd>.
  222. ### Quickstart
  223. Add the following to your shell's rc file for the best experience:
  224. 1. Use a shorter and sweeter alias:
  225. alias n=nnn
  226. 2. Optionally open all text files in EDITOR (fallback vi):
  227. export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1
  228. 3. Set a desktop file manager to open directories with (if you ever need to). E.g.:
  229. export NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER=thunar
  230. Run `n`.
  231. ### How to
  232. #### add bookmarks
  233. Set environment variable `NNN_BMS` as a string of `key:location` pairs (max 10) separated by semicolons (`;`):
  234. export NNN_BMS='doc:~/Documents;u:/home/user/Cam Uploads;D:~/Downloads/'
  235. #### use cd .....
  236. To jump to the n<sup>th</sup> level parent, with PWD at level 0, use `n + 1` dots. For example, to jump to the 6<th> parent of the current directory, use 7 dots. If the number of dots would take you *beyond* `/` (which isn't possible), you'll be placed at `/`.
  237. #### cd on quit
  238. Pick the appropriate file for your shell from [`scripts/quitcd`](scripts/quitcd) and add the contents to your shell's rc file. You'll need to spawn a new shell for the change to take effect. You should start `nnn` as `n` (or modify the function name to something else).
  239. As you might notice, `nnn` uses the environment variable `NNN_TMPFILE` to write the last visited directory path. You can change it.
  240. #### copy file path to clipboard
  241. `nnn` can pipe the absolute path of the current file to a copier script. For example, you can use `xsel` on Linux or `pbcopy` on OS X.
  242. Sample Linux copier script:
  243. #!/bin/sh
  244. echo -n $1 | xsel --clipboard --input
  245. export `NNN_COPIER`:
  246. export NNN_COPIER="/path/to/"
  247. Start `nnn` and use <kbd>^K</kbd> to copy the absolute path (from `/`) of the file under the cursor to clipboard.
  248. #### change dir color
  249. The default color for directories is blue. Option `-c` accepts color codes from 0 to 7 to use a different color:
  250. 0-black, 1-red, 2-green, 3-yellow, 4-blue, 5-magenta, 6-cyan, 7-white
  251. Any other value disables colored directories.
  252. #### file copy, move, delete
  253. `nnn` doesn't support file copy, move, delete inherently. However, it simplifies the workflow:
  254. 1. copy the absolute path to a file by invoking the file path copier (<kbd>^K</kbd>)
  255. 2. spawn a shell in the current directory (<kbd>!</kbd>)
  256. 3. while typing the desired command, copy the file path (usually <kbd>^-Shift-V</kbd>)
  257. #### boost chdir prompt
  258. `nnn` uses libreadline for the chdir prompt input. So all the fantastic features of readline (e.g. case insensitive tab completion, history, reverse-i-search) is available to you based on your readline [configuration](
  259. #### set idle timeout
  260. The terminal screensaver is disabled by default. To set the wait time in seconds, use environment variable `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT`.
  261. ### Why fork?
  262. I chose to fork because:
  263. - one can argue my approach deviates from the goal of the original project - keep the utility `suckless`. In my opinion evolution is the taste of time.
  264. - I would like to have a bit of control on what features are added in the name of desktop integration. A feature-bloat is the last thing in my mind. Check out [nnn design considerations]( for more details.
  265. ### Mentions
  266. - [It's FOSS](
  267. - [FOSSMint](
  268. ### Developers
  269. 1. Copyright © 2014-2016 Lazaros Koromilas
  270. 2. Copyright © 2014-2016 Dimitris Papastamos
  271. 3. Copyright © 2016-2017 [Arun Prakash Jana](