@@ -247,7 +249,9 @@ The following abbreviations are used in the detail view:
$ man nnn
To lookup keyboard shortcuts at runtime, press `?`.
### Copy current file path to clipboard
### How to
#### Copy current file path to clipboard
nnn can pipe the absolute path of the current file to a copier script. For example, you can use `xsel` on Linux or `pbcopy` on OS X.
@@ -263,6 +267,12 @@ export `NNN_OPENER`:
Start nnn and use `^K` to copy the absolute path (from `/`) of the file under the cursor to clipboard.
### Change file associations
#### Change file associations
If you want to set custom applications for certain mime types, or change the ones set already (e.g. vi, mpv, zathura), modify the `assocs` structure in [config.def.h](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/blob/master/config.def.h) (it's easy). Then re-compile and install.