- xmenu \- menu utility for X
- .B xmenu
- .RB [ \-w ]
- .RI [ title ]
- .B xmenu
- is a menu for X,
- it reads a list of newline-separated items from stdin,
- shows a menu for the user to select one of the items,
- and outputs the item selected to stdout.
- .PP
- The options are as follows:
- .TP
- .B -w
- Asks the window manager to draw a border around the menus.
- This option may be buggy in some window managers, specially tiled ones.
- .PP
- Each item read from stdin has the following format:
- .IP
- .EX
- .EE
- .PP
- That means that each item is composed by
- tabs, followed by an optional image specification, followed by tabs
- followed by a label, followed by more tabs, followed by an output,
- and ended by a newline. Brackets group optional elements.
- .IP
- The initial tabs indicate the menu hierarchy:
- items indented with a tab is shown in a submenu of the preceding item not indented.
- An item without initial tabs is a top-level item.
- .IP
- The image is a string of the form "IMG:/path/to/image.png".
- It specifies a image to be shown as icon at the left of the entry.
- .IP
- The label is the string that will be shown as a item in the menu.
- An item without label is considered a separator and is drawn as a thin line in the menu
- separating the item above from the item below.
- .IP
- The output is the string that will be output after selecting the item.
- If an item does not have an output, its label is used as its output.
- .IP
- The newline terminates the item specification.
- .PP
- If the argument
- .I title
- is given, the title of the menu window is set to it.
- .B xmenu
- is controlled by the mouse,
- but can also be controlled by the keyboard.
- Items can be selected using the arrow keys,
- Tab (with and without Shift),
- Enter and Esc.
- .TP
- .BR Down ", " Tab
- Cycle through the items in the regular direction.
- .TP
- .BR Up ", " Shift-Tab
- Cycle through the items in the reverse direction.
- .TP
- .BR Right ", " Enter
- Select the highlighted item.
- .TP
- .B Left
- Go to the menu above.
- .TP
- .B Esc
- Go to the menu above or exit xmenu.
- .B
- xmenu
- understands the following X resources.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.font
- The font in which the labels should be drawn.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.background
- The background color of non-selected items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.foreground
- The color of the label text of non-selected items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.selbackground
- The background color of selected items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.selforeground
- The color of the label text of selected items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.border
- The color of the border around the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.separator
- The color of the separator between items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.gap
- The gap, in pixels, between the menus.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.width
- The minimum width, in pixels, of the items in the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.height
- The size in pixels of the height of a single menu item.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.borderWidth
- The size in pixels of the border around the menu.
- .TP
- .B xmenu.separatorWidth
- The size in pixels of the item separator.
- The following script illustrates the use of
- .BR xmenu .
- The output is redirected to
- .IR sh (1),
- creating a command to be run by the shell.
- .IP
- .EX
- #!/bin/sh
- cat <<EOF | xmenu | sh &
- Applications
- IMG:./web.png Web Browser firefox
- IMG:./gimp.png Image editor gimp
- Terminal (xterm) xterm
- Terminal (urxvt) urxvt
- Terminal (st) st
- Shutdown poweroff
- Reboot reboot
- .EE
- .PP
- For example, by selecting \(lqApplications\(rq, a new menu will appear.
- Selecting \(lqWeb Browser\(rq in the new menu opens firefox.
- .IR dmenu (1),
- .IR 9menu (1),
- .IR thingmenu (1)