- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <err.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xresource.h>
- #include <X11/XKBlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
- #include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
- #include <Imlib2.h>
- #include "xmenu.h"
- /*
- * Function declarations
- */
- /* argument parser */
- static void parseposition(char *optarg);
- /* initializers, and their helper routines */
- static void parsefonts(const char *s);
- static void ealloccolor(const char *s, XftColor *color);
- static void initmonitor(void);
- static void initresources(void);
- static void initdc(void);
- static void initiconsize(void);
- static void initatoms(void);
- /* structure builders, and their helper routines */
- static struct Item *allocitem(const char *label, const char *output, char *file);
- static struct Menu *allocmenu(struct Menu *parent, struct Item *list, unsigned level);
- static struct Menu *buildmenutree(unsigned level, const char *label, const char *output, char *file);
- static struct Menu *parsestdin(void);
- /* text drawer, and its helper routine */
- static FcChar32 getnextutf8char(const char *s, const char **end_ret);
- static XftFont *getfontucode(FcChar32 ucode);
- static int drawtext(XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, int x, int y, unsigned h, const char *text);
- /* structure setters, and their helper routines */
- static void setupitems(struct Menu *menu);
- static void setupmenupos(struct Menu *menu);
- static void setupmenu(struct Menu *menu, XClassHint *classh);
- /* grabbers */
- static void grabpointer(void);
- static void grabkeyboard(void);
- /* item drawer, and its helper routine */
- static Imlib_Image loadicon(const char *file);
- static void drawitems(struct Menu *menu);
- /* menu drawers and mappers */
- static void drawmenus(struct Menu *currmenu);
- static void mapmenu(struct Menu *currmenu);
- /* getters */
- static struct Menu *getmenu(struct Menu *currmenu, Window win);
- static struct Item *getitem(struct Menu *menu, int y);
- /* cycle through items */
- static struct Item *itemcycle(struct Menu *currmenu, int direction);
- /* main event loop */
- static void run(struct Menu *currmenu);
- /* cleaners */
- static void cleanmenu(struct Menu *menu);
- static void cleanup(void);
- /* show usage */
- static void usage(void);
- /*
- * Variable declarations
- */
- /* X stuff */
- static Display *dpy;
- static int screen;
- static Visual *visual;
- static Window rootwin;
- static Colormap colormap;
- static struct DC dc;
- static struct Monitor mon;
- static Atom utf8string;
- static Atom wmdelete;
- static Atom netatom[NetLast];
- /* flags */
- static int iflag = 0; /* whether to disable icons */
- static int mflag = 0; /* whether the user specified a monitor with -p */
- static int pflag = 0; /* whether the user specified a position with -p */
- static int wflag = 0; /* whether to let the window manager control XMenu */
- /* include config variable */
- #include "config.h"
- /*
- * Function implementations
- */
- /* xmenu: generate menu from stdin and print selected entry to stdout */
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- struct Menu *rootmenu;
- XClassHint classh;
- int ch;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ip:w")) != -1) {
- switch (ch) {
- case 'i':
- iflag = 1;
- break;
- case 'p':
- pflag = 1;
- parseposition(optarg);
- break;
- case 'w':
- wflag = 1;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- break;
- }
- }
- argc -= optind;
- argv += optind;
- if (argc > 1)
- usage();
- /* open connection to server and set X variables */
- if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)
- errx(1, "could not open display");
- screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
- visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, screen);
- rootwin = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
- colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy, screen);
- /* imlib2 stuff */
- if (!iflag) {
- imlib_set_cache_size(2048 * 1024);
- imlib_context_set_dither(1);
- imlib_context_set_display(dpy);
- imlib_context_set_visual(visual);
- imlib_context_set_colormap(colormap);
- }
- /* initializers */
- initmonitor();
- initresources();
- initdc();
- initiconsize();
- initatoms();
- /* set window class */
- classh.res_class = PROGNAME;
- if (argc == 1)
- classh.res_name = *argv;
- else
- classh.res_name = PROGNAME;
- /* generate menus and set them up */
- rootmenu = parsestdin();
- if (rootmenu == NULL)
- errx(1, "no menu generated");
- setupmenu(rootmenu, &classh);
- /* grab mouse and keyboard */
- if (!wflag) {
- grabpointer();
- grabkeyboard();
- }
- /* run event loop */
- run(rootmenu);
- /* freeing stuff */
- cleanmenu(rootmenu);
- cleanup();
- return 0;
- }
- /* parse position string from -p,
- * put results on config.posx, config.posy, and config.monitor */
- static void
- parseposition(char *optarg)
- {
- long n;
- char *s = optarg;
- char *endp;
- n = strtol(s, &endp, 10);
- if (errno == ERANGE || n > INT_MAX || n < 0 || endp == s || *endp != 'x')
- goto error;
- config.posx = n;
- s = endp+1;
- n = strtol(s, &endp, 10);
- if (errno == ERANGE || n > INT_MAX || n < 0 || endp == s)
- goto error;
- config.posy = n;
- if (*endp == ':') {
- s = endp+1;
- mflag = 1;
- if (strncasecmp(s, "CUR", 3) == 0) {
- config.monitor = -1;
- endp = s+3;
- } else {
- n = strtol(s, &endp, 10);
- if (errno == ERANGE || n > INT_MAX || n < 0 || endp == s || *endp != '\0')
- goto error;
- config.monitor = n;
- }
- } else if (*endp != '\0') {
- goto error;
- }
- return;
- error:
- errx(1, "improper position: %s", optarg);
- }
- /* parse color string */
- static void
- parsefonts(const char *s)
- {
- const char *p;
- char buf[1024];
- size_t nfont = 0;
- dc.nfonts = 1;
- for (p = s; *p; p++)
- if (*p == ',')
- dc.nfonts++;
- if ((dc.fonts = calloc(dc.nfonts, sizeof *dc.fonts)) == NULL)
- err(1, "calloc");
- p = s;
- while (*p != '\0') {
- size_t i;
- i = 0;
- while (isspace(*p))
- p++;
- while (i < sizeof buf && *p != '\0' && *p != ',')
- buf[i++] = *p++;
- if (i >= sizeof buf)
- errx(1, "font name too long");
- if (*p == ',')
- p++;
- buf[i] = '\0';
- if (nfont == 0)
- if ((dc.pattern = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)buf)) == NULL)
- errx(1, "the first font in the cache must be loaded from a font string");
- if ((dc.fonts[nfont++] = XftFontOpenName(dpy, screen, buf)) == NULL)
- errx(1, "could not load font");
- }
- }
- /* get color from color string */
- static void
- ealloccolor(const char *s, XftColor *color)
- {
- if(!XftColorAllocName(dpy, visual, colormap, s, color))
- errx(1, "could not allocate color: %s", s);
- }
- /* query monitor information and cursor position */
- static void
- initmonitor(void)
- {
- XineramaScreenInfo *info = NULL;
- Window dw; /* dummy variable */
- int di; /* dummy variable */
- unsigned du; /* dummy variable */
- int cursx, cursy; /* cursor position */
- int nmons;
- int i;
- XQueryPointer(dpy, rootwin, &dw, &dw, &cursx, &cursy, &di, &di, &du);
- mon.x = mon.y = 0;
- mon.w = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen);
- mon.h = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen);
- if ((info = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &nmons)) != NULL) {
- int selmon = 0;
- if (!mflag || config.monitor < 0 || config.monitor >= nmons) {
- for (i = 0; i < nmons; i++) {
- if (BETWEEN(cursx, info[i].x_org, info[i].x_org + info[i].width) &&
- BETWEEN(cursy, info[i].y_org, info[i].y_org + info[i].height)) {
- selmon = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- selmon = config.monitor;
- }
- mon.x = info[selmon].x_org;
- mon.y = info[selmon].y_org;
- mon.w = info[selmon].width;
- mon.h = info[selmon].height;
- XFree(info);
- }
- if (!pflag) {
- config.posx = cursx;
- config.posy = cursy;
- } else if (mflag) {
- config.posx += mon.x;
- config.posy += mon.y;
- }
- }
- /* read xrdb for configuration options */
- static void
- initresources(void)
- {
- long n;
- char *type;
- char *xrm;
- XrmDatabase xdb;
- XrmValue xval;
- XrmInitialize();
- if ((xrm = XResourceManagerString(dpy)) == NULL)
- return;
- xdb = XrmGetStringDatabase(xrm);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.borderWidth", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- if ((n = strtol(xval.addr, NULL, 10)) > 0)
- config.border_pixels = n;
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.separatorWidth", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- if ((n = strtol(xval.addr, NULL, 10)) > 0)
- config.separator_pixels = n;
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.height", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- if ((n = strtol(xval.addr, NULL, 10)) > 0)
- config.height_pixels = n;
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.width", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- if ((n = strtol(xval.addr, NULL, 10)) > 0)
- config.width_pixels = n;
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.gap", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- if ((n = strtol(xval.addr, NULL, 10)) > 0)
- config.gap_pixels = n;
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.background", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.background_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.foreground", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.foreground_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.selbackground", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.selbackground_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.selforeground", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.selforeground_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.separator", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.separator_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.border", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.border_color = strdup(xval.addr);
- if (XrmGetResource(xdb, "xmenu.font", "*", &type, &xval) == True)
- config.font = strdup(xval.addr);
- XrmDestroyDatabase(xdb);
- }
- /* init draw context */
- static void
- initdc(void)
- {
- /* get color pixels */
- ealloccolor(config.background_color, &dc.normal[ColorBG]);
- ealloccolor(config.foreground_color, &dc.normal[ColorFG]);
- ealloccolor(config.selbackground_color, &dc.selected[ColorBG]);
- ealloccolor(config.selforeground_color, &dc.selected[ColorFG]);
- ealloccolor(config.separator_color, &dc.separator);
- ealloccolor(config.border_color, &dc.border);
- /* parse fonts */
- parsefonts(config.font);
- /* create common GC */
- dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, rootwin, 0, NULL);
- }
- /* calculate icon size */
- static void
- initiconsize(void)
- {
- config.iconsize = config.height_pixels - config.iconpadding * 2;
- }
- /* intern atoms */
- static void
- initatoms(void)
- {
- utf8string = XInternAtom(dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False);
- wmdelete = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
- netatom[NetWMName] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
- netatom[NetWMWindowType] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
- netatom[NetWMWindowTypePopupMenu] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU", False);
- }
- /* allocate an item */
- static struct Item *
- allocitem(const char *label, const char *output, char *file)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- if ((item = malloc(sizeof *item)) == NULL)
- err(1, "malloc");
- if (label == NULL) {
- item->label = NULL;
- item->output = NULL;
- } else {
- if ((item->label = strdup(label)) == NULL)
- err(1, "strdup");
- if (label == output) {
- item->output = item->label;
- } else {
- if ((item->output = strdup(output)) == NULL)
- err(1, "strdup");
- }
- }
- if (file == NULL) {
- item->file = NULL;
- } else {
- if ((item->file = strdup(file)) == NULL)
- err(1, "strdup");
- }
- item->y = 0;
- item->h = 0;
- item->next = NULL;
- item->submenu = NULL;
- item->icon = NULL;
- return item;
- }
- /* allocate a menu and create its window */
- static struct Menu *
- allocmenu(struct Menu *parent, struct Item *list, unsigned level)
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes swa;
- struct Menu *menu;
- if ((menu = malloc(sizeof *menu)) == NULL)
- err(1, "malloc");
- menu->parent = parent;
- menu->list = list;
- menu->caller = NULL;
- menu->selected = NULL;
- menu->w = 0; /* recalculated by setupmenu() */
- menu->h = 0; /* recalculated by setupmenu() */
- menu->x = mon.x; /* recalculated by setupmenu() */
- menu->y = mon.y; /* recalculated by setupmenu() */
- menu->level = level;
- menu->drawn = 0;
- menu->hasicon = 0;
- swa.override_redirect = (wflag) ? False : True;
- swa.background_pixel = dc.normal[ColorBG].pixel;
- swa.border_pixel = dc.border.pixel;
- swa.save_under = True; /* pop-up windows should save_under*/
- swa.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask
- | PointerMotionMask | LeaveWindowMask;
- if (wflag)
- swa.event_mask |= StructureNotifyMask;
- menu->win = XCreateWindow(dpy, rootwin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
- CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
- CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel |
- CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWSaveUnder,
- &swa);
- return menu;
- }
- /* build the menu tree */
- static struct Menu *
- buildmenutree(unsigned level, const char *label, const char *output, char *file)
- {
- static struct Menu *prevmenu = NULL; /* menu the previous item was added to */
- static struct Menu *rootmenu = NULL; /* menu to be returned */
- struct Item *curritem = NULL; /* item currently being read */
- struct Item *item; /* dummy item for loops */
- struct Menu *menu; /* dummy menu for loops */
- unsigned i;
- /* create the item */
- curritem = allocitem(label, output, file);
- /* put the item in the menu tree */
- if (prevmenu == NULL) { /* there is no menu yet */
- menu = allocmenu(NULL, curritem, level);
- rootmenu = menu;
- prevmenu = menu;
- curritem->prev = NULL;
- } else if (level < prevmenu->level) { /* item is continuation of a parent menu */
- /* go up the menu tree until find the menu this item continues */
- for (menu = prevmenu, i = level;
- menu != NULL && i != prevmenu->level;
- menu = menu->parent, i++)
- ;
- if (menu == NULL)
- errx(1, "improper indentation detected");
- /* find last item in the new menu */
- for (item = menu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- prevmenu = menu;
- item->next = curritem;
- curritem->prev = item;
- } else if (level == prevmenu->level) { /* item is a continuation of current menu */
- /* find last item in the previous menu */
- for (item = prevmenu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- item->next = curritem;
- curritem->prev = item;
- } else if (level > prevmenu->level) { /* item begins a new menu */
- menu = allocmenu(prevmenu, curritem, level);
- /* find last item in the previous menu */
- for (item = prevmenu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- prevmenu = menu;
- menu->caller = item;
- item->submenu = menu;
- curritem->prev = NULL;
- }
- if (curritem->file)
- prevmenu->hasicon = 1;
- return rootmenu;
- }
- /* create menus and items from the stdin */
- static struct Menu *
- parsestdin(void)
- {
- struct Menu *rootmenu;
- char *s, buf[BUFSIZ];
- char *file, *label, *output;
- unsigned level = 0;
- rootmenu = NULL;
- while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin) != NULL) {
- /* get the indentation level */
- level = strspn(buf, "\t");
- /* get the label */
- s = level + buf;
- label = strtok(s, "\t\n");
- /* get the filename */
- file = NULL;
- if (label != NULL && strncmp(label, "IMG:", 4) == 0) {
- file = label + 4;
- label = strtok(NULL, "\t\n");
- }
- /* get the output */
- output = strtok(NULL, "\n");
- if (output == NULL) {
- output = label;
- } else {
- while (*output == '\t')
- output++;
- }
- rootmenu = buildmenutree(level, label, output, file);
- }
- return rootmenu;
- }
- /* get next utf8 char from s return its codepoint and set next_ret to pointer to end of character */
- static FcChar32
- getnextutf8char(const char *s, const char **next_ret)
- {
- static const unsigned char utfbyte[] = {0x80, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0};
- static const unsigned char utfmask[] = {0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8};
- static const FcChar32 utfmin[] = {0, 0x00, 0x80, 0x800, 0x10000};
- static const FcChar32 utfmax[] = {0, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x10FFFF};
- /* 0xFFFD is the replacement character, used to represent unknown characters */
- static const FcChar32 unknown = 0xFFFD;
- FcChar32 ucode; /* FcChar32 type holds 32 bits */
- size_t usize = 0; /* n' of bytes of the utf8 character */
- size_t i;
- *next_ret = s+1;
- /* get code of first byte of utf8 character */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof utfmask; i++) {
- if (((unsigned char)*s & utfmask[i]) == utfbyte[i]) {
- usize = i;
- ucode = (unsigned char)*s & ~utfmask[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if first byte is a continuation byte or is not allowed, return unknown */
- if (i == sizeof utfmask || usize == 0)
- return unknown;
- /* check the other usize-1 bytes */
- s++;
- for (i = 1; i < usize; i++) {
- *next_ret = s+1;
- /* if byte is nul or is not a continuation byte, return unknown */
- if (*s == '\0' || ((unsigned char)*s & utfmask[0]) != utfbyte[0])
- return unknown;
- /* 6 is the number of relevant bits in the continuation byte */
- ucode = (ucode << 6) | ((unsigned char)*s & ~utfmask[0]);
- s++;
- }
- /* check if ucode is invalid or in utf-16 surrogate halves */
- if (!BETWEEN(ucode, utfmin[usize], utfmax[usize])
- || BETWEEN (ucode, 0xD800, 0xDFFF))
- return unknown;
- return ucode;
- }
- /* get which font contains a given code point */
- static XftFont *
- getfontucode(FcChar32 ucode)
- {
- FcCharSet *fccharset = NULL;
- FcPattern *fcpattern = NULL;
- FcPattern *match = NULL;
- XftFont *retfont = NULL;
- XftResult result;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < dc.nfonts; i++)
- if (XftCharExists(dpy, dc.fonts[i], ucode) == FcTrue)
- return dc.fonts[i];
- /* create a charset containing our code point */
- fccharset = FcCharSetCreate();
- FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, ucode);
- /* create a pattern akin to the dc.pattern but containing our charset */
- if (fccharset) {
- fcpattern = FcPatternDuplicate(dc.pattern);
- FcPatternAddCharSet(fcpattern, FC_CHARSET, fccharset);
- }
- /* find pattern matching fcpattern */
- if (fcpattern) {
- FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, fcpattern, FcMatchPattern);
- FcDefaultSubstitute(fcpattern);
- match = XftFontMatch(dpy, screen, fcpattern, &result);
- }
- /* if found a pattern, open its font */
- if (match) {
- retfont = XftFontOpenPattern(dpy, match);
- if (retfont && XftCharExists(dpy, retfont, ucode) == FcTrue) {
- if ((dc.fonts = realloc(dc.fonts, dc.nfonts+1)) == NULL)
- err(1, "realloc");
- dc.fonts[dc.nfonts] = retfont;
- return dc.fonts[dc.nfonts++];
- } else {
- XftFontClose(dpy, retfont);
- }
- }
- /* in case no fount was found, return the first one */
- return dc.fonts[0];
- }
- /* draw text into XftDraw, return width of text glyphs */
- static int
- drawtext(XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, int x, int y, unsigned h, const char *text)
- {
- int textwidth = 0;
- while (*text) {
- XftFont *currfont;
- XGlyphInfo ext;
- FcChar32 ucode;
- const char *next;
- size_t len;
- ucode = getnextutf8char(text, &next);
- currfont = getfontucode(ucode);
- len = next - text;
- XftTextExtentsUtf8(dpy, currfont, (XftChar8 *)text, len, &ext);
- textwidth += ext.xOff;
- if (draw) {
- int texty;
- texty = y + (h - (currfont->ascent + currfont->descent))/2 + currfont->ascent;
- XftDrawStringUtf8(draw, color, currfont, x, texty, (XftChar8 *)text, len);
- x += ext.xOff;
- }
- text = next;
- }
- return textwidth;
- }
- /* setup the height, width and icon of the items of a menu */
- static void
- setupitems(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- menu->w = config.width_pixels;
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- int itemwidth;
- int textwidth;
- item->y = menu->h;
- if (item->label == NULL) /* height for separator item */
- item->h = config.separator_pixels;
- else
- item->h = config.height_pixels;
- menu->h += item->h;
- if (item->label)
- textwidth = drawtext(NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, item->label);
- else
- textwidth = 0;
- /*
- * set menu width
- *
- * the item width depends on the size of its label (textwidth),
- * and it is only used to calculate the width of the menu (which
- * is equal to the width of the largest item).
- *
- * the horizontal padding appears 4 times through the width of a
- * item: before and after its icon, and before and after its triangle.
- * if the iflag is set (icons are disabled) then the horizontal
- * padding appears 3 times: before the label and around the triangle.
- */
- itemwidth = textwidth + config.triangle_width + config.horzpadding * 3;
- itemwidth += (iflag || !menu->hasicon) ? 0 : config.iconsize + config.horzpadding;
- menu->w = MAX(menu->w, itemwidth);
- }
- }
- /* setup the position of a menu */
- static void
- setupmenupos(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- int width, height;
- width = menu->w + config.border_pixels * 2;
- height = menu->h + config.border_pixels * 2;
- if (menu->parent == NULL) { /* if root menu, calculate in respect to cursor */
- if (pflag || (config.posx > mon.x && mon.x + mon.w - config.posx >= width))
- menu->x = config.posx;
- else if (config.posx > width)
- menu->x = config.posx - width;
- if (pflag || (config.posy > mon.y && mon.y + mon.h - config.posy >= height))
- menu->y = config.posy;
- else if (mon.y + mon.h > height)
- menu->y = mon.y + mon.h - height;
- } else { /* else, calculate in respect to parent menu */
- int parentwidth;
- parentwidth = menu->parent->x + menu->parent->w + config.border_pixels + config.gap_pixels;
- if (mon.x + mon.w - parentwidth >= width)
- menu->x = parentwidth;
- else if (menu->parent->x > menu->w + config.border_pixels + config.gap_pixels)
- menu->x = menu->parent->x - menu->w - config.border_pixels - config.gap_pixels;
- if (mon.y + mon.h - (menu->caller->y + menu->parent->y) >= height)
- menu->y = menu->caller->y + menu->parent->y;
- else if (mon.y + mon.h > height)
- menu->y = mon.y + mon.h - height;
- }
- }
- /* recursivelly setup menu configuration and its pixmap */
- static void
- setupmenu(struct Menu *menu, XClassHint *classh)
- {
- char *title;
- struct Item *item;
- XWindowChanges changes;
- XSizeHints sizeh;
- XTextProperty wintitle;
- /* setup size and position of menus */
- setupitems(menu);
- setupmenupos(menu);
- /* update menu geometry */
- changes.border_width = config.border_pixels;
- changes.height = menu->h;
- changes.width = menu->w;
- changes.x = menu->x;
- changes.y = menu->y;
- XConfigureWindow(dpy, menu->win, CWBorderWidth | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, &changes);
- /* set window title (used if wflag is on) */
- if (menu->parent == NULL) {
- title = classh->res_name;
- } else {
- title = menu->caller->output;
- }
- XStringListToTextProperty(&title, 1, &wintitle);
- /* set window manager hints */
- sizeh.flags = USPosition | PMaxSize | PMinSize;
- sizeh.min_width = sizeh.max_width = menu->w;
- sizeh.min_height = sizeh.max_height = menu->h;
- XSetWMProperties(dpy, menu->win, &wintitle, NULL, NULL, 0, &sizeh, NULL, classh);
- /* set WM protocols and ewmh window properties */
- XSetWMProtocols(dpy, menu->win, &wmdelete, 1);
- XChangeProperty(dpy, menu->win, netatom[NetWMName], utf8string, 8,
- PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)title, strlen(title));
- XChangeProperty(dpy, menu->win, netatom[NetWMWindowType], XA_ATOM, 32,
- PropModeReplace,
- (unsigned char *)&netatom[NetWMWindowTypePopupMenu], 1);
- /* calculate positions of submenus */
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- if (item->submenu != NULL)
- setupmenu(item->submenu, classh);
- }
- }
- /* try to grab pointer, we may have to wait for another process to ungrab */
- static void
- grabpointer(void)
- {
- struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000000 };
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- if (XGrabPointer(dpy, rootwin, True, ButtonPressMask,
- GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None,
- None, CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess)
- return;
- nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
- }
- errx(1, "could not grab pointer");
- }
- /* try to grab keyboard, we may have to wait for another process to ungrab */
- static void
- grabkeyboard(void)
- {
- struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000000 };
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- if (XGrabKeyboard(dpy, rootwin, True, GrabModeAsync,
- GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess)
- return;
- nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
- }
- errx(1, "could not grab keyboard");
- }
- /* load and scale icon */
- static Imlib_Image
- loadicon(const char *file)
- {
- Imlib_Image icon;
- Imlib_Load_Error errcode;
- const char *errstr;
- int width;
- int height;
- int imgsize;
- icon = imlib_load_image_with_error_return(file, &errcode);
- if (*file == '\0') {
- warnx("could not load icon (file name is blank)");
- return NULL;
- } else if (icon == NULL) {
- switch (errcode) {
- errstr = "file does not exist";
- break;
- errstr = "file is directory";
- break;
- errstr = "permission denied";
- break;
- errstr = "unknown file format";
- break;
- errstr = "path too long";
- break;
- errstr = "improper path";
- break;
- errstr = "too many symbolic links";
- break;
- errstr = "out of memory";
- break;
- errstr = "out of file descriptors";
- break;
- default:
- errstr = "unknown error";
- break;
- }
- warnx("could not load icon (%s): %s", errstr, file);
- return NULL;
- }
- imlib_context_set_image(icon);
- width = imlib_image_get_width();
- height = imlib_image_get_height();
- imgsize = MIN(width, height);
- icon = imlib_create_cropped_scaled_image(0, 0, imgsize, imgsize,
- config.iconsize,
- config.iconsize);
- return icon;
- }
- /* draw pixmap for the selected and unselected version of each item on menu */
- static void
- drawitems(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- XftDraw *dsel, *dunsel;
- int x, y;
- item->unsel = XCreatePixmap(dpy, menu->win, menu->w, item->h,
- DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.normal[ColorBG].pixel);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, item->unsel, dc.gc, 0, 0, menu->w, item->h);
- if (item->label == NULL) { /* item is separator */
- y = item->h/2;
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.separator.pixel);
- XDrawLine(dpy, item->unsel, dc.gc, config.horzpadding, y,
- menu->w - config.horzpadding, y);
- item->sel = item->unsel;
- } else {
- item->sel = XCreatePixmap(dpy, menu->win, menu->w, item->h,
- DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.selected[ColorBG].pixel);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, item->sel, dc.gc, 0, 0, menu->w, item->h);
- /* draw text */
- x = config.horzpadding;
- x += (iflag || !menu->hasicon) ? 0 : config.horzpadding + config.iconsize;
- dsel = XftDrawCreate(dpy, item->sel, visual, colormap);
- dunsel = XftDrawCreate(dpy, item->unsel, visual, colormap);
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.selected[ColorFG].pixel);
- drawtext(dsel, &dc.selected[ColorFG], x, 0, item->h, item->label);
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.normal[ColorFG].pixel);
- drawtext(dunsel, &dc.normal[ColorFG], x, 0, item->h, item->label);
- XftDrawDestroy(dsel);
- XftDrawDestroy(dunsel);
- /* draw triangle */
- if (item->submenu != NULL) {
- x = menu->w - config.triangle_width - config.horzpadding;
- y = (item->h - config.triangle_height + 1) / 2;
- XPoint triangle[] = {
- {x, y},
- {x + config.triangle_width, y + config.triangle_height/2},
- {x, y + config.triangle_height},
- {x, y}
- };
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.selected[ColorFG].pixel);
- XFillPolygon(dpy, item->sel, dc.gc, triangle, LEN(triangle),
- Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, dc.normal[ColorFG].pixel);
- XFillPolygon(dpy, item->unsel, dc.gc, triangle, LEN(triangle),
- Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- /* try to load icon */
- if (item->file && !iflag) {
- item->icon = loadicon(item->file);
- free(item->file);
- }
- /* draw icon if properly loaded */
- if (item->icon) {
- imlib_context_set_image(item->icon);
- imlib_context_set_drawable(item->sel);
- imlib_render_image_on_drawable(config.horzpadding, config.iconpadding);
- imlib_context_set_drawable(item->unsel);
- imlib_render_image_on_drawable(config.horzpadding, config.iconpadding);
- imlib_context_set_image(item->icon);
- imlib_free_image();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* copy pixmaps of items of the current menu and of its ancestors into menu window */
- static void
- drawmenus(struct Menu *currmenu)
- {
- struct Menu *menu;
- struct Item *item;
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent) {
- if (!menu->drawn) {
- drawitems(menu);
- menu->drawn = 1;
- }
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- if (item == menu->selected)
- XCopyArea(dpy, item->sel, menu->win, dc.gc, 0, 0,
- menu->w, item->h, 0, item->y);
- else
- XCopyArea(dpy, item->unsel, menu->win, dc.gc, 0, 0,
- menu->w, item->h, 0, item->y);
- }
- }
- }
- /* umap previous menus and map current menu and its parents */
- static void
- mapmenu(struct Menu *currmenu)
- {
- static struct Menu *prevmenu = NULL;
- struct Menu *menu, *menu_;
- struct Menu *lcamenu; /* lowest common ancestor menu */
- unsigned minlevel; /* level of the closest to root menu */
- unsigned maxlevel; /* level of the closest to root menu */
- /* do not remap current menu if it wasn't updated*/
- if (prevmenu == currmenu)
- return;
- /* if this is the first time mapping, skip calculations */
- if (prevmenu == NULL) {
- XMapWindow(dpy, currmenu->win);
- prevmenu = currmenu;
- return;
- }
- /* find lowest common ancestor menu */
- minlevel = MIN(currmenu->level, prevmenu->level);
- maxlevel = MAX(currmenu->level, prevmenu->level);
- if (currmenu->level == maxlevel) {
- menu = currmenu;
- menu_ = prevmenu;
- } else {
- menu = prevmenu;
- menu_ = currmenu;
- }
- while (menu->level > minlevel)
- menu = menu->parent;
- while (menu != menu_) {
- menu = menu->parent;
- menu_ = menu_->parent;
- }
- lcamenu = menu;
- /* unmap menus from currmenu (inclusive) until lcamenu (exclusive) */
- for (menu = prevmenu; menu != lcamenu; menu = menu->parent) {
- menu->selected = NULL;
- XUnmapWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- }
- /* map menus from currmenu (inclusive) until lcamenu (exclusive) */
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != lcamenu; menu = menu->parent) {
- if (wflag) {
- setupmenupos(menu);
- XMoveWindow(dpy, menu->win, menu->x, menu->y);
- }
- XMapWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- }
- prevmenu = currmenu;
- }
- /* get menu of given window */
- static struct Menu *
- getmenu(struct Menu *currmenu, Window win)
- {
- struct Menu *menu;
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent)
- if (menu->win == win)
- return menu;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* get item of given menu and position */
- static struct Item *
- getitem(struct Menu *menu, int y)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- if (menu == NULL)
- return NULL;
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next)
- if (y >= item->y && y <= item->y + item->h)
- return item;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* cycle through the items; non-zero direction is next, zero is prev */
- static struct Item *
- itemcycle(struct Menu *currmenu, int direction)
- {
- struct Item *item = NULL;
- struct Item *lastitem;
- for (lastitem = currmenu->list; lastitem && lastitem->next; lastitem = lastitem->next)
- ;
- /* select item (either separator or labeled item) in given direction */
- switch (direction) {
- case ITEMNEXT:
- if (currmenu->selected == NULL)
- item = currmenu->list;
- else if (currmenu->selected->next != NULL)
- item = currmenu->selected->next;
- break;
- case ITEMPREV:
- if (currmenu->selected == NULL)
- item = lastitem;
- else if (currmenu->selected->prev != NULL)
- item = currmenu->selected->prev;
- break;
- item = currmenu->list;
- break;
- case ITEMLAST:
- item = lastitem;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * the selected item can be a separator
- * let's select the closest labeled item (ie., one that isn't a separator)
- */
- switch (direction) {
- case ITEMNEXT:
- while (item != NULL && item->label == NULL)
- item = item->next;
- if (item == NULL)
- item = currmenu->list;
- break;
- case ITEMPREV:
- case ITEMLAST:
- while (item != NULL && item->label == NULL)
- item = item->prev;
- if (item == NULL)
- item = lastitem;
- break;
- }
- return item;
- }
- /* run event loop */
- static void
- run(struct Menu *currmenu)
- {
- struct Menu *menu;
- struct Item *item;
- struct Item *previtem = NULL;
- KeySym ksym;
- XEvent ev;
- mapmenu(currmenu);
- while (!XNextEvent(dpy, &ev)) {
- switch(ev.type) {
- case Expose:
- if (ev.xexpose.count == 0)
- drawmenus(currmenu);
- break;
- case MotionNotify:
- menu = getmenu(currmenu, ev.xbutton.window);
- item = getitem(menu, ev.xbutton.y);
- if (menu == NULL || item == NULL || previtem == item)
- break;
- previtem = item;
- menu->selected = item;
- if (item->submenu != NULL) {
- currmenu = item->submenu;
- currmenu->selected = NULL;
- } else {
- currmenu = menu;
- }
- mapmenu(currmenu);
- drawmenus(currmenu);
- break;
- case ButtonRelease:
- menu = getmenu(currmenu, ev.xbutton.window);
- item = getitem(menu, ev.xbutton.y);
- if (menu == NULL || item == NULL)
- break;
- selectitem:
- if (item->label == NULL)
- break; /* ignore separators */
- if (item->submenu != NULL) {
- currmenu = item->submenu;
- } else {
- printf("%s\n", item->output);
- return;
- }
- mapmenu(currmenu);
- currmenu->selected = currmenu->list;
- drawmenus(currmenu);
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- menu = getmenu(currmenu, ev.xbutton.window);
- if (menu == NULL)
- return;
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- ksym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(dpy, ev.xkey.keycode, 0, 0);
- /* esc closes xmenu when current menu is the root menu */
- if (ksym == XK_Escape && currmenu->parent == NULL)
- return;
- /* Shift-Tab = ISO_Left_Tab */
- if (ksym == XK_Tab && (ev.xkey.state & ShiftMask))
- ksym = XK_ISO_Left_Tab;
- /* cycle through menu */
- item = NULL;
- if (ksym == XK_Home || ksym == KSYMFIRST) {
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMFIRST);
- } else if (ksym == XK_End || ksym == KSYMLAST) {
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMLAST);
- } else if (ksym == XK_ISO_Left_Tab || ksym == XK_Up || ksym == KSYMUP) {
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMPREV);
- } else if (ksym == XK_Tab || ksym == XK_Down || ksym == KSYMDOWN) {
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMNEXT);
- } else if (ksym >= XK_1 && ksym <= XK_9){
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMFIRST);
- for(int i = ksym-XK_1; i > 0; i-=1){
- currmenu->selected = item;
- item = itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMNEXT);
- if (item == itemcycle(currmenu, ITEMLAST))
- break;
- }
- } else if ((ksym == XK_Return || ksym == XK_Right || ksym == KSYMRIGHT) &&
- currmenu->selected != NULL) {
- item = currmenu->selected;
- goto selectitem;
- } else if ((ksym == XK_Escape || ksym == XK_Left || ksym == KSYMLEFT) &&
- currmenu->parent != NULL) {
- item = currmenu->parent->selected;
- currmenu = currmenu->parent;
- mapmenu(currmenu);
- } else
- break;
- currmenu->selected = item;
- drawmenus(currmenu);
- break;
- case LeaveNotify:
- previtem = NULL;
- currmenu->selected = NULL;
- drawmenus(currmenu);
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- menu = getmenu(currmenu, ev.xconfigure.window);
- if (menu == NULL)
- break;
- menu->x = ev.xconfigure.x;
- menu->y = ev.xconfigure.y;
- break;
- case ClientMessage:
- if ((unsigned long) ev.xclient.data.l[0] != wmdelete)
- break;
- /* user closed window */
- menu = getmenu(currmenu, ev.xclient.window);
- if (menu->parent == NULL)
- return; /* closing the root menu closes the program */
- currmenu = menu->parent;
- mapmenu(currmenu);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* recursivelly free pixmaps and destroy windows */
- static void
- cleanmenu(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- struct Item *tmp;
- item = menu->list;
- while (item != NULL) {
- if (item->submenu != NULL)
- cleanmenu(item->submenu);
- tmp = item;
- if (menu->drawn) {
- XFreePixmap(dpy, item->unsel);
- if (tmp->label != NULL)
- XFreePixmap(dpy, item->sel);
- }
- if (tmp->label != tmp->output)
- free(tmp->label);
- free(tmp->output);
- item = item->next;
- free(tmp);
- }
- XDestroyWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- free(menu);
- }
- /* cleanup X and exit */
- static void
- cleanup(void)
- {
- size_t i;
- XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);
- XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, CurrentTime);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.normal[ColorBG]);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.normal[ColorFG]);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.selected[ColorBG]);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.selected[ColorFG]);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.separator);
- XftColorFree(dpy, visual, colormap, &dc.border);
- for (i = 0; i < dc.nfonts; i++)
- XftFontClose(dpy, dc.fonts[i]);
- XFreeGC(dpy, dc.gc);
- XCloseDisplay(dpy);
- }
- /* show usage */
- static void
- usage(void)
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: xmenu [-iw] [-p position] [title]\n");
- exit(1);
- }