A mirror of phillbush's xmenu.
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

128 行
3.2 KiB

  1. .TH PROG 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. xmenu \- menu utility for X
  5. .B xmenu
  7. .B xmenu
  8. is a menu for X,
  9. it reads a list of newline-separated items from stdin,
  10. shows a menu for the user to select one of the items,
  11. and outputs the item selected to stdout.
  12. .PP
  13. Each item read from stdin has the following format:
  14. .IP
  15. .EX
  17. .EE
  18. .PP
  19. That means that each item is composed by
  20. tabs, followed by an optional image specification, followed by tabs
  21. followed by a label, followed by more tabs, followed by an output,
  22. and ended by a newline. Brackets group optional elements.
  23. .IP
  24. The initial tabs indicate the menu hierarchy:
  25. items indented with a tab is shown in a submenu of the preceding item not indented.
  26. An item without initial tabs is a top-level item.
  27. .IP
  28. The image is a string of the form "IMG:/path/to/image.png".
  29. It specifies a image to be shown as icon at the left of the entry.
  30. .IP
  31. The label is the string that will be shown as a item in the menu.
  32. An item without label is considered a separator and is drawn as a thin line in the menu
  33. separating the item above from the item below.
  34. .IP
  35. The output is the string that will be output after selecting the item.
  36. If an item does not have an output, its label is used as its output.
  37. .IP
  38. The newline terminates the item specification.
  39. .SH USAGE
  40. .B xmenu
  41. is controlled by the mouse,
  42. but can also be controlled by the keyboard.
  43. Items can be selected using the arrow keys,
  44. Tab (with and without Shift),
  45. Enter and Esc.
  46. .TP
  47. .BR Down ", " Tab
  48. Cycle through the items in the regular direction.
  49. .TP
  50. .BR Up ", " Shift-Tab
  51. Cycle through the items in the reverse direction.
  52. .TP
  53. .BR Right ", " Enter
  54. Select the highlighted item.
  55. .TP
  56. .B Left
  57. Go to the menu above.
  58. .TP
  59. .B Esc
  60. Go to the menu above or exit xmenu.
  62. .B
  63. xmenu
  64. understands the following X resources.
  65. .TP
  66. .B xmenu.font
  67. The font in which the labels should be drawn.
  68. .TP
  69. .B xmenu.background
  70. The background color of non-selected itens in the menu.
  71. .TP
  72. .B xmenu.foreground
  73. The color of the label text of non-selected itens in the menu.
  74. .TP
  75. .B xmenu.selbackground
  76. The background color of selected itens in the menu.
  77. .TP
  78. .B xmenu.selforeground
  79. The color of the label text of selected itens in the menu.
  80. .TP
  81. .B xmenu.border
  82. The color of the border around the menu.
  83. .TP
  84. .B xmenu.separator
  85. The color of the separator between itens in the menu.
  86. .TP
  87. .B xmenu.width
  88. The minimum width, in pixels, of the items in the menu.
  89. .TP
  90. .B xmenu.padding
  91. The size in pixels of the padding around the label text in items in the menu.
  92. .TP
  93. .B xmenu.borderWidth
  94. The size in pixels of the border around the menu.
  95. .TP
  96. .B xmenu.separatorWidth
  97. The size in pixels of the item separator.
  99. The following is an script exemplifying the use of
  100. .BR xmenu .
  101. The output is redirected to
  102. .IR sh (1),
  103. creating a command to be run by the shell.
  104. .IP
  105. .EX
  106. #!/bin/sh
  107. cat <<EOF | xmenu | sh &
  108. Applications
  109. IMG:./web.png Web Browser firefox
  110. Image editor gimp
  111. Terminal (xterm) xterm
  112. Terminal (urxvt) urxvt
  113. Terminal (st) st
  114. Shutdown poweroff
  115. Reboot reboot
  116. EOF
  117. .EE
  118. .PP
  119. For example, by selecting \(lqApplications\(rq, a new menu will appear.
  120. Selecting \(lqWeb Browser\(rq in the new menu will open firefox.
  121. .SH SEE ALSO
  122. .IR dmenu (1),
  123. .IR 9menu (1),
  124. .IR thingmenu (1)