- #include <err.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- /* macros */
- #define LEN(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0]))
- #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
- #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
- /* color enum */
- enum {ColorFG, ColorBG, ColorLast};
- /* draw context structure */
- struct DC {
- unsigned long unpressed[ColorLast];
- unsigned long pressed[ColorLast];
- unsigned long decoration[ColorLast];
- Drawable d;
- GC gc;
- XFontStruct *font;
- int fonth;
- };
- /* menu geometry structure */
- struct Geometry {
- int itemb; /* item border */
- int itemw; /* item width */
- int itemh; /* item height */
- int border; /* window border width */
- int separator; /* menu separator width */
- };
- /* screen geometry structure */
- struct ScreenGeometry {
- int cursx, cursy; /* cursor position */
- int screenw, screenh; /* screen width and height */
- };
- /* menu item structure */
- struct Item {
- char *label; /* string to be drawed on menu */
- char *output; /* string to be outputed when item is clicked */
- int y; /* item y position relative to menu */
- int h; /* item height */
- size_t labellen; /* strlen(label) */
- struct Item *next; /* next item */
- struct Menu *submenu; /* submenu spawned by clicking on item */
- };
- /* menu structure */
- struct Menu {
- struct Menu *parent; /* parent menu */
- struct Item *caller; /* item that spawned the menu */
- struct Item *list; /* list of items contained by the menu */
- struct Item *selected; /* item currently selected in the menu */
- int x, y, w, h; /* menu geometry */
- unsigned level; /* menu level relative to root */
- Drawable pixmap; /* pixmap to draw the menu on */
- Window win; /* menu window to map on the screen */
- };
- /* function declarations */
- static unsigned long getcolor(const char *s);
- static void setupdc(void);
- static void setupgeom(void);
- static void setupgrab(void);
- static struct Item *allocitem(const char *label, const char *output);
- static struct Menu *allocmenu(struct Menu *parent, struct Item *list, unsigned level);
- static void getmenuitem(Window win, int y, struct Menu **menu_ret, struct Item **item_ret);
- static void drawmenu(void);
- static void calcscreengeom(void);
- static void calcmenu(struct Menu *menu);
- static void setcurrmenu(struct Menu *currmenu_new);
- static void parsestdin(void);
- static void run(void);
- static void freewindow(struct Menu *menu);
- static void cleanup(void);
- static void usage(void);
- /* X variables */
- static Colormap colormap;
- static Display *dpy;
- static Window rootwin;
- static int screen;
- static struct DC dc;
- /* menu variables */
- static struct Menu *rootmenu = NULL;
- static struct Menu *currmenu = NULL;
- /* geometry variables */
- static struct Geometry geom;
- static struct ScreenGeometry screengeom;
- /* flag variables */
- static Bool override_redirect = True;
- #include "config.h"
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int ch;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "w")) != -1) {
- switch (ch) {
- case 'w':
- override_redirect = False;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- break;
- }
- }
- argc -= optind;
- argv += optind;
- /* open connection to server and set X variables */
- if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)
- errx(1, "cannot open display");
- screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
- rootwin = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
- colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy, screen);
- /* setup */
- setupdc();
- setupgeom();
- setupgrab();
- /* generate menus and recalculate them */
- parsestdin();
- if (rootmenu == NULL)
- errx(1, "no menu generated");
- calcscreengeom();
- calcmenu(rootmenu);
- /* map root menu */
- currmenu = rootmenu;
- XMapWindow(dpy, rootmenu->win);
- /* run event loop */
- run();
- cleanup();
- return 0;
- }
- /* get color from color string */
- static unsigned long
- getcolor(const char *s)
- {
- XColor color;
- if(!XAllocNamedColor(dpy, colormap, s, &color, &color))
- errx(1, "cannot allocate color: %s", s);
- return color.pixel;
- }
- /* init draw context */
- static void
- setupdc(void)
- {
- /* get color pixels */
- dc.unpressed[ColorBG] = getcolor(UNPRESSEDBG);
- dc.unpressed[ColorFG] = getcolor(UNPRESSEDFG);
- dc.pressed[ColorBG] = getcolor(PRESSEDBG);
- dc.pressed[ColorFG] = getcolor(PRESSEDFG);
- dc.decoration[ColorBG] = getcolor(DECORATIONBG);
- dc.decoration[ColorFG] = getcolor(DECORATIONFG);
- /* try to get font */
- if ((dc.font = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FONT)) == NULL)
- errx(1, "cannot load font");
- dc.fonth = dc.font->ascent + dc.font->descent;
- /* create GC and set its font */
- dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, rootwin, 0, NULL);
- XSetFont(dpy, dc.gc, dc.font->fid);
- }
- /* init menu geometry values */
- static void
- setupgeom(void)
- {
- geom.itemb = ITEMB;
- geom.itemh = dc.fonth + ITEMB * 2;
- geom.itemw = ITEMW;
- geom.border = BORDER;
- geom.separator = SEPARATOR;
- }
- /* grab pointer */
- static void
- setupgrab(void)
- {
- XGrabPointer(dpy, rootwin, True, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
- GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime);
- }
- /* allocate an item */
- static struct Item *
- allocitem(const char *label, const char *output)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- if ((item = malloc(sizeof *item)) == NULL)
- err(1, "malloc");
- if (*label == '\0') {
- item->label = NULL;
- item->output = NULL;
- } else {
- if ((item->label = strdup(label)) == NULL)
- err(1, "strdup");
- if ((item->output = strdup(output)) == NULL)
- err(1, "strdup");
- }
- item->y = 0;
- item->h = item->label ? geom.itemh : geom.separator;
- if (item->label == NULL)
- item->labellen = 0;
- else
- item->labellen = strlen(item->label);
- item->next = NULL;
- item->submenu = NULL;
- return item;
- }
- /* allocate a menu */
- static struct Menu *
- allocmenu(struct Menu *parent, struct Item *list, unsigned level)
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes swa;
- struct Menu *menu;
- if ((menu = malloc(sizeof *menu)) == NULL)
- err(1, "malloc");
- menu->parent = parent;
- menu->list = list;
- menu->caller = NULL;
- menu->selected = NULL;
- menu->w = geom.itemw;
- menu->h = 0; /* calculated by calcmenu() */
- menu->x = 0; /* calculated by calcmenu() */
- menu->y = 0; /* calculated by calcmenu() */
- menu->level = level;
- swa.override_redirect = override_redirect;
- swa.background_pixel = dc.decoration[ColorBG];
- swa.border_pixel = dc.decoration[ColorFG];
- swa.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask
- | PointerMotionMask | LeaveWindowMask;
- menu->win = XCreateWindow(dpy, rootwin, 0, 0, geom.itemw, geom.itemh, geom.border,
- CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
- CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask,
- &swa);
- return menu;
- }
- /* create menus and items from the stdin */
- static void
- parsestdin(void)
- {
- char *s, buf[BUFSIZ];
- char *label, *output;
- unsigned level = 0;
- unsigned i;
- struct Item *curritem = NULL; /* item currently being read */
- struct Menu *prevmenu = NULL; /* menu the previous item was added to */
- struct Item *item; /* dummy item for for loops */
- struct Menu *menu; /* dummy menu for for loops */
- size_t count = 0; /* number of items in the current menu */
- while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, stdin) != NULL) {
- level = 0;
- s = buf;
- while (*s == '\t') {
- level++;
- s++;
- }
- label = output = s;
- while (*s != '\0' && *s != '\t' && *s != '\n')
- s++;
- while (*s == '\t')
- *s++ = '\0';
- if (*s != '\0' && *s != '\n')
- output = s;
- while (*s != '\0' && *s != '\n')
- s++;
- if (*s == '\n')
- *s = '\0';
- curritem = allocitem(label, output);
- if (prevmenu == NULL) { /* there is no menu yet */
- menu = allocmenu(NULL, curritem, level);
- rootmenu = menu;
- prevmenu = menu;
- count = 1;
- } else if (level < prevmenu->level) { /* item is continuation of a parent menu*/
- for (menu = prevmenu, i = level;
- menu != NULL && i < prevmenu->level;
- menu = menu->parent, i++)
- ;
- if (menu == NULL)
- errx(1, "reached NULL menu");
- for (item = menu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- item->next = curritem;
- prevmenu = menu;
- } else if (level == prevmenu->level) { /* item is a continuation of current menu */
- for (item = prevmenu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- item->next = curritem;
- } else if (level > prevmenu->level) { /* item begins a new menu */
- menu = allocmenu(prevmenu, curritem, level);
- for (item = prevmenu->list; item->next != NULL; item = item->next)
- ;
- item->submenu = menu;
- menu->caller = item;
- prevmenu = menu;
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- /* calculate screen geometry */
- static void
- calcscreengeom(void)
- {
- Window w1, w2; /* unused variables */
- int a, b; /* unused variables */
- unsigned mask; /* unused variable */
- XQueryPointer(dpy, rootwin, &w1, &w2, &screengeom.cursx, &screengeom.cursy, &a, &b, &mask);
- screengeom.screenw = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen);
- screengeom.screenh = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen);
- }
- /* recursivelly calculate height and position of the menus */
- static void
- calcmenu(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- XWindowChanges changes;
- XSizeHints sizeh;
- struct Item *item;
- int labelwidth;
- /* calculate items positions and menu width and height */
- menu->w = geom.itemw;
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- item->y = menu->h;
- if (item->label == NULL) /* height for separator item */
- menu->h += geom.separator;
- else
- menu->h += geom.itemh;
- labelwidth = XTextWidth(dc.font, item->label, item->labellen) + dc.fonth * 2;
- menu->w = MAX(menu->w, labelwidth);
- }
- /* calculate menu's x and y positions */
- if (menu->parent == NULL) { /* if root menu, calculate in respect to cursor */
- if (screengeom.screenw - screengeom.cursx >= menu->w)
- menu->x = screengeom.cursx;
- else if (screengeom.cursx > menu->w)
- menu->x = screengeom.cursx - menu->w;
- if (screengeom.screenh - screengeom.cursy >= menu->h)
- menu->y = screengeom.cursy;
- else if (screengeom.screenh > menu->h)
- menu->y = screengeom.screenh - menu->h;
- } else { /* else, calculate in respect to parent menu */
- /* search for the item in parent menu that generates this menu */
- for (item = menu->parent->list; item->submenu != menu; item = item->next)
- ;
- if (screengeom.screenw - (menu->parent->x + menu->parent->w) >= menu->w)
- menu->x = menu->parent->x + menu->parent->w;
- else if (menu->parent->x > menu->w)
- menu->x = menu->parent->x - menu->w;
- if (screengeom.screenh - (item->y + menu->parent->y) > menu->h)
- menu->y = item->y + menu->parent->y;
- else if (screengeom.screenh - menu->parent->y > menu->h)
- menu->y = menu->parent->y;
- else if (screengeom.screenh > menu->h)
- menu->y = screengeom.screenh - menu->h;
- }
- /* update menu geometry */
- changes.height = menu->h;
- changes.width = menu->w;
- changes.x = menu->x;
- changes.y = menu->y;
- XConfigureWindow(dpy, menu->win, CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY, &changes);
- /* set window manager size hints */
- sizeh.flags = PMaxSize | PMinSize;
- sizeh.min_width = sizeh.max_width = menu->w;
- sizeh.min_height = sizeh.max_height = menu->h;
- XSetWMNormalHints(dpy, menu->win, &sizeh);
- /* create pixmap */
- menu->pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, menu->win, menu->w, menu->h,
- DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
- /* calculate positions of submenus */
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- if (item->submenu != NULL)
- calcmenu(item->submenu);
- }
- }
- /* get menu and item of given window and position */
- static void
- getmenuitem(Window win, int y,
- struct Menu **menu_ret, struct Item **item_ret)
- {
- struct Menu *menu = NULL;
- struct Item *item = NULL;
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent) {
- if (menu->win == win) {
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- if (y >= item->y && y <= item->y + item->h) {
- goto done;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- done:
- *menu_ret = menu;
- *item_ret = item;
- }
- /* set currentmenu to menu, umap previous menus and map current menu and its parents */
- static void
- setcurrmenu(struct Menu *currmenu_new)
- {
- struct Menu *menu, *menu_;
- struct Item *item;
- struct Menu *lcamenu; /* lowest common ancestor menu */
- unsigned minlevel; /* level of the closest to root menu */
- unsigned maxlevel; /* level of the closest to root menu */
- if (currmenu_new == currmenu)
- return;
- /* find lowest common ancestor menu */
- lcamenu = rootmenu;
- if (currmenu != NULL) {
- minlevel = MIN(currmenu_new->level, currmenu->level);
- maxlevel = MAX(currmenu_new->level, currmenu->level);
- if (currmenu_new->level == maxlevel) {
- menu = currmenu_new;
- menu_ = currmenu;
- } else {
- menu = currmenu;
- menu_ = currmenu_new;
- }
- while (menu->level > minlevel)
- menu = menu->parent;
- while (menu != menu_) {
- menu = menu->parent;
- menu_ = menu_->parent;
- }
- lcamenu = menu;
- }
- /* unmap menus from currmenu (inclusive) until lcamenu (exclusive) */
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != lcamenu; menu = menu->parent) {
- XUnmapWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- }
- currmenu = currmenu_new;
- /* map menus from currmenu (inclusive) until lcamenu (exclusive) */
- item = NULL;
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != lcamenu; menu = menu->parent) {
- XMapWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- if (item != NULL)
- menu->selected = item;
- item = menu->caller;
- }
- }
- /* draw items of the current menu and of its ancestors */
- static void
- drawmenu(void)
- {
- struct Menu *menu;
- struct Item *item;
- for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent) {
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
- unsigned long *color;
- int labelx, labely;
- /* determine item color */
- if (item->label == NULL)
- color = dc.decoration;
- else if (item == menu->selected)
- color = dc.pressed;
- else
- color = dc.unpressed;
- /* draw item box */
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, color[ColorBG]);
- XDrawRectangle(dpy, menu->pixmap, dc.gc, 0, item->y,
- menu->w, item->h);
- XFillRectangle(dpy, menu->pixmap, dc.gc, 0, item->y,
- menu->w, item->h);
- /* continue if item is a separator */
- if (item->label == NULL)
- continue;
- /* draw item label */
- labelx = 0 + dc.fonth;
- labely = item->y + dc.fonth + geom.itemb;
- XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, color[ColorFG]);
- XDrawString(dpy, menu->pixmap, dc.gc, labelx, labely,
- item->label, item->labellen);
- /* draw triangle, if item contains a submenu */
- if (item->submenu != NULL) {
- int trianglex = menu->w - dc.fonth + geom.itemb - 1;
- int triangley = item->y + (3 * item->h)/8 -1;
- XPoint triangle[] = {
- {trianglex, triangley},
- {trianglex + item->h/8 + 1, item->y + item->h/2},
- {trianglex, triangley + item->h/4 + 2},
- {trianglex, triangley}
- };
- XFillPolygon(dpy, menu->pixmap, dc.gc, triangle, LEN(triangle),
- Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- XCopyArea(dpy, menu->pixmap, menu->win, dc.gc, 0, item->y,
- menu->w, item->h, 0, item->y);
- }
- }
- }
- /* run event loop */
- static void
- run(void)
- {
- struct Menu *menu;
- struct Item *item;
- struct Item *previtem = NULL;
- XEvent ev;
- while (!XNextEvent(dpy, &ev)) {
- switch(ev.type) {
- case Expose:
- drawmenu();
- break;
- case MotionNotify:
- getmenuitem(ev.xbutton.window, ev.xbutton.y, &menu, &item);
- if (menu != NULL && item != NULL) {
- if (previtem != item) {
- if (item->submenu != NULL)
- setcurrmenu(item->submenu);
- else
- setcurrmenu(menu);
- previtem = item;
- drawmenu();
- } else if (menu->selected != item) {
- menu->selected = item;
- drawmenu();
- }
- }
- break;
- case ButtonRelease:
- getmenuitem(ev.xbutton.window, ev.xbutton.y, &menu, &item);
- if (menu != NULL && item != NULL) {
- if (item->label == NULL)
- break; /* ignore separators */
- if (item->submenu != NULL) {
- setcurrmenu(item->submenu);
- } else {
- printf("%s\n", item->output);
- return;
- }
- drawmenu();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- break;
- case LeaveNotify:
- currmenu->selected = NULL;
- drawmenu();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* recursivelly free a pixmap */
- static void
- freewindow(struct Menu *menu)
- {
- struct Item *item;
- for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next)
- if (item->submenu != NULL)
- freewindow(item->submenu);
- XFreePixmap(dpy, menu->pixmap);
- XDestroyWindow(dpy, menu->win);
- }
- /* cleanup and exit */
- static void
- cleanup(void)
- {
- freewindow(rootmenu);
- XFreeFont(dpy, dc.font);
- XFreeGC(dpy, dc.gc);
- XCloseDisplay(dpy);
- }
- /* show usage */
- static void
- usage(void)
- {
- (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: xmenu [-w]\n");
- exit(1);
- }