Quellcode durchsuchen

Added separators

Now lines without labels in the input generate a menu separator.
phillbush vor 4 Jahren
3 geänderte Dateien mit 44 neuen und 22 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +3
  2. +27
  3. +14

+ 3
- 1
README Datei anzeigen

@@ -22,5 +22,7 @@ build and install dwm (if necessary as root).
xmenu receives as input a menu specification where each line is a menu
entry. Each line can be indented with tabs to represent nested menus.
Each line is made out of a label and a command separated by any number
of tabs.
of tabs. Lines without labels are menu separators.

See the script ./xmenu.sh for an example of how xmenu can be used to
draw a simple menu with submenus and separators.

+ 27
- 21
xmenu.c Datei anzeigen

@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ struct ScreenGeometry {
struct Item {
char *label;
char *output;
int y; /* only y is necessary, item's x is always 0 relative to the menu*/
int y;
int h;
struct Item *next;
struct Menu *submenu;
@@ -199,11 +200,17 @@ allocitem(const char *label, const char *output)

if ((item = malloc(sizeof *item)) == NULL)
err(1, "malloc");
if ((item->label = strdup(label)) == NULL)
err(1, "strdup");
if ((item->output = strdup(output)) == NULL)
err(1, "strdup");
if (*label == '\0') {
item->label = NULL;
item->output = NULL;
} else {
if ((item->label = strdup(label)) == NULL)
err(1, "strdup");
if ((item->output = strdup(output)) == NULL)
err(1, "strdup");
item->y = 0;
item->h = item->label ? geom.itemh : geom.separator;
item->next = NULL;
item->submenu = NULL;

@@ -343,7 +350,7 @@ calcmenu(struct Menu *menu)
/* calculate items positions and menu height */
for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
item->y = menu->h;
if (*item->label == '\0') /* height for separator item */
if (item->label == NULL) /* height for separator item */
menu->h += geom.separator;
menu->h += geom.itemh;
@@ -403,7 +410,7 @@ getmenuitem(Window win, int y,
for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent) {
if (menu->win == win) {
for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
if (y >= item->y && y <= item->y + geom.itemh) {
if (y >= item->y && y <= item->y + item->h) {
goto done;
@@ -443,40 +450,39 @@ drawmenu(void)
struct Item *item;

for (menu = currmenu; menu != NULL; menu = menu->parent) {
size_t nitems; /* number of items before current item */

nitems = 0;
for (item = menu->list; item != NULL; item = item->next) {
unsigned long *color;
size_t labellen;
int labelx, labely;
int y;

/* determine item color */
if (item == menu->selected)
if (item->label == NULL)
color = dc.decoration;
else if (item == menu->selected)
color = dc.pressed;
color = dc.unpressed;

/* calculate item's y position */
y = nitems * geom.itemh;

/* draw item box */
XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, color[ColorBG]);
XFillRectangle(dpy, menu->win, dc.gc, 0, y,
geom.itemw, geom.itemh);
XFillRectangle(dpy, menu->win, dc.gc, 0, item->y,
geom.itemw, item->h);

/* continue if item is a separator */
if (item->label == NULL)

/* draw item label */
labellen = strlen(item->label);
labelx = 0 + dc.fonth;
labely = y + dc.fonth + geom.itemb;
labely = item->y + dc.fonth + geom.itemb;
XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, color[ColorFG]);
XDrawString(dpy, menu->win, dc.gc, labelx, labely, item->label, labellen);

/* draw triangle, if item contains a submenu */
if (item->submenu != NULL) {
int trianglex = geom.itemw - (geom.itemb + dc.fonth);
int triangley = y + geom.itemb;
int triangley = item->y + geom.itemb;

XPoint triangle[] = {
{trianglex, triangley},
@@ -488,8 +494,6 @@ drawmenu(void)
XFillPolygon(dpy, menu->win, dc.gc, triangle, LEN(triangle),
Convex, CoordModeOrigin);

@@ -527,6 +531,8 @@ run(void)
case ButtonRelease:
getmenuitem(ev.xbutton.window, ev.xbutton.y, &menu, &item);
if (menu != NULL && item != NULL) {
if (item->label == NULL)
break; /* ignore separators */
if (item->submenu != NULL) {
} else {

+ 14
- 0
xmenu.sh Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

cat <<EOF | ./xmenu | xargs sh -c
Web Browser firefox
Image editor gimp
Terminal (xterm) xterm
Terminal (urxvt) urxvt
Terminal (st) st

Shutdown poweroff
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