123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188 |
- #!/usr/bin/python3
- from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QLabel,
- QPushButton, QSlider,
- QLineEdit, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout,
- QDialog, QGroupBox, QTabWidget, QErrorMessage,
- QListWidgetItem, QGridLayout, QTextEdit,
- QComboBox, QToolBar, QInputDialog, QAction,
- QStackedWidget, QTextBrowser)
- from PySide2.QtCore import (Qt, QThread, Signal, QDir, QProcess,
- QCoreApplication)
- from PySide2.QtGui import (QIcon, QMovie)
- import sys, subprocess, trio, io
- class UpdatePrompt(QDialog):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.makeView()
- return
- def makeView(self):
- layout = QVBoxLayout()
- btnLayout = QHBoxLayout()
- self.centStack = QStackedWidget()
- updateButton = QPushButton('Update')
- cancelButton = QPushButton('Cancel')
- notifyLabel = QLabel('There are updates scheduled')
- self.inputBox = QLineEdit()
- self.outputBox = QTextBrowser()
- #refreshIcon = QIcon.fromTheme('process-working')
- self.refreshIcon = QMovie('assets/spin3.gif')
- refreshAnimation = QLabel()
- layout.addWidget(notifyLabel)
- layout.addWidget(self.centStack)
- layout.addWidget(self.inputBox)
- layout.addLayout(btnLayout)
- btnLayout.addWidget(cancelButton)
- btnLayout.addWidget(updateButton)
- self.centStack.addWidget(refreshAnimation)
- self.centStack.addWidget(self.outputBox)
- refreshAnimation.setMovie(self.refreshIcon)
- refreshAnimation.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
- self.refreshIcon.start()
- self.inputBox.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password)
- self.inputBox.setFocus()
- self.inputBox.returnPressed.connect(self.pkgUpdates)
- updateButton.clicked.connect(self.pkgUpdates)
- cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.cancelUpdates)
- self.centStack.setCurrentIndex(1)
- notifyLabel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
- self.outputBox.setReadOnly(True)
- #self.outputBox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
- self.setWindowTitle('Package Updates')
- self.setLayout(layout)
- self.resize(450, 250)
- return
- async def asetup(self, password):
- async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
- finishedState = trio.Event()
- nursery.start_soon(self.upProc, password, 'update', finishedState)
- #nursery.start_soon(self.KEAlive, finishedState)
- return
- async def upProc(self, password, cmd, finishedState):
- # proc = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', '-S', 'apt-get', cmd, '-y'],
- # stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- # stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- proc = await trio.open_process(['sudo', '-S', 'apt-get', cmd, '-y'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- await proc.stdin.send_all((password + '\n').encode())
- result = ''
- while (proc.poll() == None):
- QCoreApplication.processEvents()
- await trio.sleep(0.1)
- #a = await proc.stdout.receive_some()
- #a = a.decode()
- #print(a)
- #result = result + a
- #stdout = result.stdout.decode()
- result = await self.pullOutput(proc)
- self.appendToOutput(result)
- proc.terminate()
- if (cmd == 'update'):
- await self.upProc(password, 'upgrade', finishedState)
- finishedState.set()
- return
- async def pseudoSleep(self, intervals):
- i = 0
- return
- async def pullOutput(self, proc):
- x = await proc.stdout.receive_some()
- x = x.decode()
- result = ''
- while (x != ''):
- QCoreApplication.processEvents()
- result = result + x
- x = await proc.stdout.receive_some()
- x = x.decode()
- return result
- async def KEAlive(self, finishedState):
- while finishedState.is_set():
- QCoreApplication.processEvents()
- trio.sleep(0.1)
- return
- return
- def appendToOutput(self, add):
- currentText = self.outputBox.toPlainText()
- self.outputBox.setText(currentText + 'Running updates\n' + add + '\n')
- print (add)
- return
- def pkgUpdates(self):
- self.centStack.setCurrentIndex(0)
- self.refreshIcon.start()
- QCoreApplication.processEvents()
- password = self.inputBox.text()
- if (password == ''):
- self.passError('The password field cannot be empty')
- return
- # password = password.encode()
- # result = subprocess.run(['sudo', '-S', 'apt-get', 'update'],
- # stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=password)
- # result = subprocess.run(['sudo', '-S', 'apt-get', 'upgrade', '-y'],
- # stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=password)
- # stdout = result.stdout.decode()
- # currentText = self.outputBox.toPlainText()
- # self.outputBox.setText(currentText + '\nRunning upgrades\n' + stdout)
- # result = subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt', 'upgrade', '-y'],
- # stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=password)
- # currentText = self.outputBox.toPlainText()
- # self.outputBox.setText(currentText + '\n' + stdout)
- #self.refreshIcon.stop()
- trio.run(self.asetup, password)
- self.centStack.setCurrentIndex(1)
- self.refreshIcon.stop()
- return
- def passError(self, s):
- passError = QDialog(self)
- msg = QLabel(s)
- layout = QVBoxLayout()
- layout.addWidget(msg)
- passError.setLayout(layout)
- okBtn = QPushButton('OK')
- okBtn.clicked.connect(passError.reject)
- layout.addWidget(okBtn)
- passError.exec_()
- return
- def cancelUpdates(self):
- self.reject()
- return
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = QApplication([])
- view = UpdatePrompt()
- view.show()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())