link = $link; $this->email = $email; } /** * Get the notification's delivery channels. * * @param mixed $notifiable * @return array */ public function via($notifiable) { return ['mail']; } /** * Get the mail representation of the notification. * * @param mixed $notifiable * @return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage */ public function toMail($notifiable) { return (new MailMessage) ->line('An email change has been requested. Please confirm your new address by clicking the link below.') ->action('Confirm', $this->link) ->to($this->email) ->line('If you do not recognize this activity, please disregard this email.'); } /** * Get the array representation of the notification. * * @param mixed $notifiable * @return array */ public function toArray($notifiable) { return [ // ]; } }