- /* Copyright 2011-2013 Bert Muennich
- *
- * This file is part of sxiv.
- *
- * sxiv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
- * or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * sxiv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with sxiv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
- #define _WINDOW_CONFIG
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <locale.h>
- #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include "options.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "window.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "icon/data.h"
- enum {
- H_TEXT_PAD = 5,
- V_TEXT_PAD = 1
- };
- static Cursor carrow;
- static Cursor cnone;
- static Cursor chand;
- static Cursor cwatch;
- static GC gc;
- static struct {
- int ascent;
- int descent;
- XFontStruct *xfont;
- XFontSet set;
- } font;
- static int fontheight;
- static int barheight;
- Atom atoms[ATOM_COUNT];
- static Bool fs_support;
- static Bool fs_warned;
- void win_init_font(Display *dpy, const char *fontstr)
- {
- int n;
- char *def, **missing;
- font.set = XCreateFontSet(dpy, fontstr, &missing, &n, &def);
- if (missing)
- XFreeStringList(missing);
- if (font.set) {
- XFontStruct **xfonts;
- char **font_names;
- font.ascent = font.descent = 0;
- XExtentsOfFontSet(font.set);
- n = XFontsOfFontSet(font.set, &xfonts, &font_names);
- while (n--) {
- font.ascent = MAX(font.ascent, (*xfonts)->ascent);
- font.descent = MAX(font.descent,(*xfonts)->descent);
- xfonts++;
- }
- } else {
- if ((font.xfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, fontstr)) == NULL &&
- (font.xfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "fixed")) == NULL)
- {
- die("could not load font: %s", fontstr);
- }
- font.ascent = font.xfont->ascent;
- font.descent = font.xfont->descent;
- }
- fontheight = font.ascent + font.descent;
- barheight = fontheight + 2 * V_TEXT_PAD;
- }
- unsigned long win_alloc_color(win_t *win, const char *name)
- {
- XColor col;
- if (win == NULL)
- return 0UL;
- if (XAllocNamedColor(win->env.dpy,
- DefaultColormap(win->env.dpy, win->env.scr),
- name, &col, &col) == 0)
- {
- die("could not allocate color: %s", name);
- }
- return col.pixel;
- }
- void win_check_wm_support(Display *dpy, Window root)
- {
- int format;
- long offset = 0, length = 16;
- Atom *data, type;
- unsigned long i, nitems, bytes_left;
- Bool found = False;
- while (!found && length > 0) {
- if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, root, atoms[ATOM__NET_SUPPORTED],
- offset, length, False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format,
- &nitems, &bytes_left, (unsigned char**) &data))
- {
- break;
- }
- if (type == XA_ATOM && format == 32) {
- for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
- if (data[i] == atoms[ATOM__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN]) {
- found = True;
- fs_support = True;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- XFree(data);
- offset += nitems;
- length = MIN(length, bytes_left / 4);
- }
- }
- #define INIT_ATOM_(atom) \
- atoms[ATOM_##atom] = XInternAtom(e->dpy, #atom, False);
- void win_init(win_t *win)
- {
- win_env_t *e;
- if (win == NULL)
- return;
- memset(win, 0, sizeof(win_t));
- e = &win->env;
- if ((e->dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)
- die("could not open display");
- e->scr = DefaultScreen(e->dpy);
- e->scrw = DisplayWidth(e->dpy, e->scr);
- e->scrh = DisplayHeight(e->dpy, e->scr);
- e->vis = DefaultVisual(e->dpy, e->scr);
- e->cmap = DefaultColormap(e->dpy, e->scr);
- e->depth = DefaultDepth(e->dpy, e->scr);
- if (setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") == NULL || XSupportsLocale() == 0)
- warn("no locale support");
- win_init_font(e->dpy, BAR_FONT);
- win->bgcol = win_alloc_color(win, WIN_BG_COLOR);
- win->fscol = win_alloc_color(win, WIN_FS_COLOR);
- win->selcol = win_alloc_color(win, SEL_COLOR);
- win->bar.bgcol = win_alloc_color(win, BAR_BG_COLOR);
- win->bar.fgcol = win_alloc_color(win, BAR_FG_COLOR);
- win->bar.h = options->hide_bar ? 0 : barheight;
- win_check_wm_support(e->dpy, RootWindow(e->dpy, e->scr));
- }
- void win_open(win_t *win)
- {
- int c, i, j, n;
- win_env_t *e;
- XClassHint classhint;
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- unsigned long attr_mask;
- unsigned long *icon_data;
- XColor col;
- char none_data[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- Pixmap none;
- int gmask;
- XSizeHints sizehints;
- if (win == NULL)
- return;
- e = &win->env;
- sizehints.flags = PWinGravity;
- sizehints.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
- /* determine window offsets, width & height */
- if (options->geometry == NULL)
- gmask = 0;
- else
- gmask = XParseGeometry(options->geometry, &win->x, &win->y,
- &win->w, &win->h);
- if ((gmask & WidthValue) != 0)
- sizehints.flags |= USSize;
- else
- win->w = WIN_WIDTH;
- if ((gmask & HeightValue) != 0)
- sizehints.flags |= USSize;
- else
- win->h = WIN_HEIGHT;
- if ((gmask & XValue) != 0) {
- if ((gmask & XNegative) != 0) {
- win->x += e->scrw - win->w;
- sizehints.win_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
- }
- sizehints.flags |= USPosition;
- } else {
- win->x = (e->scrw - win->w) / 2;
- }
- if ((gmask & YValue) != 0) {
- if ((gmask & YNegative) != 0) {
- win->y += e->scrh - win->h;
- sizehints.win_gravity = sizehints.win_gravity == NorthEastGravity
- ? SouthEastGravity : SouthWestGravity;
- }
- sizehints.flags |= USPosition;
- } else {
- win->y = (e->scrh - win->h) / 2;
- }
- attr.background_pixel = win->bgcol;
- attr_mask = CWBackPixel;
- win->xwin = XCreateWindow(e->dpy, RootWindow(e->dpy, e->scr),
- win->x, win->y, win->w, win->h, 0,
- e->depth, InputOutput, e->vis, attr_mask, &attr);
- if (win->xwin == None)
- die("could not create window");
- XSelectInput(e->dpy, win->xwin,
- ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask |
- KeyPressMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
- carrow = XCreateFontCursor(e->dpy, XC_left_ptr);
- chand = XCreateFontCursor(e->dpy, XC_fleur);
- cwatch = XCreateFontCursor(e->dpy, XC_watch);
- if (XAllocNamedColor(e->dpy, DefaultColormap(e->dpy, e->scr), "black",
- &col, &col) == 0)
- {
- die("could not allocate color: black");
- }
- none = XCreateBitmapFromData(e->dpy, win->xwin, none_data, 8, 8);
- cnone = XCreatePixmapCursor(e->dpy, none, none, &col, &col, 0, 0);
- gc = XCreateGC(e->dpy, win->xwin, 0, None);
- n = icons[ARRLEN(icons)-1].size;
- icon_data = s_malloc((n * n + 2) * sizeof(*icon_data));
- for (i = 0; i < ARRLEN(icons); i++) {
- n = 0;
- icon_data[n++] = icons[i].size;
- icon_data[n++] = icons[i].size;
- for (j = 0; j < icons[i].cnt; j++) {
- for (c = icons[i].data[j] >> 4; c >= 0; c--)
- icon_data[n++] = icon_colors[icons[i].data[j] & 0x0F];
- }
- XChangeProperty(e->dpy, win->xwin,
- i == 0 ? PropModeReplace : PropModeAppend,
- (unsigned char *) icon_data, n);
- }
- free(icon_data);
- win_set_title(win, "sxiv");
- classhint.res_class = "Sxiv";
- classhint.res_name = options->res_name != NULL ? options->res_name : "sxiv";
- XSetClassHint(e->dpy, win->xwin, &classhint);
- XSetWMProtocols(e->dpy, win->xwin, &atoms[ATOM_WM_DELETE_WINDOW], 1);
- sizehints.width = win->w;
- sizehints.height = win->h;
- sizehints.x = win->x;
- sizehints.y = win->y;
- XSetWMNormalHints(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, &sizehints);
- win->h -= win->bar.h;
- XMapWindow(e->dpy, win->xwin);
- XFlush(e->dpy);
- if (options->fullscreen)
- win_toggle_fullscreen(win);
- }
- void win_close(win_t *win)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- XFreeCursor(win->env.dpy, carrow);
- XFreeCursor(win->env.dpy, cnone);
- XFreeCursor(win->env.dpy, chand);
- XFreeCursor(win->env.dpy, cwatch);
- XFreeGC(win->env.dpy, gc);
- XDestroyWindow(win->env.dpy, win->xwin);
- XCloseDisplay(win->env.dpy);
- }
- bool win_configure(win_t *win, XConfigureEvent *c)
- {
- bool changed;
- if (win == NULL || c == NULL)
- return false;
- if ((changed = win->w != c->width || win->h + win->bar.h != c->height)) {
- if (win->pm != None) {
- XFreePixmap(win->env.dpy, win->pm);
- win->pm = None;
- }
- }
- win->x = c->x;
- win->y = c->y;
- win->w = c->width;
- win->h = c->height - win->bar.h;
- win->bw = c->border_width;
- return changed;
- }
- void win_expose(win_t *win, XExposeEvent *e)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None || win->pm == None || e == NULL)
- return;
- XCopyArea(win->env.dpy, win->pm, win->xwin, gc,
- e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, e->x, e->y);
- }
- void win_toggle_fullscreen(win_t *win)
- {
- XEvent ev;
- XClientMessageEvent *cm;
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- if (!fs_support) {
- if (!fs_warned) {
- warn("window manager does not support fullscreen");
- fs_warned = True;
- }
- return;
- }
- win->fullscreen = !win->fullscreen;
- memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
- ev.type = ClientMessage;
- cm = &ev.xclient;
- cm->window = win->xwin;
- cm->message_type = atoms[ATOM__NET_WM_STATE];
- cm->format = 32;
- cm->data.l[0] = win->fullscreen;
- cm->data.l[1] = atoms[ATOM__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN];
- cm->data.l[2] = cm->data.l[3] = 0;
- XSendEvent(win->env.dpy, DefaultRootWindow(win->env.dpy), False,
- SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
- }
- void win_toggle_bar(win_t *win)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- if (win->bar.h != 0) {
- win->h += win->bar.h;
- win->bar.h = 0;
- } else {
- win->bar.h = barheight;
- win->h -= win->bar.h;
- }
- }
- void win_clear(win_t *win)
- {
- int h;
- win_env_t *e;
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- h = win->h + win->bar.h;
- e = &win->env;
- if (win->pm == None)
- win->pm = XCreatePixmap(e->dpy, win->xwin, win->w, h, e->depth);
- XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, win->fullscreen ? win->fscol : win->bgcol);
- XFillRectangle(e->dpy, win->pm, gc, 0, 0, win->w, h);
- }
- void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)
- {
- int len, olen, x, y, w, tw;
- char rest[3];
- const char *dots = "...";
- win_env_t *e;
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None || win->pm == None)
- return;
- e = &win->env;
- y = win->h + font.ascent + V_TEXT_PAD;
- w = win->w;
- XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.bgcol);
- XFillRectangle(e->dpy, win->pm, gc, 0, win->h, win->w, win->bar.h);
- XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.fgcol);
- XSetBackground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.bgcol);
- if ((len = strlen(win->bar.r)) > 0) {
- if ((tw = win_textwidth(win->bar.r, len, true)) > w)
- return;
- x = win->w - tw + H_TEXT_PAD;
- w -= tw;
- if (font.set)
- XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->pm, font.set, gc, x, y, win->bar.r, len);
- else
- XDrawString(e->dpy, win->pm, gc, x, y, win->bar.r, len);
- }
- if ((len = strlen(win->bar.l)) > 0) {
- olen = len;
- while (len > 0 && (tw = win_textwidth(win->bar.l, len, true)) > w)
- len--;
- if (len > 0) {
- if (len != olen) {
- w = strlen(dots);
- if (len <= w)
- return;
- memcpy(rest, win->bar.l + len - w, w);
- memcpy(win->bar.l + len - w, dots, w);
- }
- x = H_TEXT_PAD;
- if (font.set)
- XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->pm, font.set, gc, x, y, win->bar.l, len);
- else
- XDrawString(e->dpy, win->pm, gc, x, y, win->bar.l, len);
- if (len != olen)
- memcpy(win->bar.l + len - w, rest, w);
- }
- }
- }
- void win_draw(win_t *win)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None || win->pm == None)
- return;
- if (win->bar.h > 0)
- win_draw_bar(win);
- XCopyArea(win->env.dpy, win->pm, win->xwin, gc,
- 0, 0, win->w, win->h + win->bar.h, 0, 0);
- }
- void win_draw_rect(win_t *win, Pixmap pm, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- bool fill, int lw, unsigned long col)
- {
- XGCValues gcval;
- if (win == NULL || pm == None)
- return;
- gcval.line_width = lw;
- gcval.foreground = col;
- XChangeGC(win->env.dpy, gc, GCForeground | GCLineWidth, &gcval);
- if (fill)
- XFillRectangle(win->env.dpy, pm, gc, x, y, w, h);
- else
- XDrawRectangle(win->env.dpy, pm, gc, x, y, w, h);
- }
- void win_update_bar(win_t *win)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None || win->pm == None)
- return;
- if (win->bar.h > 0) {
- win_draw_bar(win);
- XCopyArea(win->env.dpy, win->pm, win->xwin, gc,
- 0, win->h, win->w, win->bar.h, 0, win->h);
- }
- }
- int win_textwidth(const char *text, unsigned int len, bool with_padding)
- {
- XRectangle r;
- int padding = with_padding ? 2 * H_TEXT_PAD : 0;
- if (font.set) {
- XmbTextExtents(font.set, text, len, NULL, &r);
- return r.width + padding;
- } else {
- return XTextWidth(font.xfont, text, len) + padding;
- }
- }
- void win_set_title(win_t *win, const char *title)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- if (title == NULL)
- title = "sxiv";
- XStoreName(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, title);
- XSetIconName(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, title);
- XChangeProperty(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, atoms[ATOM__NET_WM_NAME],
- XInternAtom(win->env.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False), 8,
- PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) title, strlen(title));
- XChangeProperty(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, atoms[ATOM__NET_WM_ICON_NAME],
- XInternAtom(win->env.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False), 8,
- PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) title, strlen(title));
- }
- void win_set_cursor(win_t *win, cursor_t cursor)
- {
- if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
- return;
- switch (cursor) {
- XDefineCursor(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, cnone);
- break;
- XDefineCursor(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, chand);
- break;
- XDefineCursor(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, cwatch);
- break;
- default:
- XDefineCursor(win->env.dpy, win->xwin, carrow);
- break;
- }
- XFlush(win->env.dpy);
- }