A Simple X Image Viewer
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  1. .TH SXIV 1 sxiv\-VERSION
  2. .SH NAME
  3. sxiv \- Simple X Image Viewer
  5. .B sxiv
  6. .RB [ \-bcdFfhiopqrstvZ ]
  7. .RB [ \-G
  8. .IR GAMMA ]
  9. .RB [ \-g
  10. .IR GEOMETRY ]
  11. .RB [ \-N
  12. .IR NAME ]
  13. .RB [ \-n
  14. .IR NUM ]
  15. .RB [ \-S
  16. .IR DELAY ]
  17. .RB [ \-z
  18. .IR ZOOM ]
  19. .IR FILE ...
  21. sxiv is a simple image viewer for X. It only has the most basic features
  22. required for fast image viewing.
  23. .P
  24. sxiv has two modes of operation: image and thumbnail mode. The default is image
  25. mode, in which only the current image is shown. In thumbnail mode a grid of
  26. small previews is displayed, making it easy to choose an image to open.
  27. .P
  28. sxiv can also cache its thumbnails. Please see the section THUMBNAIL CACHING
  29. for information on how to enable this feature.
  30. .P
  31. Please note, that the fullscreen mode requires an EWMH/NetWM compliant window
  32. manager.
  34. .TP
  35. .B \-b
  36. Do not show info bar on bottom of window.
  37. .TP
  38. .B \-c
  39. Remove all orphaned cache files from the thumbnail cache directory and exit.
  40. .TP
  41. .B \-d
  42. Scale all images to 100%, but fit large images into window.
  43. .TP
  44. .B \-F
  45. Make the window fixed/floating by setting the minimum and maximum width/height
  46. size-hints to the window width/height.
  47. .TP
  48. .B \-f
  49. Start in fullscreen mode.
  50. .TP
  51. .BI "\-G " GAMMA
  52. Set image gamma to GAMMA (-32..32).
  53. .TP
  54. .BI "\-g " GEOMETRY
  55. Set window position and size. See section GEOMETRY SPECIFICATIONS of X(7) for
  56. more information on
  57. .IR GEOMETRY .
  58. .TP
  59. .BI "\-N " NAME
  60. Set the resource name of sxiv's X window to NAME.
  61. .TP
  62. .BI "\-n " NUM
  63. Start at picture number NUM.
  64. .TP
  65. .B \-h
  66. Print brief usage information to standard output and exit.
  67. .TP
  68. .B \-i
  69. Read names of files to open from standard input.
  70. .TP
  71. .B \-o
  72. Write list of all marked files to standard output when quitting. In combination
  73. with
  74. .I \-i
  75. sxiv can be used as a visual filter/pipe.
  76. .TP
  77. .B \-q
  78. Be quiet, disable warnings to standard error stream.
  79. .TP
  80. .B \-r
  81. Search the given directories recursively for images to view.
  82. .TP
  83. .BI "\-S " DELAY
  84. Start in slideshow mode. Set the delay between images to DELAY seconds.
  85. .TP
  86. .B \-s
  87. Scale all images to fit into window.
  88. .TP
  89. .B \-t
  90. Start in thumbnail mode.
  91. .TP
  92. .B \-v
  93. Print version information to standard output and exit.
  94. .TP
  95. .B \-Z
  96. The same as `\-z 100'.
  97. .TP
  98. .BI "\-z " ZOOM
  99. Scale all images to the current zoom level, use a zoom level of
  100. .I ZOOM
  101. at startup.
  103. The following keyboard commands are available in both image and thumbnail mode:
  104. .TP
  105. .B q
  106. Quit sxiv.
  107. .TP
  108. .B Return
  109. Switch to thumbnail mode / open selected image in image mode.
  110. .TP
  111. .BR 0 \- 9
  112. Prefix the next command with a number (denoted via
  113. .IR count ).
  114. .TP
  115. .B g
  116. Go to the first image.
  117. .TP
  118. .B G
  119. Go to the last image, or image number
  120. .IR count .
  121. .TP
  122. .B f
  123. Toggle fullscreen mode.
  124. .TP
  125. .B b
  126. Toggle visibility of info bar on bottom of window.
  127. .TP
  128. .B A
  129. Toggle visibility of alpha-channel, i.e. image transparency.
  130. .TP
  131. .B r
  132. Reload image.
  133. .TP
  134. .B R
  135. Reload all thumbnails.
  136. .TP
  137. .B D
  138. Remove current image from file list and go to next image.
  139. .TP
  140. .B m
  141. Mark/unmark the current image.
  142. .TP
  143. .B M
  144. Reverse all image marks.
  145. .TP
  146. .B N
  147. Go
  148. .I count
  149. marked images forward.
  150. .TP
  151. .B P
  152. Go
  153. .I count
  154. marked images backward.
  156. The following keyboard commands are only available in thumbnail mode:
  157. .TP
  158. .BR h ", " Left
  159. Move selection left
  160. .I count
  161. times.
  162. .TP
  163. .BR j ", " Down
  164. Move selection down
  165. .I count
  166. times.
  167. .TP
  168. .BR k ", " Up
  169. Move selection up
  170. .I count
  171. times.
  172. .TP
  173. .BR l ", " Right
  174. Move selection right
  175. .I count
  176. times.
  177. .TP
  178. .BR Ctrl-j ", " Ctrl-Down
  179. Scroll thumbnail grid one window height down.
  180. .TP
  181. .BR Ctrl-k ", " Ctrl-Up
  182. Scroll thumbnail grid one window height up.
  184. The following keyboard commands are only available in image mode:
  185. .SS Navigate image list
  186. .TP
  187. .BR n ", " Space
  188. Go
  189. .I count
  190. images forward.
  191. .TP
  192. .BR p ", " Backspace
  193. Go
  194. .I count
  195. images backward.
  196. .TP
  197. .B [
  198. Go
  199. .I count
  200. * 10 images backward.
  201. .TP
  202. .B ]
  203. Go
  204. .I count
  205. * 10 images forward.
  206. .SS Handle multi-frame images
  207. .TP
  208. .B Ctrl-n
  209. Go to the next frame of a multi-frame image.
  210. .TP
  211. .B Ctrl-p
  212. Go to the previous frame of a multi-frame image.
  213. .TP
  214. .B Ctrl-Space
  215. Play/pause animation of a multi-frame image.
  216. .SS Zooming
  217. .TP
  218. .BR +
  219. Zoom in.
  220. .TP
  221. .B \-
  222. Zoom out.
  223. .TP
  224. .B =
  225. Set zoom level to 100%, or
  226. .IR count %.
  227. .TP
  228. .B w
  229. Set zoom level to fit image into window.
  230. .TP
  231. .B e
  232. Set zoom level to fit image width to window width.
  233. .TP
  234. .B E
  235. Set zoom level to fit image height to window height.
  236. .SS Panning
  237. .TP
  238. .BR h ", " Left
  239. Pan image 1/5 of window width or
  240. .I count
  241. pixel left.
  242. .TP
  243. .BR j ", " Down
  244. Pan image 1/5 of window height or
  245. .I count
  246. pixel down.
  247. .TP
  248. .BR k ", " Up
  249. Pan image 1/5 of window height or
  250. .I count
  251. pixel up.
  252. .TP
  253. .BR l ", " Right
  254. Pan image 1/5 of window width or
  255. .I count
  256. pixel right.
  257. .TP
  258. .B H
  259. Pan to left image edge.
  260. .TP
  261. .B J
  262. Pan to bottom image edge.
  263. .TP
  264. .B K
  265. Pan to top image edge.
  266. .TP
  267. .B L
  268. Pan to right image edge.
  269. .TP
  270. .BR Ctrl-h ", " Ctrl-Left
  271. Pan image one window width left.
  272. .TP
  273. .BR Ctrl-j ", " Ctrl-Down
  274. Pan image one window height down.
  275. .TP
  276. .BR Ctrl-k ", " Ctrl-Up
  277. Pan image one window height up.
  278. .TP
  279. .BR Ctrl-l ", " Ctrl-Right
  280. Pan image one window width right.
  281. .SS Rotation
  282. .TP
  283. .B <
  284. Rotate image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
  285. .TP
  286. .B >
  287. Rotate image clockwise by 90 degrees.
  288. .TP
  289. .B ?
  290. Rotate image by 180 degrees.
  291. .SS Flip
  292. .TP
  293. .B |
  294. Flip image horizontally.
  295. .TP
  296. .B _
  297. Flip image vertically.
  298. .SS Gamma Correction
  299. .TP
  300. .B {
  301. Decrease gamma.
  302. .TP
  303. .B }
  304. Increase gamma.
  305. .TP
  306. .B Ctrl-G
  307. Reset gamma.
  308. .SS Miscellaneous
  309. .TP
  310. .B s
  311. Toggle slideshow mode and/or set the delay between images to
  312. .I count
  313. seconds.
  314. .TP
  315. .B a
  316. Toggle anti-aliasing.
  317. .TP
  318. .B W
  319. Resize window to fit image.
  321. The following mouse mappings are available in image mode:
  322. .SS Navigate image list
  323. .TP
  324. .B Button1
  325. Go to next image.
  326. .TP
  327. .B Button3
  328. Go to the previous image.
  329. .SS Zooming
  330. .TP
  331. .B Ctrl+ScrollUp
  332. Zoom in.
  333. .TP
  334. .B Ctrl+ScrollDown
  335. Zoom out.
  336. .SS Panning/Moving
  337. .TP
  338. .B Button2
  339. Drag the image with the mouse while keeping this button pressed down.
  340. .TP
  341. .B ScrollUp
  342. Pan image up.
  343. .TP
  344. .B ScrollDown
  345. Pan image down.
  346. .TP
  347. .B Shift+ScrollUp
  348. Pan image left.
  349. .TP
  350. .B Shift+ScrollDown
  351. Pan image right.
  353. The information displayed on the left side of the status bar can be replaced
  354. with the output of a user-provided script, which is called by sxiv whenever an
  355. image gets loaded. The path of this script is
  356. .I ~/.sxiv/exec/image-info
  357. and the first argument to this script is the path of the loaded image.
  358. .P
  359. There is also an example script installed together with sxiv as
  360. .IR PREFIX/share/sxiv/exec/image-info .
  362. To enable thumbnail caching, please make sure to create the directory
  363. .I ~/.sxiv/cache/
  364. with write permissions. sxiv will then store all thumbnails inside this
  365. directory, but it will not create this directory by itself. It rather uses the
  366. existance of this directory as an affirmation, that the user wants thumbnails
  367. to be cached.
  368. .P
  369. Use the command line option
  370. .I \-c
  371. to keep the cache directory clean by removing all orphaned cache files.
  372. Additionally, run the following command afterwards inside the cache directory
  373. to remove empty subdirectories:
  374. .P
  375. .RS
  376. find . \-depth \-type d \-empty ! \-name '.' \-exec rmdir {} \\;
  377. .RE
  378. .SH AUTHOR
  379. .EX
  380. Bert Muennich <be.muennich @ gmail.com>
  381. .EE
  383. .EX
  384. Bastien Dejean <nihilhill at gmail.com>
  385. Dave Reisner <d at falconindy.com>
  386. Fung SzeTat <sthorde at gmail.com>
  387. .EE
  389. .EX
  390. http://muennich.github.com/sxiv
  391. https://github.com/muennich/sxiv
  392. .EE
  393. .SH SEE ALSO
  394. .BR feh (1),
  395. .BR qiv (1)