
Simplify drawing of bar text

Non-fitting text is truncated by simply cutting it off.

win_textwidth() has been replaced by a simple macro wrapper around
win_draw_text() with a maximum width of zero, which results in a dry-run that
still calculates the number of pixels used by the text, much like snprintf(3)
with a buffer length of zero.
Bert Münnich 7 年之前
共有 1 個檔案被更改,包括 34 行新增53 行删除
  1. +34

+ 34
- 53
window.c 查看文件

@@ -362,50 +362,45 @@ void win_clear(win_t *win)
XFillRectangle(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, gc, 0, 0, win->buf.w, win->buf.h);

int win_textwidth(const win_env_t *e, const char *text, unsigned int len, bool with_padding, XftFont *fnt)
#define TEXTWIDTH(win, text, len) \
win_draw_text(win, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, text, len, 0)

int win_draw_text(win_t *win, XftDraw *d, XftColor *color, int x, int y,
char *text, int len, int w)
int err, tw = 0;
char *t, *next;
uint32_t rune;
XftFont *f;
FcCharSet *fccharset;
XGlyphInfo ext;

XftTextExtentsUtf8(e->dpy, fnt, (XftChar8*)text, len, &ext);
return ext.xOff + (with_padding ? 2 * H_TEXT_PAD : 0);

void win_draw_bar_text(win_t *win, XftDraw *d, XftColor *color, XftFont *font, int x, int y, char *text, int maxlen, int maximum_x)
size_t len = 0;
int err, xshift = 0, newshift;
uint32_t codep;
char *p, *nextp;
FcCharSet* fccharset;
XftFont* fallback = NULL;

for (p = text; *p && (len < maxlen); p = nextp, len++) {
nextp = utf8_decode(p, &codep, &err);
if (!XftCharExists(win->env.dpy, font, codep)) {
for (t = text; t - text < len; t = next) {
next = utf8_decode(t, &rune, &err);
if (XftCharExists(win->env.dpy, font, rune)) {
f = font;
} else { /* fallback font */
fccharset = FcCharSetCreate();
FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, codep);
fallback = XftFontOpen(win->env.dpy, win->env.scr,
FC_CHARSET, FcTypeCharSet, fccharset,
FC_SCALABLE, FcTypeBool, FcTrue,
FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, rune);
f = XftFontOpen(win->env.dpy, win->env.scr, FC_CHARSET, FcTypeCharSet,
fccharset, FC_SCALABLE, FcTypeBool, FcTrue, NULL);
newshift = win_textwidth(&win->env, p, (int) (nextp-p), false, (fallback ? fallback : font));
if (xshift + newshift <= maximum_x)
XftDrawStringUtf8(d, color, (fallback ? fallback : font), x + xshift, y, (XftChar8*)p, (int) (nextp-p));
xshift += newshift;
if (fallback) {
XftFontClose(win->env.dpy, fallback);
fallback = NULL;
XftTextExtentsUtf8(win->env.dpy, f, (XftChar8*)t, next - t, &ext);
tw += ext.xOff;
if (tw <= w) {
XftDrawStringUtf8(d, color, f, x, y, (XftChar8*)t, next - t);
x += ext.xOff;
if (f != font)
XftFontClose(win->env.dpy, f);
return tw;

void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)
int len, olen, x, y, w, tw, maximum_x;
char rest[3];
const char *dots = "...";
int len, x, y, w, tw;
win_env_t *e;
win_bar_t *l, *r;
XftDraw *d;
@@ -415,7 +410,7 @@ void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)

e = &win->env;
y = win->h + font->ascent + V_TEXT_PAD;
w = win->w;
w = win->w - 2*H_TEXT_PAD;
d = XftDrawCreate(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, DefaultVisual(e->dpy, e->scr),
DefaultColormap(e->dpy, e->scr));

@@ -426,30 +421,16 @@ void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)
XSetBackground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.bgcol.pixel);

if ((len = strlen(r->buf)) > 0) {
if ((tw = win_textwidth(e, r->buf, len, true, font)) > w)
if ((tw = TEXTWIDTH(win, r->buf, len)) > w)
x = win->w - tw + H_TEXT_PAD;
x = win->w - tw - H_TEXT_PAD;
w -= tw;
XftDrawStringUtf8(d, &win->bar.fgcol, font, x, y, (XftChar8*)r->buf, len);
win_draw_text(win, d, &win->bar.fgcol, x, y, r->buf, len, tw);
if ((len = strlen(l->buf)) > 0) {
olen = len;
while (len > 0 && (tw = win_textwidth(e, l->buf, len, true, font)) > w)
if (len > 0) {
maximum_x = w;
if (len != olen) {
w = strlen(dots);
if (len <= w)
memcpy(rest, l->buf + len - w, w);
memcpy(l->buf + len - w, dots, w);
win_draw_bar_text(win, d, &win->bar.fgcol, font, x, y, l->buf, len, maximum_x);
if (len != olen)
memcpy(l->buf + len - w, rest, w);
w -= 2 * H_TEXT_PAD; /* gap between left and right parts */
win_draw_text(win, d, &win->bar.fgcol, x, y, l->buf, len, w);
