
Corrected & refactored handling of window bar content...

Old snprintf calls could have overflowed the buffers.
Bert Münnich 10 年之前
共有 3 個檔案被更改,包括 67 行新增41 行删除
  1. +39
  2. +20
  3. +8

+ 39
- 27
main.c 查看文件

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ void open_info(void)
kill(pid, SIGTERM);
info.fd = -1;
win.bar.l[0] = '\0';
win.bar.l.buf[0] = '\0';

if (pipe(pfd) < 0)
@@ -290,20 +291,20 @@ void read_info(void)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (buf[i] == '\n') {
if (info.lastsep == 0) {
win.bar.l[info.i++] = ' ';
win.bar.l.buf[info.i++] = ' ';
info.lastsep = 1;
} else {
win.bar.l[info.i++] = buf[i];
win.bar.l.buf[info.i++] = buf[i];
info.lastsep = 0;
if (info.i + 1 == sizeof(win.bar.l))
if (info.i + 1 == win.bar.l.size)
goto end;
info.i -= info.lastsep;
win.bar.l[info.i] = '\0';
win.bar.l.buf[info.i] = '\0';
info.fd = -1;
@@ -343,15 +344,24 @@ void load_image(int new)

void bar_put(win_bar_t *bar, const char *fmt, ...)
size_t len = bar->size - (bar->p - bar->buf), n;
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, fmt);
n = vsnprintf(bar->p, len, fmt, ap);
bar->p += MIN(len, n);

void update_info(void)
unsigned int i, fn, fw, n;
unsigned int llen = sizeof(win.bar.l), rlen = sizeof(win.bar.r);
char *lt = win.bar.l, *rt = win.bar.r, title[TITLE_LEN];
unsigned int i, fn, fw;
char title[TITLE_LEN];
const char * mark;
bool ow_info;

for (fw = 0, i = filecnt; i > 0; fw++, i /= 10);
win_bar_t *l = &win.bar.l, *r = &win.bar.r;

/* update window title */
if (mode == MODE_THUMB) {
@@ -364,39 +374,41 @@ void update_info(void)
/* update bar contents */
if (win.bar.h == 0)
for (fw = 0, i = filecnt; i > 0; fw++, i /= 10);
mark = files[fileidx].marked ? "* " : "";
l->p = l->buf;
r->p = r->buf;
if (mode == MODE_THUMB) {
if (tns.loadnext < tns.end) {
snprintf(lt, llen, "Loading... %0*d", fw, tns.loadnext);
bar_put(l, "Loading... %0*d", fw, MAX(tns.loadnext, 1));
ow_info = false;
} else {
ow_info = true;
n = snprintf(rt, rlen, "%s%0*d/%d", mark, fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt);
bar_put(r, "%s%0*d/%d", mark, fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt);
} else {
n = snprintf(rt, rlen, "%s", mark);
bar_put(r, "%s", mark);
if (img.ss.on)
n += snprintf(rt + n, rlen - n, "%ds | ", img.ss.delay);
bar_put(r, "%ds | ", img.ss.delay);
if (img.gamma != 0)
n += snprintf(rt + n, rlen - n, "G%+d | ", img.gamma);
n += snprintf(rt + n, rlen - n, "%3d%% | ", (int) (img.zoom * 100.0));
bar_put(r, "G%+d | ", img.gamma);
bar_put(r, "%3d%% | ", (int) (img.zoom * 100.0));
if (img.multi.cnt > 0) {
for (fn = 0, i = img.multi.cnt; i > 0; fn++, i /= 10);
n += snprintf(rt + n, rlen - n, "%0*d/%d | ",
fn, img.multi.sel + 1, img.multi.cnt);
bar_put(r, "%0*d/%d | ", fn, img.multi.sel + 1, img.multi.cnt);
n += snprintf(rt + n, rlen - n, "%0*d/%d", fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt);
bar_put(r, "%0*d/%d", fw, fileidx + 1, filecnt);
ow_info = info.cmd == NULL;
if (ow_info) {
fn = strlen(files[fileidx].name);
if (fn < llen &&
if (fn < l->size &&
win_textwidth(files[fileidx].name, fn, true) +
win_textwidth(rt, n, true) < win.w)
win_textwidth(r->buf, r->p - r->buf, true) < win.w)
strncpy(lt, files[fileidx].name, llen);
strncpy(l->buf, files[fileidx].name, l->size);
} else {
strncpy(lt, files[fileidx].base, llen);
strncpy(l->buf, files[fileidx].base, l->size);
@@ -469,7 +481,7 @@ void run_key_handler(const char *key, unsigned int mask)
int i, j, retval, status;
int fcnt = mode == MODE_THUMB && markcnt > 0 ? markcnt : 1;
bool changed = false;
char **args, kstr[32], oldbar[sizeof(win.bar.l)];
char **args, kstr[32], oldbar[BAR_L_LEN];
struct stat *oldst, newst;
struct { int fn; struct stat st; } *finfo;

@@ -504,8 +516,8 @@ void run_key_handler(const char *key, unsigned int mask)
mask & Mod1Mask ? "M-" : "",
mask & ShiftMask ? "S-" : "", key);

memcpy(oldbar, win.bar.l, sizeof(win.bar.l));
strncpy(win.bar.l, "Running key handler...", sizeof(win.bar.l));
memcpy(oldbar, win.bar.l.buf, sizeof(oldbar));
strncpy(win.bar.l.buf, "Running key handler...", win.bar.l.size);
win_set_cursor(&win, CURSOR_WATCH);

@@ -540,7 +552,7 @@ end:
img_close(&img, true);
} else if (info.cmd != NULL) {
memcpy(win.bar.l, oldbar, sizeof(win.bar.l));
memcpy(win.bar.l.buf, oldbar, win.bar.l.size);

+ 20
- 12
window.c 查看文件

@@ -168,7 +168,12 @@ void win_init(win_t *win)
win->selcol = win_alloc_color(win, SEL_COLOR);
win->bar.bgcol = win_alloc_color(win, BAR_BG_COLOR);
win->bar.fgcol = win_alloc_color(win, BAR_FG_COLOR);
win->bar.h = options->hide_bar ? 0 : barheight;

win->bar.l.size = BAR_L_LEN;
win->bar.r.size = BAR_R_LEN;
win->bar.l.buf = s_malloc(win->bar.l.size);
win->bar.r.buf = s_malloc(win->bar.r.size);
win->bar.h = options->hide_bar ? 0 : barheight;

@@ -416,9 +421,12 @@ void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)
char rest[3];
const char *dots = "...";
win_env_t *e;
win_bar_t *l, *r;

if (win == NULL || win->xwin == None)
if ((l = &win->bar.l)->buf == NULL || (r = &win->bar.r)->buf == NULL)

e = &win->env;
y = win->h + font.ascent + V_TEXT_PAD;
@@ -430,35 +438,35 @@ void win_draw_bar(win_t *win)
XSetForeground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.fgcol);
XSetBackground(e->dpy, gc, win->bar.bgcol);

if ((len = strlen(win->bar.r)) > 0) {
if ((tw = win_textwidth(win->bar.r, len, true)) > w)
if ((len = strlen(r->buf)) > 0) {
if ((tw = win_textwidth(r->buf, len, true)) > w)
x = win->w - tw + H_TEXT_PAD;
w -= tw;
if (font.set)
XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, font.set, gc, x, y, win->bar.r, len);
XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, font.set, gc, x, y, r->buf, len);
XDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, gc, x, y, win->bar.r, len);
XDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, gc, x, y, r->buf, len);
if ((len = strlen(win->bar.l)) > 0) {
if ((len = strlen(l->buf)) > 0) {
olen = len;
while (len > 0 && (tw = win_textwidth(win->bar.l, len, true)) > w)
while (len > 0 && (tw = win_textwidth(l->buf, len, true)) > w)
if (len > 0) {
if (len != olen) {
w = strlen(dots);
if (len <= w)
memcpy(rest, win->bar.l + len - w, w);
memcpy(win->bar.l + len - w, dots, w);
memcpy(rest, l->buf + len - w, w);
memcpy(l->buf + len - w, dots, w);
if (font.set)
XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, font.set, gc, x, y, win->bar.l, len);
XmbDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, font.set, gc, x, y, l->buf, len);
XDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, gc, x, y, win->bar.l, len);
XDrawString(e->dpy, win->buf.pm, gc, x, y, l->buf, len);
if (len != olen)
memcpy(win->bar.l + len - w, rest, w);
memcpy(l->buf + len - w, rest, w);

+ 8
- 2
window.h 查看文件

@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ typedef struct {
int depth;
} win_env_t;

typedef struct {
size_t size;
char *p;
char *buf;
} win_bar_t;

typedef struct {
Window xwin;
win_env_t env;
@@ -73,8 +79,8 @@ typedef struct {

struct {
unsigned int h;
char l[BAR_L_LEN];
char r[BAR_R_LEN];
win_bar_t l;
win_bar_t r;
unsigned long bgcol;
unsigned long fgcol;
} bar;
