Bladeren bron

Pass file paths to key handler via stdin; fixes issue #187

Bert Münnich 10 jaren geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 71 en 55 verwijderingen
  1. +20
  2. +48
  3. +3

+ 20
- 16
exec/key-handler Bestand weergeven

@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@

# Example for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxiv/exec/key-handler
# Called by sxiv(1) after the external prefix key (C-x by default) is pressed.
# The next key combo is passed as its first argument, followed by the paths of
# all marked images or the path of the current image, if no image is marked.
# The next key combo is passed as its first argument. The paths of all marked
# images--or of the current image, if no image is marked--are passed via stdin,
# one file path per line.
# sxiv(1) blocks until this script terminates. It then checks which images
# have been modified and reloads them.

@@ -11,12 +12,13 @@
# where C/M/S indicate Ctrl/Meta(Alt)/Shift modifier states and KEY is the X
# keysym as listed in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h without the "XK_" prefix.

readonly KEY="$1"; shift
readonly KEY="$1";
readonly TAGFILE="$HOME/.config/sxiv/tags"
readonly TMPFILE="/tmp/sxiv.$$"

rotate() {
degree="$1"; shift
for file in "$@"; do
while read file; do
case "$(file -b -i "$file")" in
image/jpeg*) jpegtran -rotate "$degree" -copy all -outfile "$file" "$file" ;;
*) mogrify -rotate "$degree" "$file" ;;
@@ -28,25 +30,27 @@ tag_add() {
tags=$(dmenu <"$TAGFILE" | tr '\n' ',')
[ -z "$tags" ] && return
iptckwed -a "$tags" "$@"
iptckwed -i -a "$tags"
echo -n "$tags" | tr ',' '\n' | sort - "$TAGFILE" | uniq >"$"
mv -f "$TAGFILE"{.new,}

tag_del() {
tags=$(iptckwed -ql "$@" | cut -f 2 | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq | dmenu | tr '\n' ',')
cat >"$TMPFILE"
tags=$(iptckwed -iql <"$TMPFILE" | cut -f 2 | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq | dmenu | tr '\n' ',')
[ -z "$tags" ] && return
iptckwed -r "$tags" "$@"
iptckwed -i -r "$tags" <"$TMPFILE"
rm -f "$TMPFILE"

case "$KEY" in
"C-c") echo -n "$@" | xsel -i ;;
"C-e") for file in "$@"; do urxvt -bg "#444" -fg "#eee" -sl 0 -title "$file" -e sh -c "exiv2 pr -q -pa '$file' | less" & done ;;
"C-g") gimp "$@" & ;;
"C-comma") rotate 270 "$@" ;;
"C-period") rotate 90 "$@" ;;
"C-slash") rotate 180 "$@" ;;
"C-t") tag_add "$@" ;;
"M-T") tag_del "$@" ;;
"C-c") tr '\n' ' ' | xsel -i ;;
"C-e") while read file; do urxvt -bg "#444" -fg "#eee" -sl 0 -title "$file" -e sh -c "exiv2 pr -q -pa '$file' | less" & done ;;
"C-g") tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 gimp & ;;
"C-comma") rotate 270 ;;
"C-period") rotate 90 ;;
"C-slash") rotate 180 ;;
"C-t") tag_add ;;
"M-T") tag_del ;;

+ 48
- 37
main.c Bestand weergeven

@@ -481,12 +481,13 @@ void clear_resize(void)
void run_key_handler(const char *key, unsigned int mask)
pid_t pid;
int i, j, retval, status;
int fcnt = mode == MODE_THUMB && markcnt > 0 ? markcnt : 1;
FILE *pfs;
bool marked = mode == MODE_THUMB && markcnt > 0;
bool changed = false;
char **args, kstr[32], oldbar[BAR_L_LEN];
struct stat *oldst, newst;
struct { int fn; struct stat st; } *finfo;
int f, i, pfd[2], retval, status;
int fcnt = marked ? markcnt : 1;
char kstr[32], oldbar[BAR_L_LEN];
struct stat *oldst, st;

if (keyhandler.cmd == NULL) {
if (!keyhandler.warned) {
@@ -498,55 +499,66 @@ void run_key_handler(const char *key, unsigned int mask)
if (key == NULL)

finfo = s_malloc(fcnt * sizeof(*finfo));
args = s_malloc((fcnt + 3) * sizeof(*args));
args[0] = keyhandler.cmd;
args[1] = kstr;
args[fcnt+2] = NULL;
if (mode == MODE_IMAGE || markcnt == 0) {
finfo[0].fn = fileidx;
stat(files[fileidx].path, &finfo[0].st);
args[2] = (char*) files[fileidx].path;
} else for (i = j = 0; i < filecnt; i++) {
if (files[i].marked) {
finfo[j].fn = i;
stat(files[i].path, &finfo[j++].st);
args[j+1] = (char*) files[i].path;
if (pipe(pfd) < 0) {
warn("could not create pipe for key handler");
snprintf(kstr, sizeof(kstr), "%s%s%s%s",
mask & ControlMask ? "C-" : "",
mask & Mod1Mask ? "M-" : "",
mask & ShiftMask ? "S-" : "", key);
if ((pfs = fdopen(pfd[1], "w")) == NULL) {
close(pfd[0]), close(pfd[1]);
warn("could not open pipe for key handler");
oldst = s_malloc(fcnt * sizeof(*oldst));

memcpy(oldbar,, sizeof(oldbar));
strncpy(, "Running key handler...",;
win_set_cursor(&win, CURSOR_WATCH);

snprintf(kstr, sizeof(kstr), "%s%s%s%s",
mask & ControlMask ? "C-" : "",
mask & Mod1Mask ? "M-" : "",
mask & ShiftMask ? "S-" : "", key);

if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
execv(keyhandler.cmd, args);
dup2(pfd[0], 0);
execl(keyhandler.cmd, keyhandler.cmd, kstr, NULL);
warn("could not exec key handler");
} else if (pid < 0) {
if (pid < 0) {
warn("could not fork key handler");
goto end;

for (f = i = 0; f < fcnt; i++) {
if ((marked && files[i].marked) || (!marked && i == fileidx)) {
stat(files[i].path, &oldst[f]);
fprintf(pfs, "%s\n", files[i].name);
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
retval = WEXITSTATUS(status);
if (WIFEXITED(status) == 0 || retval != 0)
warn("key handler exited with non-zero return value: %d", retval);

for (i = 0; i < fcnt; i++) {
oldst = &finfo[i].st;
if (stat(files[finfo[i].fn].path, &newst) != 0 ||
memcmp(&oldst->st_mtime, &newst.st_mtime, sizeof(newst.st_mtime)) != 0)
if (tns.thumbs != NULL) {
tns_unload(&tns, finfo[i].fn);
tns.loadnext = MIN(tns.loadnext, finfo[i].fn);
for (f = i = 0; f < fcnt; i++) {
if ((marked && files[i].marked) || (!marked && i == fileidx)) {
if (stat(files[i].path, &st) != 0 ||
memcmp(&oldst[f].st_mtime, &st.st_mtime, sizeof(st.st_mtime)) != 0)
if (tns.thumbs != NULL) {
tns_unload(&tns, i);
tns.loadnext = MIN(tns.loadnext, i);
changed = true;
changed = true;
@@ -558,10 +570,9 @@ end:
memcpy(, oldbar,;

#define MODMASK(mask) ((mask) & (ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask))

+ 3
- 2
sxiv.1 Bestand weergeven

@@ -358,8 +358,9 @@ located in
.IR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxiv/exec/key-handler .
The handler is invoked by pressing
.BR Ctrl-x .
The next key combo is then passed as its first argument, followed by the paths
of all marked images or the path of the current image, if no image is marked.
The next key combo is passed as its first argument. The paths of all marked
images--or of the current image, if no image is marked--are passed via stdin,
one file path per line.
sxiv(1) will block until the handler terminates. It then checks which images
have been modified and reloads them.
