- /* sxiv: image.c
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Bert Muennich <muennich at informatik.hu-berlin.de>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <libexif/exif-data.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef GIF_SUPPORT
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <gif_lib.h>
- #endif
- #include "image.h"
- #include "options.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #define _IMAGE_CONFIG
- #include "config.h"
- enum { MIN_GIF_DELAY = 50 };
- float zoom_min;
- float zoom_max;
- void img_init(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- zoom_min = zoom_levels[0] / 100.0;
- zoom_max = zoom_levels[ARRLEN(zoom_levels) - 1] / 100.0;
- if (img) {
- img->im = NULL;
- img->multi.cap = img->multi.cnt = 0;
- img->multi.animate = 0;
- img->zoom = options->zoom;
- img->zoom = MAX(img->zoom, zoom_min);
- img->zoom = MIN(img->zoom, zoom_max);
- img->aa = options->aa;
- img->alpha = 1;
- }
- if (win) {
- imlib_context_set_display(win->env.dpy);
- imlib_context_set_visual(win->env.vis);
- imlib_context_set_colormap(win->env.cmap);
- }
- }
- void exif_auto_orientate(const fileinfo_t *file) {
- ExifData *ed;
- ExifEntry *entry;
- int byte_order, orientation;
- if (!(ed = exif_data_new_from_file(file->path)))
- return;
- entry = exif_content_get_entry(ed->ifd[EXIF_IFD_0], EXIF_TAG_ORIENTATION);
- if (entry) {
- byte_order = exif_data_get_byte_order(ed);
- orientation = exif_get_short(entry->data, byte_order);
- }
- exif_data_unref(ed);
- if (!entry)
- return;
- switch (orientation) {
- case 5:
- imlib_image_orientate(1);
- case 2:
- imlib_image_flip_vertical();
- break;
- case 3:
- imlib_image_orientate(2);
- break;
- case 7:
- imlib_image_orientate(1);
- case 4:
- imlib_image_flip_horizontal();
- break;
- case 6:
- imlib_image_orientate(1);
- break;
- case 8:
- imlib_image_orientate(270);
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif /* EXIF_SUPPORT */
- #ifdef GIF_SUPPORT
- /* Originally based on, but in its current form merely inspired by Imlib2's
- * src/modules/loaders/loader_gif.c:load(), written by Carsten Haitzler.
- */
- int img_load_gif(img_t *img, const fileinfo_t *file) {
- GifFileType *gif;
- GifRowType *rows = NULL;
- GifRecordType rec;
- ColorMapObject *cmap;
- DATA32 bgpixel, *data, *ptr;
- DATA32 *prev_frame = NULL;
- Imlib_Image *im;
- int i, j, bg, r, g, b;
- int x, y, w, h, sw, sh;
- int intoffset[] = { 0, 4, 2, 1 };
- int intjump[] = { 8, 8, 4, 2 };
- int err = 0, transp = -1;
- unsigned int delay = 0;
- if (img->multi.cap == 0) {
- img->multi.cap = 8;
- img->multi.frames = (img_frame_t*)
- s_malloc(sizeof(img_frame_t) * img->multi.cap);
- }
- img->multi.cnt = 0;
- img->multi.sel = 0;
- gif = DGifOpenFileName(file->path);
- if (!gif) {
- warn("could not open gif file: %s", file->name);
- return 0;
- }
- bg = gif->SBackGroundColor;
- sw = gif->SWidth;
- sh = gif->SHeight;
- do {
- if (DGifGetRecordType(gif, &rec) == GIF_ERROR) {
- err = 1;
- break;
- }
- int ext_code;
- GifByteType *ext = NULL;
- DGifGetExtension(gif, &ext_code, &ext);
- while (ext) {
- if (ext_code == 0xf9) {
- if (ext[1] & 1)
- transp = (int) ext[4];
- else
- transp = -1;
- delay = 10 * ((unsigned int) ext[3] << 8 | (unsigned int) ext[2]);
- if (delay)
- delay = MAX(delay, MIN_GIF_DELAY);
- }
- ext = NULL;
- DGifGetExtensionNext(gif, &ext);
- }
- } else if (rec == IMAGE_DESC_RECORD_TYPE) {
- if (DGifGetImageDesc(gif) == GIF_ERROR) {
- err = 1;
- break;
- }
- x = gif->Image.Left;
- y = gif->Image.Top;
- w = gif->Image.Width;
- h = gif->Image.Height;
- rows = (GifRowType*) s_malloc(h * sizeof(GifRowType));
- for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
- rows[i] = (GifRowType) s_malloc(w * sizeof(GifPixelType));
- if (gif->Image.Interlace) {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- for (j = intoffset[i]; j < h; j += intjump[i])
- DGifGetLine(gif, rows[j], w);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
- DGifGetLine(gif, rows[i], w);
- }
- ptr = data = (DATA32*) s_malloc(sizeof(DATA32) * sw * sh);
- cmap = gif->Image.ColorMap ? gif->Image.ColorMap : gif->SColorMap;
- r = cmap->Colors[bg].Red;
- g = cmap->Colors[bg].Green;
- b = cmap->Colors[bg].Blue;
- bgpixel = 0x00ffffff & (r << 16 | g << 8 | b);
- for (i = 0; i < sh; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < sw; j++) {
- if (i < y || i >= y + h || j < x || j >= x + w) {
- if (transp >= 0 && prev_frame)
- *ptr = prev_frame[i * sw + j];
- else
- *ptr = bgpixel;
- } else if (rows[i-y][j-x] == transp) {
- if (prev_frame)
- *ptr = prev_frame[i * sw + j];
- else
- *ptr = bgpixel;
- } else {
- r = cmap->Colors[rows[i-y][j-x]].Red;
- g = cmap->Colors[rows[i-y][j-x]].Green;
- b = cmap->Colors[rows[i-y][j-x]].Blue;
- *ptr = 0xff << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
- }
- ptr++;
- }
- }
- im = imlib_create_image_using_copied_data(sw, sh, data);
- for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
- free(rows[i]);
- free(rows);
- free(data);
- if (!im) {
- err = 1;
- break;
- }
- imlib_context_set_image(im);
- prev_frame = imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only();
- imlib_image_set_format("gif");
- if (transp >= 0)
- imlib_image_set_has_alpha(1);
- if (img->multi.cnt == img->multi.cap) {
- img->multi.cap *= 2;
- img->multi.frames = (img_frame_t*)
- s_realloc(img->multi.frames,
- img->multi.cap * sizeof(img_frame_t));
- }
- img->multi.frames[img->multi.cnt].im = im;
- img->multi.frames[img->multi.cnt].delay = delay ? delay : GIF_DELAY;
- img->multi.cnt++;
- }
- } while (rec != TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE);
- DGifCloseFile(gif);
- if (err && !file->loaded)
- warn("corrupted gif file: %s", file->name);
- if (img->multi.cnt > 1) {
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- imlib_free_image();
- img->im = img->multi.frames[0].im;
- img->multi.animate = GIF_AUTOPLAY;
- } else if (img->multi.cnt == 1) {
- imlib_context_set_image(img->multi.frames[0].im);
- imlib_free_image();
- img->multi.cnt = 0;
- img->multi.animate = 0;
- }
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- return !err;
- }
- #endif /* GIF_SUPPORT */
- int img_load(img_t *img, const fileinfo_t *file) {
- const char *fmt;
- if (!img || !file || !file->name || !file->path)
- return 0;
- if (access(file->path, R_OK) || !(img->im = imlib_load_image(file->path))) {
- warn("could not open image: %s", file->name);
- return 0;
- }
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- imlib_image_set_changes_on_disk();
- imlib_context_set_anti_alias(img->aa);
- fmt = imlib_image_format();
- /* avoid unused-but-set-variable warning */
- (void) fmt;
- if (!strcmp(fmt, "jpeg"))
- exif_auto_orientate(file);
- #endif
- #ifdef GIF_SUPPORT
- if (!strcmp(fmt, "gif"))
- img_load_gif(img, file);
- #endif
- img->scalemode = options->scalemode;
- img->re = 0;
- img->checkpan = 0;
- img->w = imlib_image_get_width();
- img->h = imlib_image_get_height();
- return 1;
- }
- void img_close(img_t *img, int decache) {
- int i;
- if (!img)
- return;
- if (img->multi.cnt) {
- for (i = 0; i < img->multi.cnt; i++) {
- imlib_context_set_image(img->multi.frames[i].im);
- imlib_free_image();
- }
- img->multi.cnt = 0;
- img->im = NULL;
- } else if (img->im) {
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- if (decache)
- imlib_free_image_and_decache();
- else
- imlib_free_image();
- img->im = NULL;
- }
- }
- void img_check_pan(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- if (!img || !win)
- return;
- if (img->w * img->zoom > win->w) {
- if (img->x > 0 && img->x + img->w * img->zoom > win->w)
- img->x = 0;
- if (img->x < 0 && img->x + img->w * img->zoom < win->w)
- img->x = win->w - img->w * img->zoom;
- } else {
- img->x = (win->w - img->w * img->zoom) / 2;
- }
- if (img->h * img->zoom > win->h) {
- if (img->y > 0 && img->y + img->h * img->zoom > win->h)
- img->y = 0;
- if (img->y < 0 && img->y + img->h * img->zoom < win->h)
- img->y = win->h - img->h * img->zoom;
- } else {
- img->y = (win->h - img->h * img->zoom) / 2;
- }
- }
- int img_fit(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- float oz, zw, zh;
- if (!img || !win)
- return 0;
- oz = img->zoom;
- zw = (float) win->w / (float) img->w;
- zh = (float) win->h / (float) img->h;
- img->zoom = MIN(zw, zh);
- img->zoom = MAX(img->zoom, zoom_min);
- img->zoom = MIN(img->zoom, zoom_max);
- return oz != img->zoom;
- }
- void img_render(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- int sx, sy, sw, sh;
- int dx, dy, dw, dh;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return;
- if (img->scalemode != SCALE_ZOOM) {
- img_fit(img, win);
- if (img->scalemode == SCALE_DOWN && img->zoom > 1.0)
- img->zoom = 1.0;
- }
- if (!img->re) {
- /* rendered for the first time */
- img->re = 1;
- if (img->zoom * img->w <= win->w)
- img->x = (win->w - img->w * img->zoom) / 2;
- else
- img->x = 0;
- if (img->zoom * img->h <= win->h)
- img->y = (win->h - img->h * img->zoom) / 2;
- else
- img->y = 0;
- }
- if (img->checkpan) {
- img_check_pan(img, win);
- img->checkpan = 0;
- }
- /* calculate source and destination offsets */
- if (img->x < 0) {
- sx = -img->x / img->zoom;
- sw = win->w / img->zoom;
- dx = 0;
- dw = win->w;
- } else {
- sx = 0;
- sw = img->w;
- dx = img->x;
- dw = img->w * img->zoom;
- }
- if (img->y < 0) {
- sy = -img->y / img->zoom;
- sh = win->h / img->zoom;
- dy = 0;
- dh = win->h;
- } else {
- sy = 0;
- sh = img->h;
- dy = img->y;
- dh = img->h * img->zoom;
- }
- win_clear(win);
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- if (imlib_image_has_alpha() && !img->alpha)
- win_draw_rect(win, win->pm, dx, dy, dw, dh, True, 0, win->white);
- imlib_context_set_drawable(win->pm);
- imlib_render_image_part_on_drawable_at_size(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
- win_draw(win);
- }
- int img_fit_win(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- img->scalemode = SCALE_FIT;
- return img_fit(img, win);
- }
- int img_center(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- int ox, oy;
- if (!img || !win)
- return 0;
- ox = img->x;
- oy = img->y;
- img->x = (win->w - img->w * img->zoom) / 2;
- img->y = (win->h - img->h * img->zoom) / 2;
- return ox != img->x || oy != img->y;
- }
- int img_zoom(img_t *img, win_t *win, float z) {
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- z = MAX(z, zoom_min);
- z = MIN(z, zoom_max);
- img->scalemode = SCALE_ZOOM;
- if (z != img->zoom) {
- img->x = win->w / 2 - (win->w / 2 - img->x) * z / img->zoom;
- img->y = win->h / 2 - (win->h / 2 - img->y) * z / img->zoom;
- img->zoom = z;
- img->checkpan = 1;
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int img_zoom_in(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- int i;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- for (i = 1; i < ARRLEN(zoom_levels); i++) {
- if (zoom_levels[i] > img->zoom * 100.0)
- return img_zoom(img, win, zoom_levels[i] / 100.0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int img_zoom_out(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- int i;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- for (i = ARRLEN(zoom_levels) - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (zoom_levels[i] < img->zoom * 100.0)
- return img_zoom(img, win, zoom_levels[i] / 100.0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int img_move(img_t *img, win_t *win, int dx, int dy) {
- int ox, oy;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- ox = img->x;
- oy = img->y;
- img->x += dx;
- img->y += dy;
- img_check_pan(img, win);
- return ox != img->x || oy != img->y;
- }
- int img_pan(img_t *img, win_t *win, direction_t dir, int screen) {
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- switch (dir) {
- case DIR_LEFT:
- return img_move(img, win, win->w / (screen ? 1 : 5), 0);
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- return img_move(img, win, win->w / (screen ? 1 : 5) * -1, 0);
- case DIR_UP:
- return img_move(img, win, 0, win->h / (screen ? 1 : 5));
- case DIR_DOWN:
- return img_move(img, win, 0, win->h / (screen ? 1 : 5) * -1);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int img_pan_edge(img_t *img, win_t *win, direction_t dir) {
- int ox, oy;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return 0;
- ox = img->x;
- oy = img->y;
- switch (dir) {
- case DIR_LEFT:
- img->x = 0;
- break;
- case DIR_RIGHT:
- img->x = win->w - img->w * img->zoom;
- break;
- case DIR_UP:
- img->y = 0;
- break;
- case DIR_DOWN:
- img->y = win->h - img->h * img->zoom;
- break;
- }
- img_check_pan(img, win);
- return ox != img->x || oy != img->y;
- }
- void img_rotate(img_t *img, win_t *win, int d) {
- int ox, oy, tmp;
- if (!img || !img->im || !win)
- return;
- ox = d == 1 ? img->x : win->w - img->x - img->w * img->zoom;
- oy = d == 3 ? img->y : win->h - img->y - img->h * img->zoom;
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- imlib_image_orientate(d);
- img->x = oy + (win->w - win->h) / 2;
- img->y = ox + (win->h - win->w) / 2;
- tmp = img->w;
- img->w = img->h;
- img->h = tmp;
- img->checkpan = 1;
- }
- void img_rotate_left(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- img_rotate(img, win, 3);
- }
- void img_rotate_right(img_t *img, win_t *win) {
- img_rotate(img, win, 1);
- }
- void img_toggle_antialias(img_t *img) {
- if (img && img->im) {
- img->aa ^= 1;
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- imlib_context_set_anti_alias(img->aa);
- }
- }
- int img_frame_goto(img_t *img, int n) {
- if (!img || n < 0 || n >= img->multi.cnt)
- return 0;
- if (n == img->multi.sel)
- return 0;
- img->multi.sel = n;
- img->im = img->multi.frames[n].im;
- imlib_context_set_image(img->im);
- img->w = imlib_image_get_width();
- img->h = imlib_image_get_height();
- img->checkpan = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- int img_frame_navigate(img_t *img, int d) {
- if (!img || !img->multi.cnt || !d)
- return 0;
- d += img->multi.sel;
- if (d < 0)
- d = 0;
- else if (d >= img->multi.cnt)
- d = img->multi.cnt - 1;
- return img_frame_goto(img, d);
- }
- int img_frame_animate(img_t *img, int restart) {
- if (!img || !img->multi.cnt)
- return 0;
- if (img->multi.sel + 1 >= img->multi.cnt) {
- if (restart || GIF_LOOP) {
- img_frame_goto(img, 0);
- } else {
- img->multi.animate = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (!restart) {
- img_frame_goto(img, img->multi.sel + 1);
- }
- img->multi.animate = 1;
- return img->multi.frames[img->multi.sel].delay;
- }