- package main
- import (
- "net/http"
- "log"
- "sync"
- "regexp"
- "html/template"
- "database/sql"
- _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
- "fmt"
- "encoding/json"
- // "io"
- "strconv"
- "bytes"
- )
- type Page struct {
- tpl *template.Template
- Title string
- Name string
- }
- type Borrower struct {
- Id int `json:"id"`
- Credit int `json:"credit"`
- Income int `json:"income"`
- Num int `json:"num"`
- }
- type FeeTemplate struct {
- Id int `json:"id"`
- User int `json:"user"`
- Branch int `json:"branch"`
- Amount int `json:"amount"`
- Perc int `json:"perc"`
- Type string `json:"type"`
- Notes string `json:"notes"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Category string `json:"category"`
- Auto bool `json:"auto"`
- }
- type Fee struct {
- Id int `json:"id"`
- LoanId int `json:"loan_id"`
- Amount int `json:"amount"`
- Perc int `json:"perc"`
- Type string `json:"type"`
- Notes string `json:"notes"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Category string `json:"category"`
- }
- type LoanType struct {
- Id int `json:"id"`
- User int `json:"user"`
- Branch int `json:"branch"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- }
- type Loan struct {
- Id int `json:id`
- EstimateId int `json:estimate_id`
- Type LoanType `json:"loanType"`
- Amount int `json:"loanAmount"`
- Term int `json:"term"`
- Ltv float32 `json:"ltv"`
- Dti float32 `json:"dti"`
- Hoi int `json:"hoi"`
- Interest int `json:"interest"`
- Mi MI `json:"mi"`
- Fees []Fee `json:"fees"`
- Name string `json:"name"`
- }
- type MI struct {
- Type string
- Label string
- Lender string
- Rate float32
- Premium float32
- Upfront float32
- FiveYearTotal float32
- InitialAllInPremium float32
- InitialAllInRate float32
- InitialAmount float32
- }
- type Estimate struct {
- Id int `json:"id"`
- User int `json:"user"`
- Borrower Borrower `json:"borrower"`
- Transaction string `json:"transaction"`
- Price int `json:"price"`
- Property string `json:"property"`
- Occupancy string `json:"occupancy"`
- Zip string `json:"zip"`
- Pud bool `json:"pud"`
- Loans []Loan `json:"loans"`
- }
- var (
- regexen = make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
- relock sync.Mutex
- address = ""
- )
- var paths = map[string]string {
- "home": "home.tpl",
- "terms": "terms.tpl",
- "app": "app.tpl",
- }
- var pages = map[string]Page {
- "home": cache("home", "Home"),
- "terms": cache("terms", "Terms and Conditions"),
- "app": cache("app", "App"),
- }
- func cache(name string, title string) Page {
- var p = []string{"master.tpl", paths[name]}
- tpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(p...))
- return Page{tpl: tpl,
- Title: title,
- Name: name,
- }
- }
- func (page Page) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
- err := page.tpl.Execute(w, page)
- if err != nil {
- log.Print(err)
- }
- }
- func match(path, pattern string, args *[]string) bool {
- relock.Lock()
- defer relock.Unlock()
- regex := regexen[pattern]
- if regex == nil {
- regex = regexp.MustCompile("^" + pattern + "$")
- regexen[pattern] = regex
- }
- matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(path)
- if len(matches) <= 0 {
- return false
- }
- *args = matches[1:]
- return true
- }
- func getLoanType(
- db *sql.DB,
- user int,
- branch int,
- isUser bool) ([]LoanType, error) {
- var loans []LoanType
- // Should be changed to specify user
- rows, err :=
- db.Query(`SELECT * FROM loan_type WHERE user_id = ? AND branch_id = ? ` +
- "OR (user_id = 0 AND branch_id = 0)", user, branch)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("loan_type error: %v", err)
- }
- defer rows.Close()
- for rows.Next() {
- var loan LoanType
- if err := rows.Scan(
- &loan.Id,
- &loan.User,
- &loan.Branch,
- &loan.Name)
- err != nil {
- log.Printf("Error occured fetching loan: %v", err)
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error occured fetching loan: %v", err)
- }
- loans = append(loans, loan)
- }
- log.Printf("The loans: %v", loans)
- return loans, nil
- }
- func getEstimate(db *sql.DB, id int) (Estimate, error) {
- var estimate Estimate
- var err error
- query := `SELECT e.id, e.user_id, e.transaction,
- e.price, e.property, e.occupancy, e.zip, e.pud,
- b.id, b.credit_score, b.monthly_income, b.num
- FROM estimate e
- INNER JOIN borrower b ON e.borrower_id = b.id
- WHERE e.id = ?
- `
- // Inner join should always be valid because a borrower is a required
- // foreign key.
- row := db.QueryRow(query, id)
- if err = row.Scan(
- &estimate.Id,
- &estimate.User,
- &estimate.Transaction,
- &estimate.Price,
- &estimate.Property,
- &estimate.Occupancy,
- &estimate.Zip,
- &estimate.Pud,
- &estimate.Borrower.Id,
- &estimate.Borrower.Credit,
- &estimate.Borrower.Income,
- &estimate.Borrower.Num,
- )
- err != nil {
- return estimate, fmt.Errorf("Estimate scanning error: %v", err)
- }
- estimate.Loans, err = getLoans(db, estimate.Id)
- return estimate, err
- }
- func getFees(db *sql.DB, loan int) ([]Fee, error) {
- var fees []Fee
- rows, err := db.Query(
- "SELECT * FROM fees " +
- "WHERE loan_id = ?",
- loan)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Fee query error %v", err)
- }
- defer rows.Close()
- for rows.Next() {
- var fee Fee
- if err := rows.Scan(
- &fee.Id,
- &fee.LoanId,
- &fee.Amount,
- &fee.Perc,
- &fee.Type,
- &fee.Notes,
- &fee.Name,
- &fee.Category,
- )
- err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Fees scanning error: %v", err)
- }
- fees = append(fees, fee)
- }
- return fees, nil
- }
- // Fetch fees from the database
- func getFeesTemp(db *sql.DB, user int) ([]FeeTemplate, error) {
- var fees []FeeTemplate
- rows, err := db.Query(
- "SELECT * FROM fee_template " +
- "WHERE user_id = ? OR user_id = 0",
- user)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Fee template query error %v", err)
- }
- defer rows.Close()
- for rows.Next() {
- var fee FeeTemplate
- if err := rows.Scan(
- &fee.Id,
- &fee.User,
- &fee.Branch,
- &fee.Amount,
- &fee.Perc,
- &fee.Type,
- &fee.Notes,
- &fee.Name,
- &fee.Category,
- &fee.Auto)
- err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("FeesTemplate scanning error: %v", err)
- }
- fees = append(fees, fee)
- }
- return fees, nil
- }
- func getMi(db *sql.DB, loan int) (MI, error) {
- var mi MI
- query := `SELECT
- type, label, lender, rate, premium, upfront, five_year_total,
- initial_premium, initial_rate, initial_amount
- FROM mi WHERE loan_id = ?`
- row := db.QueryRow(query, loan)
- if err := row.Scan(
- &mi.Type,
- &mi.Label,
- &mi.Lender,
- &mi.Rate,
- &mi.Premium,
- &mi.Upfront,
- &mi.FiveYearTotal,
- &mi.InitialAllInPremium,
- &mi.InitialAllInRate,
- &mi.InitialAmount,
- )
- err != nil {
- return mi, err
- }
- return mi, nil
- }
- func getLoans(db *sql.DB, estimate int) ([]Loan, error) {
- var loans []Loan
- query := `SELECT
- l.id, l.amount, l.term, l.interest, l.ltv, l.dti, l.hoi,
- lt.id, lt.user_id, lt.branch_id, lt.name
- FROM loan l INNER JOIN loan_type lt ON l.type_id = lt.id
- WHERE l.estimate_id = ?
- `
- rows, err := db.Query(query, estimate)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Loan query error %v", err)
- }
- defer rows.Close()
- for rows.Next() {
- var loan Loan
- if err := rows.Scan(
- &loan.Id,
- &loan.Amount,
- &loan.Term,
- &loan.Interest,
- &loan.Ltv,
- &loan.Dti,
- &loan.Hoi,
- &loan.Type.Id,
- &loan.Type.User,
- &loan.Type.Branch,
- &loan.Type.Name,
- )
- err != nil {
- return loans, fmt.Errorf("Loans scanning error: %v", err)
- }
- mi, err := getMi(db, loan.Id)
- if err != nil {
- return loans, err
- }
- loan.Mi = mi
- loans = append(loans, loan)
- }
- return loans, nil
- }
- func getBorrower(db *sql.DB, id int) (Borrower, error) {
- var borrower Borrower
- row := db.QueryRow(
- "SELECT * FROM borrower " +
- "WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1",
- id)
- if err := row.Scan(
- &borrower.Id,
- &borrower.Credit,
- &borrower.Income,
- &borrower.Num,
- )
- err != nil {
- return borrower, fmt.Errorf("Borrower scanning error: %v", err)
- }
- return borrower, nil
- }
- // Query Lender APIs and parse responses into MI structs
- func fetchMi(db *sql.DB, estimate *Estimate, pos int) []MI {
- var err error
- var loan Loan = estimate.Loans[pos]
- var ltv = func(l float32) string {
- switch {
- case l > 95: return "LTV97"
- case l > 90: return "LTV95"
- case l > 85: return "LTV90"
- default: return "LTV85"
- }
- }
- var term = func(t int) string {
- switch {
- case t <= 10: return "A10"
- case t <= 15: return "A15"
- case t <= 20: return "A20"
- case t <= 25: return "A25"
- case t <= 30: return "A30"
- default: return "A40"
- }
- }
- var propertyCodes = map[string]string {
- "Single Attached": "SFO",
- "Single Detached": "SFO",
- "Condo Lo-rise": "CON",
- "Condo Hi-rise": "CON",
- }
- var purposeCodes = map[string]string {
- "Purchase": "PUR",
- "Refinance": "RRT",
- }
- body, err := json.Marshal(map[string]any{
- "zipCode": estimate.Zip,
- "stateCode": "CA",
- "address": "",
- "propertyTypeCode": propertyCodes[estimate.Property],
- "occupancyTypeCode": "PRS",
- "loanPurposeCode": purposeCodes[estimate.Transaction],
- "loanAmount": loan.Amount,
- "loanToValue": ltv(loan.Ltv),
- "amortizationTerm": term(loan.Term),
- "loanTypeCode": "FXD",
- "duLpDecisionCode": "DAE",
- "loanProgramCodes": []any{},
- "debtToIncome": loan.Dti,
- "wholesaleLoan": 0,
- "coveragePercentageCode": "L30",
- "productCode": "BPM",
- "renewalTypeCode": "CON",
- "numberOfBorrowers": 1,
- "coBorrowerCreditScores": []any{},
- "borrowerCreditScore": strconv.Itoa(estimate.Borrower.Credit),
- "masterPolicy": nil,
- "selfEmployedIndicator": false,
- "armType": "",
- "userId": 44504,
- })
- if err != nil {
- log.Printf("Could not marshal NationalMI body: \n%v\n%v\n",
- bytes.NewBuffer(body), err)
- }
- req, err := http.NewRequest("POST",
- "https://rate-gps.nationalmi.com/rates/productRateQuote",
- bytes.NewBuffer(body))
- req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
- req.AddCookie(&http.Cookie{
- Name: "nmirategps_email",
- Value: config["NationalMIEmail"]})
- resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
- var res map[string]interface{}
- if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
- log.Printf("the status: %v\nthe resp: %v\n the req: %v\n the body: %v\n",
- resp.Status, resp, req.Body, bytes.NewBuffer(body))
- } else {
- json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&res)
- // estimate.Loans[pos].Mi = res
- }
- return estimate
- }
- func validateEstimate() {
- return
- }
- func route(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- var page Page
- var args []string
- p := r.URL.Path
- switch {
- case r.Method == "GET" && match(p, "/", &args):
- page = pages[ "home" ]
- case match(p, "/terms", &args):
- page = pages[ "terms" ]
- case match(p, "/app", &args):
- page = pages[ "app" ]
- case match(p, "/assets", &args):
- page = pages[ "app" ]
- default:
- http.NotFound(w, r)
- return
- }
- page.Render(w)
- }
- func api(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
- var args []string
- // var response string
- p := r.URL.Path
- db, err := sql.Open("mysql",
- fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(",
- config["DBUser"],
- config["DBPass"]))
- w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
- err = db.Ping()
- if err != nil {
- print("Bad database configuration: %v", err)
- panic(err)
- // maybe os.Exit(1) instead
- }
- switch {
- case match(p, "/api/loans", &args):
- resp, err := getLoanType(db, 0, 0, true)
- if resp != nil {
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
- } else {
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
- }
- case match(p, "/api/fees", &args):
- resp, err := getFeesTemp(db, 0)
- if resp != nil {
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
- } else {
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
- }
- case match(p, "/api/mi", &args):
- var err error
- est, err := getEstimate(db, 1)
- if err != nil {
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
- log.Println("error occured:", err)
- break
- }
- json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(fetchMi(db, &est, 0).Loans[0].Mi)
- // if err != nil {
- // json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
- // break
- // } else {
- // json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp)
- // }
- }
- }
- func main() {
- files := http.FileServer(http.Dir(""))
- http.Handle("/assets/", files)
- http.HandleFunc("/api/", api)
- http.HandleFunc("/", route)
- log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(address, nil))
- }