Skouter mortgage estimates. Web application with view written in PHP and Vue, but controller and models in Go.

22 lines
610 B

  1. {% set slug = uri.param('slug') %}
  2. {% set changelog = admin.getChangelog(slug) %}
  3. <section id="ajax" class="changelog">
  4. <a href="#" class="remodal-close"></a>
  5. {% if changelog %}
  6. <h1>{{title}} Changelog</h1>
  7. <div class="changelog-overflow">
  8. {% for version, log in changelog %}
  9. <h3 id="{{ version | replace({" ": '-'}) }}">v{{ version }}</h3>
  10. <h4 title="{{|date('F jS \\a\\t g:ia') }}">{{|nicetime }}</h4>
  11. {{ log.content|markdown|raw }}
  12. {% endfor %}
  13. </div>
  14. {% endif %}
  15. </section>