Skouter mortgage estimates. Web application with view written in PHP and Vue, but controller and models in Go.
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22 рядки
434 B

  1. // Core variables and mixins
  2. @import 'theme/variables';
  3. @import 'spectre/variables';
  4. @import 'spectre/mixins';
  5. @import 'theme/fonts';
  6. @import 'theme/mixins';
  7. @import 'theme/framework';
  8. @import 'theme/typography';
  9. @import 'theme/forms';
  10. @import 'theme/mobile';
  11. @import 'theme/animation';
  12. @import 'theme/header';
  13. @import 'theme/footer';
  14. @import 'theme/menu';
  15. // Extra Skeleton Styling
  16. @import 'theme/blog';
  17. @import 'theme/onepage';