Skouter mortgage estimates. Web application with view written in PHP and Vue, but controller and models in Go.
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  1. # Grav Devtools Plugin
  2. The `devtools` is a [Grav]( Plugin that lets you quickly create a scaffolding for your new plugins and themes. The plugin provides CLI commands that allow for the quick and easy deployment of a sample scaffolding for your new plugin.
  3. # Installation
  4. ## GPM Installation (Preferred)
  5. The simplest way to install this plugin is via the [Grav Package Manager (GPM)]( From the root of your Grav install type:
  6. bin/gpm install devtools
  7. ## Manual Installation
  8. If for some reason you can't use GPM you can manually install this plugin. Download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under `/your/site/grav/user/plugins`. Then, rename the folder to `devtools`.
  9. You should now have all the plugin files under
  10. /your/site/grav/user/plugins/devtools
  11. ## Configuration
  12. By default, devtools will perform a check with the online gpm repository to ensure name-collision avoidance. If you wish to not perform this online check, change the devtools.yaml at `user/config/plugins` from `collision_check: true` to `collision_check: false`.
  13. # Usage
  14. ## Plugin Scaffolding
  15. To create a new plugin you simply need to run: `bin/plugin devtools new-plugin` and fill in the few questions at the prompts:
  16. ```
  17. > bin/plugin devtools new-plugin
  18. Enter Plugin Name: MyPlugin
  19. Enter Plugin Description: My New Custom Plugin
  20. Enter Developer Name: Johnny Rotten
  21. Enter GitHub ID (can be blank): pretty-vacant
  22. Enter Developer Email:
  23. SUCCESS plugin myplugin -> Created Successfully
  24. Path: /home/johnnyr/webroot/grav-installation/user/plugins/myplugin
  25. ```
  26. ## Theme Scaffolding
  27. To create a new theme you simply need to run: `bin/plugin devtools new-theme` and fill in the few questions at the prompts:
  28. ```
  29. > bin/plugin devtools new-theme
  30. Enter Theme Name: MyTheme
  31. Enter Theme Description: My New Custom Theme
  32. Enter Developer Name: Johnny Rotten
  33. Enter GitHub ID (can be blank): pretty-vacant
  34. Enter Developer Email:
  35. Please choose a template type
  36. [pure-blank ] Basic Theme using Pure.css
  37. [inheritance] Inherit from another theme
  38. [copy ] Copy another theme
  39. > pure-blank
  40. SUCCESS theme mytheme -> Created Successfully
  41. Path: /home/johnnyr/webroot/grav-installation/user/themes/mytheme
  42. ```
  43. There are **three template creation options**
  44. 1. `pure-blank` - This is a very basic blank theme that uses the [Pure CSS framework](
  45. 2. `inheritance` - This creates a very basic template with minimal files that inherits a base theme. To find out more about theme inheritance, [check out the subject in more details on the Grav Learn site](
  46. 3. `copy` - This allows you to create a new theme based on an existing theme. This is the simplest way to get started with a new theme by using another theme as the basis.
  47. ## Skipping Online Project Name Collision Checking
  48. By default, devtools will check your project's name with the existing gpm ecosystem to ensure no collisions. In order to skip this check, add an `--offline` or `-o` to your command:
  49. `bin/plugin devtools new-theme --offline`
  50. or
  51. `bin/plugin devtools new-theme -o`