Skouter mortgage estimates. Web application with view written in PHP and Vue, but controller and models in Go.

  1. # Quark Theme
  2. ![](assets/quark-screenshots.jpg)
  3. **Quark** is the new default theme for [Grav CMS]( This theme is built with the [Spectre.css]( framework and provides a powerful base for developing your own themes. Quark uses functionality that is only available in Grav 1.4+, as such you cannot run Quark on earlier versions of Grav.
  4. ## Features
  5. * Lightweight and minimal for optimal performance
  6. * Spectre CSS Framework
  7. * Fully responsive with full-page mobile navigation
  8. * SCSS based CSS source files for easy customization
  9. * Built-in support for on-page navigation
  10. * Multiple page template types
  11. * Fontawesome icon support
  12. ### Supported Page Templates
  13. * Default view template ``
  14. * Error view template ``
  15. * Blog view template ``
  16. * Blog item view template ``
  17. * Modular view templates: ``
  18. * Features Modular view template ``
  19. * Hero Modular view template ``
  20. * Text Modular view template ``
  21. # Installation
  22. Installing the Quark theme can be done in one of two ways. Our GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method enables you to quickly and easily install the theme with a simple terminal command, while the manual method enables you to do so via a zip file.
  23. The theme by itself is useful, but you may have an easier time getting up and running by installing a skeleton. The Quark theme can be found in both the [One-page]( and [Blog Site]( which are self-contained repositories for a complete sites which include: sample content, configuration, theme, and plugins.
  24. ## GPM Installation (Preferred)
  25. The simplest way to install this theme is via the [Grav Package Manager (GPM)]( through your system's Terminal (also called the command line). From the root of your Grav install type:
  26. bin/gpm install quark
  27. This will install the Quark theme into your `/user/themes` directory within Grav. Its files can be found under `/your/site/grav/user/themes/quark`.
  28. ## Manual Installation
  29. To install this theme, just download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under `/your/site/grav/user/themes`. Then, rename the folder to `quark`. You can find these files either on [GitHub]( or via [](
  30. You should now have all the theme files under
  31. /your/site/grav/user/themes/quark
  32. ## Default Options
  33. Quark comes with a few default options that can be set site-wide. These options are:
  34. ```yaml
  35. enabled: true # Enable the theme
  36. production-mode: true # In production mode, only minified CSS is used. When disabled, nested CSS with sourcemaps are enabled
  37. grid-size: grid-lg # The max-width of the theme, options include: `grid-xl`, `grid-lg`, and `grid-md`
  38. header-fixed: true # Cause the header to be fixed at the top of the browser
  39. header-animated: true # Allows the fixed header to resize to a smaller header when scrolled
  40. header-dark: false # Inverts the text/logo to work better on dark backgrounds
  41. header-transparent: false # Allows the fixed header to be transparent over the page
  42. sticky-footer: true # Causes the footer to be sticky at the bottom of the page
  43. blog-page: '/blog' # The route to the blog listing page, useful for a blog style layout with sidebar
  44. custom_logo: # A custom logo rather than the default (see below)
  45. custom_logo_mobile: # A custom logo to use for mobile navigation
  46. ```
  47. To make modifications, you can copy the `user/themes/quark/quark.yaml` file to `user/config/themes/` folder and modify, or you can use the admin plugin.
  48. > NOTE: Do not modify the `user/themes/quark/quark.yaml` file directly or your changes will be lost with any updates
  49. ## Custom Logos
  50. To add a custom logo, you should put the log into the `user/themes/quark/images/logo` folder. Standard image formats are support (`.png`,`.jpg`, `.gif`, `.svg`, etc.). Then reference the logo via the YAML like so:
  51. ```yaml
  52. custom_logo:
  53. - name: 'my-logo.png'
  54. custom_logo_mobile:
  55. - name: 'my-mobile-logo.png'
  56. ```
  57. Alternatively, you can you use the drag-n-drop "Custom Logo" field in the Quark theme options.
  58. ## Page Overrides
  59. Quark has the ability to allow pages to override some of the default options by letting the user set `body_classes` for any page. The theme will merge the combination of the defaults with any `body_classes` set. For example:
  60. ```yaml
  61. body_classes: "header-dark header-transparent"
  62. ```
  63. On a particular page will ensure that page has those options enabled (assuming they are false by default).
  64. ## Hero Options
  65. The hero template allows some options to be set in the page frontmatter. This is used by the modular `hero` as well as the blog and item templates to provide a more dynamic header.
  66. ```yaml
  67. hero_classes: text-light title-h1h2 parallax overlay-dark-gradient hero-large
  68. hero_image: road.jpg
  69. hero_align: center
  70. ```
  71. The `hero_classes` option allows a variety of hero classes to be set dynamically these include:
  72. * `text-light` | `text-dark` - Controls if the text should be light or dark depending on the content
  73. * `title-h1h2` - Enforced a close matched h1/h2 title pairing
  74. * `parallax` - Enables a CSS-powered parallax effect
  75. * `overlay-dark-gradient` - Displays a transparent gradient which further darkens the underlying image
  76. * `overlay-light-gradient` - Displays a transparent gradient which further lightens the underlying image
  77. * `overlay-dark` - Displays a solid transparent overlay which further darkens the underlying image
  78. * `overlay-light` - Displays a solid transparent overlay which further darkens the underlying image
  79. * `hero-fullscreen` | `hero-large` | `hero-medium` | `hero-small` | `hero-tiny` - Size of the hero block
  80. The `hero_image` should point to an image file in the current page folder.
  81. ## Features Modular Options
  82. The features modular template provides the ability to set a class on the features, as well as an array of feature items. For example:
  83. ```yaml
  84. class: offset-box
  85. features:
  86. - header: Crazy Fast
  87. text: "Performance is not just an afterthought, we baked it in from the start!"
  88. icon: fighter-jet
  89. - header: Easy to build
  90. text: "Simple text files means Grav is trivial to install, and easy to maintain"
  91. icon: database
  92. - header: Awesome Technology
  93. text: "Grav employs best-in-class technologies such as Twig, Markdown & Yaml"
  94. icon: cubes
  95. - header: Super Flexible
  96. text: "From the ground up, with many plugin hooks, Grav is extremely extensible"
  97. icon: object-ungroup
  98. - header: Abundant Plugins
  99. text: "A vibrant developer community means over 200 themes available to download"
  100. icon: puzzle-piece
  101. - header: Free / Open Source
  102. text: "Grav is an open source project, so you can spend your money on other stuff"
  103. icon: money
  104. ```
  105. ## Text Modular Options
  106. The text box provides a single option to control if any image found in the page folder should be left or right aligned:
  107. ```yaml
  108. image_align: right
  109. ```