My build of nnn with minor changes
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

555 lines
19 KiB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. #
  3. #
  4. #
  5. # Slightly modified for `nnn` integration
  6. if [ "${1}" = "--debug" ]; then
  7. echo "########################################"
  8. echo "Enabling debug mode"
  9. echo "Please remove credentials before pasting"
  10. echo "########################################"
  11. echo ""
  12. uname -a
  13. for arg in ${0} "${@}"; do
  14. echo -n "'${arg}' "
  15. done
  16. echo -e "\n"
  17. shift
  18. set -x
  19. fi
  20. current_version="v1.7.4"
  21. function is_mac() {
  22. uname | grep -q "Darwin"
  23. }
  25. # You can override the config in ~/.config/imgur-screenshot/settings.conf
  26. imgur_anon_id="ea6c0ef2987808e"
  27. imgur_icon_path="${HOME}/Pictures/imgur.png"
  28. imgur_acct_key=""
  29. imgur_secret=""
  30. login="false"
  31. album_title=""
  32. album_id=""
  33. credentials_file="${HOME}/.config/imgur-screenshot/credentials.conf"
  34. file_name_format="imgur-%Y_%m_%d-%H:%M:%S.png" # when using scrot, must end with .png!
  35. file_dir="${HOME}/Pictures"
  36. upload_connect_timeout="5"
  37. upload_timeout="120"
  38. upload_retries="1"
  39. if is_mac; then
  40. screenshot_select_command="screencapture -i %img"
  41. screenshot_window_command="screencapture -iWa %img"
  42. screenshot_full_command="screencapture %img"
  43. open_command="open %url"
  44. else
  45. screenshot_select_command="scrot -s %img"
  46. screenshot_window_command="scrot %img"
  47. screenshot_full_command="scrot %img"
  48. open_command="xdg-open %url"
  49. fi
  50. open="true"
  51. mode="select"
  52. edit_command="gimp %img"
  53. edit="false"
  54. exit_on_album_creation_fail="true"
  55. log_file="${HOME}/.imgur-screenshot.log"
  56. auto_delete=""
  57. copy_url="true"
  58. keep_file="true"
  59. check_update="true"
  60. # NOTICE: if you make changes here, also edit the docs at
  61. #
  62. # You can override the config in ~/.config/imgur-screenshot/settings.conf
  63. ############## END CONFIG ##############
  64. settings_path="${HOME}/.config/imgur-screenshot/settings.conf"
  65. if [ -f "${settings_path}" ]; then
  66. source "${settings_path}"
  67. fi
  68. # dependency check
  69. if [ "${1}" = "--check" ]; then
  70. (which grep &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found grep") || echo "ERROR: grep not found"
  71. if is_mac; then
  72. if which growlnotify &>/dev/null; then
  73. echo "OK: found growlnotify"
  74. elif which terminal-notifier &>/dev/null; then
  75. echo "OK: found terminal-notifier"
  76. else
  77. echo "ERROR: growlnotify nor terminal-notifier found"
  78. fi
  79. (which screencapture &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found screencapture") || echo "ERROR: screencapture not found"
  80. (which pbcopy &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found pbcopy") || echo "ERROR: pbcopy not found"
  81. else
  82. (which notify-send &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found notify-send") || echo "ERROR: notify-send (from libnotify-bin) not found"
  83. (which scrot &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found scrot") || echo "ERROR: scrot not found"
  84. (which xclip &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found xclip") || echo "ERROR: xclip not found"
  85. fi
  86. (which curl &>/dev/null && echo "OK: found curl") || echo "ERROR: curl not found"
  87. exit 0
  88. fi
  89. # notify <'ok'|'error'> <title> <text>
  90. function notify() {
  91. if is_mac; then
  92. if which growlnotify &>/dev/null; then
  93. growlnotify --icon "${imgur_icon_path}" --iconpath "${imgur_icon_path}" --title "${2}" --message "${3}"
  94. else
  95. terminal-notifier -appIcon "${imgur_icon_path}" -contentImage "${imgur_icon_path}" -title "imgur: ${2}" -message "${3}"
  96. fi
  97. else
  98. if [ "${1}" = "error" ]; then
  99. notify-send -a ImgurScreenshot -u critical -c "im.error" -i "${imgur_icon_path}" -t 500 "imgur: ${2}" "${3}"
  100. else
  101. notify-send -a ImgurScreenshot -u low -c "transfer.complete" -i "${imgur_icon_path}" -t 500 "imgur: ${2}" "${3}"
  102. fi
  103. fi
  104. }
  105. function take_screenshot() {
  106. echo "Please select area"
  107. is_mac || sleep 0.1 #
  108. cmd="screenshot_${mode}_command"
  109. cmd=${!cmd//\%img/${1}}
  110. shot_err="$(${cmd} &>/dev/null)" #takes a screenshot with selection
  111. if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then
  112. echo "Failed to take screenshot '${1}': '${shot_err}'. For more information visit" | tee -a "${log_file}"
  113. notify error "Something went wrong :(" "Information has been logged"
  114. exit 1
  115. fi
  116. }
  117. function check_for_update() {
  118. # exit non-zero on HTTP error, output only the body (no stats) but output errors, follow redirects, output everything to stdout
  119. remote_version="$(curl --compressed -fsSL --stderr - "" | egrep -m 1 --color 'tag_name":\s*".*"' | cut -d '"' -f 4)"
  120. if [ "${?}" -eq "0" ]; then
  121. if [ ! "${current_version}" = "${remote_version}" ] && [ ! -z "${current_version}" ] && [ ! -z "${remote_version}" ]; then
  122. echo "Update found!"
  123. echo "Version ${remote_version} is available (You have ${current_version})"
  124. notify ok "Update found" "Version ${remote_version} is available (You have ${current_version})."
  125. echo "Check${remote_version} for more info."
  126. elif [ -z "${current_version}" ] || [ -z "${remote_version}" ]; then
  127. echo "Invalid empty version string"
  128. echo "Current (local) version: '${current_version}'"
  129. echo "Latest (remote) version: '${remote_version}'"
  130. else
  131. echo "Version ${current_version} is up to date."
  132. fi
  133. else
  134. echo "Failed to check for latest version: ${remote_version}"
  135. fi
  136. }
  137. function check_oauth2_client_secrets() {
  138. if [ -z "${imgur_acct_key}" ] || [ -z "${imgur_secret}" ]; then
  139. echo "In order to upload to your account, register a new application at:"
  140. echo ""
  141. echo "Select 'OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL'"
  142. echo "Then, set the imgur_acct_key (Client ID) and imgur_secret in your config."
  143. exit 1
  144. fi
  145. }
  146. function load_access_token() {
  147. token_expire_time=0
  148. # check for saved access_token and its expiration date
  149. if [ -f "${credentials_file}" ]; then
  150. source "${credentials_file}"
  151. fi
  152. current_time="$(date +%s)"
  153. preemptive_refresh_time="$((10*60))"
  154. expired="$((current_time > (token_expire_time - preemptive_refresh_time)))"
  155. if [ ! -z "${refresh_token}" ]; then
  156. # token already set
  157. if [ "${expired}" -eq "0" ]; then
  158. # token expired
  159. refresh_access_token "${credentials_file}"
  160. fi
  161. else
  162. acquire_access_token "${credentials_file}"
  163. fi
  164. }
  165. function acquire_access_token() {
  166. check_oauth2_client_secrets
  167. # prompt for a PIN
  168. authorize_url="${imgur_acct_key}&response_type=pin"
  169. echo "Go to"
  170. echo "${authorize_url}"
  171. echo "and grant access to this application."
  172. read -rp "Enter the PIN: " imgur_pin
  173. if [ -z "${imgur_pin}" ]; then
  174. echo "PIN not entered, exiting"
  175. exit 1
  176. fi
  177. # exchange the PIN for access token and refresh token
  178. response="$(curl --compressed -fsSL --stderr - \
  179. -F "client_id=${imgur_acct_key}" \
  180. -F "client_secret=${imgur_secret}" \
  181. -F "grant_type=pin" \
  182. -F "pin=${imgur_pin}" \
  184. save_access_token "${response}" "${1}"
  185. }
  186. function refresh_access_token() {
  187. check_oauth2_client_secrets
  188. token_url=""
  189. # exchange the refresh token for access_token and refresh_token
  190. response="$(curl --compressed -fsSL --stderr - -F "client_id=${imgur_acct_key}" -F "client_secret=${imgur_secret}" -F "grant_type=refresh_token" -F "refresh_token=${refresh_token}" "${token_url}")"
  191. if [ ! "${?}" -eq "0" ]; then
  192. # curl failed
  193. handle_upload_error "${response}" "${token_url}"
  194. exit 1
  195. fi
  196. save_access_token "${response}" "${1}"
  197. }
  198. function save_access_token() {
  199. if ! grep -q "access_token" <<<"${1}"; then
  200. # server did not send access_token
  201. echo "Error: Something is wrong with your credentials:"
  202. echo "${1}"
  203. exit 1
  204. fi
  205. access_token="$(egrep -o 'access_token":".*"' <<<"${1}" | cut -d '"' -f 3)"
  206. refresh_token="$(egrep -o 'refresh_token":".*"' <<<"${1}" | cut -d '"' -f 3)"
  207. expires_in="$(egrep -o 'expires_in":[0-9]*' <<<"${1}" | cut -d ':' -f 2)"
  208. token_expire_time="$(( $(date +%s) + expires_in ))"
  209. # create dir if not exist
  210. mkdir -p "$(dirname "${2}")" 2>/dev/null
  211. touch "${2}" && chmod 600 "${2}"
  212. cat <<EOF > "${2}"
  213. access_token="${access_token}"
  214. refresh_token="${refresh_token}"
  215. token_expire_time="${token_expire_time}"
  216. EOF
  217. }
  218. function fetch_account_info() {
  219. response="$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout "${upload_connect_timeout}" -m "${upload_timeout}" --retry "${upload_retries}" -fsSL --stderr - -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}""
  220. if egrep -q '"success":\s*true' <<<"${response}"; then
  221. username="$(egrep -o '"url":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  222. echo "Logged in as ${username}."
  223. echo "https://${username}"
  224. else
  225. echo "Failed to fetch info: ${response}"
  226. fi
  227. }
  228. function delete_image() {
  229. response="$(curl --compressed -X DELETE -fsSL --stderr - -H "Authorization: Client-ID ${1}" "${2}")"
  230. if egrep -q '"success":\s*true' <<<"${response}"; then
  231. echo "Image successfully deleted (delete hash: ${2})." >> "${3}"
  232. else
  233. echo "The Image could not be deleted: ${response}." >> "${3}"
  234. fi
  235. }
  236. function upload_authenticated_image() {
  237. echo "Uploading '${1}'..."
  238. title="$(echo "${1}" | rev | cut -d "/" -f 1 | cut -d "." -f 2- | rev)"
  239. if [ -n "${album_id}" ]; then
  240. response="$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout "${upload_connect_timeout}" -m "${upload_timeout}" --retry "${upload_retries}" -fsSL --stderr - -F "title=${title}" -F "image=@\"${1}\"" -F "album=${album_id}" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}""
  241. else
  242. response="$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout "${upload_connect_timeout}" -m "${upload_timeout}" --retry "${upload_retries}" -fsSL --stderr - -F "title=${title}" -F "image=@\"${1}\"" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}""
  243. fi
  244. # JSON parser premium edition (not really)
  245. if egrep -q '"success":\s*true' <<<"${response}"; then
  246. img_id="$(egrep -o '"id":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  247. img_ext="$(egrep -o '"link":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | rev | cut -d "." -f 1 | rev)" # "link" itself has ugly '\/' escaping and no https!
  248. del_id="$(egrep -o '"deletehash":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  249. if [ ! -z "${auto_delete}" ]; then
  250. export -f delete_image
  251. echo "Deleting image in ${auto_delete} seconds."
  252. nohup /bin/bash -c "sleep ${auto_delete} && delete_image ${imgur_anon_id} ${del_id} ${log_file}" &
  253. fi
  254. handle_upload_success "${img_id}.${img_ext}" "${del_id}" "${1}"
  255. else # upload failed
  256. err_msg="$(egrep -o '"error":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  257. test -z "${err_msg}" && err_msg="${response}"
  258. handle_upload_error "${err_msg}" "${1}"
  259. fi
  260. }
  261. function upload_anonymous_image() {
  262. echo "Uploading '${1}'..."
  263. title="$(echo "${1}" | rev | cut -d "/" -f 1 | cut -d "." -f 2- | rev)"
  264. if [ -n "${album_id}" ]; then
  265. response="$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout "${upload_connect_timeout}" -m "${upload_timeout}" --retry "${upload_retries}" -fsSL --stderr - -H "Authorization: Client-ID ${imgur_anon_id}" -F "title=${title}" -F "image=@\"${1}\"" -F "album=${album_id}""
  266. else
  267. response="$(curl --compressed --connect-timeout "${upload_connect_timeout}" -m "${upload_timeout}" --retry "${upload_retries}" -fsSL --stderr - -H "Authorization: Client-ID ${imgur_anon_id}" -F "title=${title}" -F "image=@\"${1}\"""
  268. fi
  269. # JSON parser premium edition (not really)
  270. if egrep -q '"success":\s*true' <<<"${response}"; then
  271. img_id="$(egrep -o '"id":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  272. img_ext="$(egrep -o '"link":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | rev | cut -d "." -f 1 | rev)" # "link" itself has ugly '\/' escaping and no https!
  273. del_id="$(egrep -o '"deletehash":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  274. if [ ! -z "${auto_delete}" ]; then
  275. export -f delete_image
  276. echo "Deleting image in ${auto_delete} seconds."
  277. nohup /bin/bash -c "sleep ${auto_delete} && delete_image ${imgur_anon_id} ${del_id} ${log_file}" &
  278. fi
  279. handle_upload_success "${img_id}.${img_ext}" "${del_id}" "${1}"
  280. else # upload failed
  281. err_msg="$(egrep -o '"error":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  282. test -z "${err_msg}" && err_msg="${response}"
  283. handle_upload_error "${err_msg}" "${1}"
  284. fi
  285. }
  286. function handle_upload_success() {
  287. echo ""
  288. echo "image link: ${1}"
  289. echo "delete link: ${2}"
  290. if [ "${copy_url}" = "true" ] && [ -z "${album_title}" ]; then
  291. if is_mac; then
  292. echo -n "${1}" | pbcopy
  293. else
  294. echo -n "${1}" | xclip -selection clipboard
  295. fi
  296. echo "URL copied to clipboard"
  297. fi
  298. # print to log file: image link, image location, delete link
  299. echo -e "${1}\t${3}\t${2}" >> "${log_file}"
  300. notify ok "Upload done!" "${1}"
  301. # if [ ! -z "${open_command}" ] && [ "${open}" = "true" ]; then
  302. # open_cmd=${open_command//\%url/${1}}
  303. # open_cmd=${open_cmd//\%img/${2}}
  304. # echo "Opening '${open_cmd}'"
  305. # eval "${open_cmd}"
  306. # fi
  307. }
  308. function handle_upload_error() {
  309. error="Upload failed: \"${1}\""
  310. echo "${error}"
  311. echo -e "Error\t${2}\t${error}" >> "${log_file}"
  312. notify error "Upload failed :(" "${1}"
  313. }
  314. function handle_album_creation_success() {
  315. echo ""
  316. echo "Album link: ${1}"
  317. echo "Delete hash: ${2}"
  318. echo ""
  319. notify ok "Album created!" "${1}"
  320. if [ "${copy_url}" = "true" ]; then
  321. if is_mac; then
  322. echo -n "${1}" | pbcopy
  323. else
  324. echo -n "${1}" | xclip -selection clipboard
  325. fi
  326. echo "URL copied to clipboard"
  327. fi
  328. # print to log file: album link, album title, delete hash
  329. echo -e "${1}\t\"${3}\"\t${2}" >> "${log_file}"
  330. }
  331. function handle_album_creation_error() {
  332. error="Album creation failed: \"${1}\""
  333. echo -e "Error\t${2}\t${error}" >> "${log_file}"
  334. notify error "Album creation failed :(" "${1}"
  335. if [ ${exit_on_album_creation_fail} ]; then
  336. exit 1
  337. fi
  338. }
  339. while [ ${#} != 0 ]; do
  340. case "${1}" in
  341. -h | --help)
  342. echo "usage: ${0} [--debug] [-c | --check | -v | -h | -u]"
  343. echo " ${0} [--debug] [option]... [file]..."
  344. echo ""
  345. echo " --debug Enable debugging, must be first option"
  346. echo " -h, --help Show this help, exit"
  347. echo " -v, --version Show current version, exit"
  348. echo " --check Check if all dependencies are installed, exit"
  349. echo " -c, --connect Show connected imgur account, exit"
  350. echo " -o, --open <true|false> Override 'open' config"
  351. echo " -e, --edit <true|false> Override 'edit' config"
  352. echo " -i, --edit-command <command> Override 'edit_command' config (include '%img'), sets --edit 'true'"
  353. echo " -l, --login <true|false> Override 'login' config"
  354. echo " -a, --album <album_title> Create new album and upload there"
  355. echo " -A, --album-id <album_id> Override 'album_id' config"
  356. echo " -k, --keep-file <true|false> Override 'keep_file' config"
  357. echo " -d, --auto-delete <s> Automatically delete image after <s> seconds"
  358. echo " -u, --update Check for updates, exit"
  359. echo " file Upload file instead of taking a screenshot"
  360. exit 0;;
  361. -v | --version)
  362. echo "${current_version}"
  363. exit 0;;
  364. -s | --select)
  365. mode="select"
  366. shift;;
  367. -w | --window)
  368. mode="window"
  369. shift;;
  370. -f | --full)
  371. mode="full"
  372. shift;;
  373. -o | --open)
  374. open="${2}"
  375. shift 2;;
  376. -e | --edit)
  377. edit="${2}"
  378. shift 2;;
  379. -i | --edit-command)
  380. edit_command="${2}"
  381. edit="true"
  382. shift 2;;
  383. -l | --login)
  384. login="${2}"
  385. shift 2;;
  386. -c | --connect)
  387. load_access_token
  388. fetch_account_info
  389. exit 0;;
  390. -a | --album)
  391. album_title="${2}"
  392. shift 2;;
  393. -A | --album-id)
  394. album_id="${2}"
  395. shift 2;;
  396. -k | --keep-file)
  397. keep_file="${2}"
  398. shift 2;;
  399. -d | --auto-delete)
  400. auto_delete="${2}"
  401. shift 2;;
  402. -u | --update)
  403. check_for_update
  404. exit 0;;
  405. *)
  406. upload_files=("${@}")
  407. break;;
  408. esac
  409. done
  410. if [ "${login}" = "true" ]; then
  411. # load before changing directory
  412. load_access_token
  413. fi
  414. if [ -n "${album_title}" ]; then
  415. if [ "${login}" = "true" ]; then
  416. response="$(curl -fsSL --stderr - \
  417. -F "title=${album_title}" \
  418. -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
  420. else
  421. response="$(curl -fsSL --stderr - \
  422. -F "title=${album_title}" \
  423. -H "Authorization: Client-ID ${imgur_anon_id}" \
  425. fi
  426. if egrep -q '"success":\s*true' <<<"${response}"; then # Album creation successful
  427. echo "Album '${album_title}' successfully created"
  428. album_id="$(egrep -o '"id":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  429. del_id="$(egrep -o '"deletehash":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  430. handle_album_creation_success "${album_id}" "${del_id}" "${album_title}"
  431. if [ "${login}" = "false" ]; then
  432. album_id="${del_id}"
  433. fi
  434. else # Album creation failed
  435. err_msg="$(egrep -o '"error":\s*"[^"]+"' <<<"${response}" | cut -d "\"" -f 4)"
  436. test -z "${err_msg}" && err_msg="${response}"
  437. handle_album_creation_error "${err_msg}" "${album_title}"
  438. fi
  439. fi
  440. if [ -z "${upload_files}" ]; then
  441. upload_files[0]=""
  442. fi
  443. for upload_file in "${upload_files[@]}"; do
  444. if [ -z "${upload_file}" ]; then
  445. cd "${file_dir}" || exit 1
  446. # new filename with date
  447. img_file="$(date +"${file_name_format}")"
  448. take_screenshot "${img_file}"
  449. else
  450. # upload file instead of screenshot
  451. img_file="${upload_file}"
  452. fi
  453. # get full path
  454. img_file="$(cd "$( dirname "${img_file}")" && echo "$(pwd)/$(basename "${img_file}")")"
  455. # check if file exists
  456. if [ ! -f "${img_file}" ]; then
  457. echo "file '${img_file}' doesn't exist !"
  458. exit 1
  459. fi
  460. # open image in editor if configured
  461. if [ "${edit}" = "true" ]; then
  462. edit_cmd=${edit_command//\%img/${img_file}}
  463. echo "Opening editor '${edit_cmd}'"
  464. if ! (eval "${edit_cmd}"); then
  465. echo "Error for image '${img_file}': command '${edit_cmd}' failed, not uploading. For more information visit" | tee -a "${log_file}"
  466. notify error "Something went wrong :(" "Information has been logged"
  467. exit 1
  468. fi
  469. fi
  470. if [ "${login}" = "true" ]; then
  471. upload_authenticated_image "${img_file}"
  472. else
  473. upload_anonymous_image "${img_file}"
  474. fi
  475. # delete file if configured
  476. if [ "${keep_file}" = "false" ] && [ -z "${1}" ]; then
  477. echo "Deleting temp file ${file_dir}/${img_file}"
  478. rm -rf "${img_file}"
  479. fi
  480. echo ""
  481. done
  482. if [ "${check_update}" = "true" ]; then
  483. check_for_update
  484. fi