___ ___ /\_\ ___ __
/' _ `\ / __`\/\ \ /'___\ /'__`\
/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \__//\ __/
\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \____\ \____\
\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/____/\/____/
-- by lostd and sin
What is it?
noice is a small ncurses-based file manager.
It was first developed to be used with a tv remote control for a media center
Getting started
Get the latest version from the git-repository; build and install it.
Run noice in a directory to display its content in the form of a list, where
each line is a file or directory. The currently selected item will be preceded
with a " > " by default.
You can navigate the list using the following keybinds (hardcoded):
| k | UP | ^P | go up
| j | DOWN | ^N | go down
| | PGUP | ^U | go up (fast)
| | PGDN | ^D | go down (fast)
| l | RIGHT | ^M | open file / directory (see section "File opening")
| h | LEFT | ^? | navigate up one directory
| / | & | | filter output
| ! | | | spawn shell in current directory
| c | | | chdir into the given path
| q | | | exit program
File opening
Depending on the filetype, noice will open the selected file with the
application specified in `config.h` at compilation time. The associations
are specified by regexes, so you might experience issues when trying to open a file
that does not match those regexes.
The default program is less(1). For text files, you can use the 'v'
command in less(1) to open the file in your $EDITOR.
Filters narrow down the view. This effectively allows you to easily search/jump
to a particular file or directory. If you want to reset the filter then you can
just use the match-any regex (i.e. .*). You can think of noice being in search
mode all the time.
Filters do not stack or nest. They are applied afresh every time.
You can reach us through the freenode IRC network at #2f30.
If you have any patches, ideas or feedback feel free to join.