- .Dd Jan 01, 2019
- .Dt NNN 1
- .Os
- .Sh NAME
- .Nm nnn
- .Nd the missing terminal file manager for X
- .Nm
- .Op Ar -b key
- .Op Ar -C
- .Op Ar -e
- .Op Ar -i
- .Op Ar -l
- .Op Ar -p file
- .Op Ar -S
- .Op Ar -v
- .Op Ar -h
- .Op Ar PATH
- .Nm
- (Noice is Not Noice) is a performance-optimized, feature-packed fork of noice (http://git.2f30.org/noice/) with seamless desktop integration, simplified navigation, \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode with auto select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more. It remains a simple and efficient file manager that stays out of your way.
- .Pp
- .Nm
- opens the current working directory by default if
- .Ar PATH
- is not specified.
- .Pp
- .Nm
- supports both vi-like and emacs-like key bindings as listed below.
- .Pp
- .Pp
- .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact
- .It Ic [Up], k, ^P
- Move to previous entry
- .It Ic [Down], j, ^N
- Move to next entry
- .It Ic [PgUp], ^U
- Scroll up half a page
- .It Ic [PgDn], ^D
- Scroll down half a page
- .It Ic [Home], g, ^, ^A
- Move to the first entry
- .It Ic [End], G, $, ^E
- Move to the last entry
- .It Ic [Left], [Backspace], h, ^H
- Go to parent directory
- .It Ic [Right], [Enter], l, ^M
- Open file or enter directory
- .It Ic ~
- Change to the HOME directory
- .It Ic &
- Change to initial directory
- .It Ic \-
- Change to the last visited directory
- .It Ic \&.
- Toggle show hidden . (dot) files
- .It Ic /
- Change filter (more information below)
- .It Ic [Insert], ^T
- Toggle navigate-as-you-type mode
- .It Ic b
- Pin current directory
- .It Ic ^W
- Visit pinned directory
- .It Ic d
- Toggle detail view
- .It Ic Tab, ^I
- Next context, ask to create if none
- .It Ic `, ^/
- Leader key
- .It Ic LeaderN
- Switch to context N
- .It Ic Esc
- Exit prompt
- .It Ic ^L
- Force a redraw, clear prompt
- .It Ic q
- Quit the current context
- .It Ic ^G
- Quit and change directory
- .It Ic Q, ^Q
- Quit
- .It Ic \&?
- Help and configuration screen
- .El
- .Pp
- .Pp
- .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact
- .It Ic ^O
- Open with an application (takes 1 combined argument)
- .It Ic n
- Create a new file or directory
- .It Ic D
- Show entry details
- .It Ic ^R
- Rename selected entry
- .It Ic r
- Open directory in vidir
- .It Ic Y, ^Y
- Toggle selection mode
- .It Ic Space, ^K
- Copy entry absolute path
- .It Ic y
- Show selection list
- .It Ic P
- Copy files from selection
- .It Ic V
- Move files from selection
- .It Ic X
- Delete files from selection
- .It Ic ^X
- Delete entry
- .It Ic f
- Archive entry
- .It Ic F
- List files in archive
- .It Ic ^F
- Extract archive in current directory
- .It Ic m, M
- Show brief/full media info
- .It Ic e
- Open entry in EDITOR (fallback vi)
- .It Ic p
- Open entry in PAGER (fallback less)
- .El
- .Pp
- .Pp
- .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact
- .It Ic ^J
- Toggle disk usage analyzer mode
- .It Ic S
- Toggle sort by apparent size
- .It Ic t
- Toggle sort by time modified
- .It Ic s
- Toggle sort by file size
- .El
- .Pp
- .Pp
- .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact
- .It Ic \&!, ^]
- Spawn SHELL in current directory (fallback sh)
- .It Ic C
- Execute entry
- .It Ic R, ^V
- Run or choose a custom script
- .It Ic L
- Lock terminal
- .It Ic ^S
- Run a command
- .El
- .Pp
- Backing up one directory level will set the cursor position at the
- directory you came out of.
- .Pp
- Help & settings, file details, media info and archive listing are shown in the
- PAGER. Please use the PAGER-specific keys in these screens.
- .Pp
- .Nm
- supports the following options:
- .Pp
- .Fl "b key"
- specify bookmark key to open
- .Pp
- .Fl C
- disable directory color
- .Pp
- .Fl e
- use exiftool instead of mediainfo
- .Pp
- .Fl i
- start in navigate-as-you-type mode
- .Pp
- .Fl l
- start in light mode (fewer details)
- .Pp
- .Fl "p file"
- copy (or \fIpick\fR) selection to file, or stdout if file='-'
- .Pp
- .Fl S
- start in disk usage analyzer mode
- .Pp
- .Fl v
- show version and exit
- .Pp
- .Fl h
- show program help and exit
- .Nm
- uses \fIxdg-open\fR (on Linux) and \fIopen(1)\fR (on macOS) as the desktop opener.
- .Pp
- There is no configuration file. Settings work on environment variables. Please
- refer to the ENVIRONMENT section below.
- .Pp
- Configuring
- .Nm
- to change to the last visited directory on quit requires shell integration in a
- few easy steps. Please visit the project page (linked below) for the
- instructions.
- Contexts serve the purpose of exploring multiple directories simultaneously. 4 contexts
- are available. The status of the contexts are shown in the top left corner:
- .Pp
- - the current context is in reverse
- .br
- - other used contexts are underlined
- .br
- - rest are unused
- .Pp
- To switch to a context press the Leader key followed by the context number (1-4).
- .Pp
- The first time a context is entered, it copies the state of the last visited context. Each context remembers its start directory and last visited directory.
- .Pp
- When a context is quit, the next active context is selected. If the last active context is quit, the program quits.
- Filters support regexes to instantly (search-as-you-type) list the matching
- entries in the current directory.
- .Pp
- Common use cases:
- .Pp
- (1) To list all matches starting with the filter expression, start the expression
- with a '^' (caret) symbol.
- .br
- (2) Type '\\.mkv' to list all MKV files.
- .br
- (3) Use '.*' to match any character (\fIsort of\fR fuzzy search).
- .Pp
- If
- .Nm
- is invoked as root or the environment variable \fBNNN_SHOW_HIDDEN\fR is set the default filter will also match hidden files.
- .Pp
- In the \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode directories are opened in filter mode,
- allowing continuous navigation. Works best with the \fBarrow keys\fR.
- .br
- In case of only one match and it's a directory, `nnn` auto selects the directory and enters it in this mode.
- The absolute path of a single file can be copied to clipboard by pressing \fI^K\fR if
- NNN_COPIER is set (see ENVIRONMENT section below).
- .Pp
- To copy multiple file paths the selection mode should be enabled using \fI^Y\fR.
- In this mode it's possible to
- .Pp
- (1) cherry-pick individual files one by one by pressing <kbd>^K</kbd> on each entry (works across directories and contexts); or,
- .br
- (2) navigate to another file in the same directory to select a range of files.
- .Pp
- Pressing \fI^Y\fR again copies the paths and exits the selection mode. The files in the list can now
- be copied, moved or removed using respective keyboard shortcuts.
- .Pp
- To list the file paths copied to memory press \fIy\fR.
- The SHELL, EDITOR (VISUAL, if defined) and PAGER environment variables take precedence
- when dealing with the !, e and p commands respectively. A single combination to arguments is supported for SHELL and PAGER.
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_BMS:\fR bookmark string as \fIkey_char:location\fR pairs (max 10) separated by
- \fI;\fR:
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_BMS='d:~/Documents;u:/home/user/Cam Uploads;D:~/Downloads/'
- NOTE: Bookmark keys should be single-character to use them in combination with the Leader key.
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_USE_EDITOR:\fR use EDITOR (preferably CLI, fallback vi) to handle text
- files.
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_CONTEXT_COLORS:\fR string of color codes for each context, e.g.:
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS="1234"
- codes: 0-black, 1-red, 2-green, 3-yellow, 4-blue (default), 5-magenta, 6-cyan, 7-white
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT:\fR set idle timeout (in seconds) to invoke terminal locker (default: disabled).
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_COPIER:\fR set to a clipboard copier script.
- .Bd -literal
- NOTE: By default file paths are copied to the tmp file \fBDIR/.nnncp\fR, where 'DIR' (by priority) is:
- \fI$HOME\fR or, \fI$TMPDIR\fR or, \fI/tmp\fR.
- The path is shown in the help and configuration screen.
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_SCRIPT:\fR absolute path to a directory to select a script from or a single script to invoke with currently selected file name as argument 1.
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_SCRIPT=/home/user/scripts
- OR
- export NNN_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/nscript.sh
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_SHOW_HIDDEN:\fR show hidden files.
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN=1
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_NO_AUTOSELECT:\fR disable directory auto-selection in \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode.
- .Bd -literal
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_NO_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV:\fR disable file open on \fBRight\fR or \fBl\fR keys (\fBEnter\fR opens files).
- .Bd -literal
- .Ed
- .Pp
- \fBNNN_RESTRICT_0B:\fR restrict opening 0-byte files due to unexpected behaviour; use \fIedit\fR or \fIopen with\fR to open the file.
- .Bd -literal
- export NNN_RESTRICT_0B=1
- .Ed
- If you are using urxvt you might have to set backspace key to DEC.
- .An Lazaros Koromilas Aq Mt lostd@2f30.org ,
- .An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
- .An Arun Prakash Jana Aq Mt engineerarun@gmail.com .
- .Sh HOME
- .Em https://github.com/jarun/nnn