#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Description: Check and update to latest version of nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch
# Note: This script installs a package, should be issued with admin privilege
# Shell: POSIX-compliant
# Author: Arun Prakash Jana

cur="$(nnn -v)"
new="$(curl -s "https://github.com/jarun/nnn/releases/latest" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")"

if [ "$cur" = "$new" ]; then
    echo 'Already at latest version'
    exit 0

# get the package
curl -Ls -O "https://github.com/jarun/nnn/releases/download/v$new/nnn_$new-1_debian9.amd64.deb"

# install it
sudo dpkg -i nnn_"$new"-1_debian9.amd64.deb

# remove the file
rm -rf nnn_"$new"-1_debian9.amd64.deb