Plugin `fzopen` can be run with the keybind <kbd>;o</kbd>, `mocplay` can be run with <kbd>;p</kbd> and so on... The key vs. plugin pairs are shown in the help and config screen.
@@ -79,7 +83,9 @@ A maximum of 15 keys can be defined. To select and invoke a plugin from the plug
`nnn` refreshes the directory after running a plugin to reflect any changes by the plugin. To disable this (say while running the `mediainfo` plugin on some filtered files), add a `-` before the plugin name:
export NNN_PLUG='m:-mediainfo'
export NNN_PLUG='m:-mediainfo'
Now `nnn` will not refresh the directory after running the `mediainfo` plugin.
@@ -89,7 +95,9 @@ To assign keys to arbitrary non-background, non-shell-interpreted cli commands a
Now <kbd>;x</kbd> can be used to make a file executable, <kbd>;g</kbd> can be used to the git log of a git project directory, <kbd>;s</kbd> can be used to preview a partially downloaded media file.
@@ -97,7 +105,9 @@ Now <kbd>;x</kbd> can be used to make a file executable, <kbd>;g</kbd> can be us
`nnn` waits for user confirmation (the prompt `Press Enter to continue`) after it executes a command as plugin (unlike plugins which can add a `read` to wait). To skip this, add a `*` after the command. For example: