@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ Plugins extend the capabilities of `nnn`. They are _executable_ scripts (or bina |
| ringtone | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | sh | date, ffmpeg | |
| ringtone | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | sh | date, ffmpeg | |
| splitjoin | Split file or join selection | sh | split, cat | |
| splitjoin | Split file or join selection | sh | split, cat | |
| suedit | Edit file using superuser permissions | sh | sudoedit/sudo/doas | |
| suedit | Edit file using superuser permissions | sh | sudoedit/sudo/doas | |
| transfer | Upload file to transfer.sh | sh | curl | |
| treeview | Informative tree output in `$EDITOR` | sh | tree | |
| treeview | Informative tree output in `$EDITOR` | sh | tree | |
| uidgid | List user and group of all files in dir | sh | ls, less | |
| uidgid | List user and group of all files in dir | sh | ls, less | |
| upgrade | Upgrade nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch | sh | curl | |
| upgrade | Upgrade nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch | sh | curl | |
| upload | Upload file to file.io | sh | curl, jq, tr | |
| vidthumb | Show video thumbnails in terminal | sh | [ffmpegthumbnailer](https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer),<br>[lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) | |
| vidthumb | Show video thumbnails in terminal | sh | [ffmpegthumbnailer](https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer),<br>[lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) | |
| wall | Set wallpaper or change colorscheme | sh | nitrogen/pywal | |
| wall | Set wallpaper or change colorscheme | sh | nitrogen/pywal | |