@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@ |
nnn v3.3 |
2020-07-14 |
- subdir `mounts` for remote and archive mounts |
- remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive |
- show error and prompt user if `cp`/`mv`/`rm` operation fails |
- support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as |
- mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount |
- mark current path automatically on target file visit in _find and list_ mode |
- option `-C` to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays |
- option `-u` to use selection (if available) and skip `current/sel` prompt |
- key <kbd>Alt+Esc</kbd> to clear filter prompt and redraw |
- support <kbd>Esc</kbd> to cancel remove operation |
- `gpge` & `gpgd`: encrypt and decrypt with GPG |
- `blknew`: create new files and directories in bulk |
- `preview-tui` |
- unified to support `tmux`/`kitty`/`xterm`/`$TERMINAL` |
- auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width |
- provision to use [`scope.sh`](https://github.com/ranger/ranger/blob/master/ranger/data/scope.sh) and [`pistol`](https://github.com/doronbehar/pistol) |
- various other improvements |
- `upload`: send to Firefox Send if [`ffsend`](https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend) is found |
- `hexview`: add [`hx`](https://github.com/krpors/hx) as alternative hex viewer |
- `nuke` and `imgview`: add [`imv`](https://github.com/eXeC64/imv) as alternative image viewer |
- add find (with `fd`) and grep (with `rg`) examples in plugins doc |
- key <kbd>Esc</kbd> or left click to resend hovered file path to `NNN_FIFO` |
- show `+` instead of `s` in status bar on selection |
- <kbd>F5</kbd> removed (misfit for toggle hidden), <kbd>^S</kbd> removed (often masked, redundant) |
- handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO |
- clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation |
- make option `O_CTX8` for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts) |
- fix issue with child window resize (see #656) |
- fix issue with `NNNLVL` on macOS (see #639) |
- fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled |
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nnn v3.2 |
nnn v3.2 |
2020-05-26 |
2020-05-26 |