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Easier to browse plugin README.md (#641)

Mario GitHub преди 4 години
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plugins/README.md Целия файл

@@ -26,56 +26,56 @@ Plugins are installed to `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/plugins`.

| Plugin (a-z) | Description | Lang | Dependencies |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| autojump | Navigate to dir/path | sh | autojump |
| bookmarks | Use named bookmarks managed with symlinks | sh | fzf |
| boom | Play random music from dir | sh | [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| dups | List non-empty duplicate files in current dir | sh | find, md5sum,<br>sort uniq xargs |
| chksum | Create and verify checksums | sh | md5sum,<br>sha256sum |
| diffs | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) | sh | vimdiff |
| dragdrop | Drag/drop files from/into nnn | sh | [dragon](https://github.com/mwh/dragon) |
| finder | Run custom find command and list | sh | - |
| fzcd | Change to the directory of a fuzzy-selected file/dir | sh | fzf |
| fzhist | Fuzzy-select a cmd from history, edit in `$EDITOR` and run | sh | fzf |
| fzopen | Fuzzy find a file in dir subtree and edit or open | sh | fzf, xdg-open |
| fzz | Change to any directory in the z database with fzf | sh | fzf, z |
| getplugs | Update plugins to installed `nnn` version | sh | curl |
| gutenread | Browse, download, read from Project Gutenberg | sh | curl, unzip, w3m<br>[epr](https://github.com/wustho/epr) (optional) |
| gpg\* | Encrypt/decrypt files using GPG | sh | gpg |
| hexview | View a file in hex in `$PAGER` | sh | xxd |
| imgresize | Resize images in dir to screen resolution | sh | [imgp](https://github.com/jarun/imgp) |
| imgthumb | View thumbnail of an image or dir of images | sh | [lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) |
| imgur | Upload an image to imgur (from [imgur-screenshot](https://github.com/jomo/imgur-screenshot)) | bash | - |
| imgview | Browse images, set wallpaper, copy path ([config](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sxiv#Assigning_keyboard_shortcuts)), [rename](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Basic-use-cases#browse-rename-images)| sh | sxiv/[viu](https://github.com/atanunq/viu), less|
| ipinfo | Fetch external IP address and whois information | sh | curl, whois |
| kdeconnect | Send selected files to an Android device | sh | kdeconnect-cli |
| launch | GUI application launcher | sh | fzf |
| mediainf | Show media information | sh | mediainfo |
| mimelist | List files by mime in subtree | sh | fd/find |
| moclyrics | Show lyrics of the track playing in moc | sh | [ddgr](https://github.com/jarun/ddgr), [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| mocplay | Append (and/or play) selection/dir/file in moc | sh | [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| mp3conv | Extract audio from multimedia as mp3 | sh | ffmpeg |
| nbak | Backs up `nnn` config | sh | tar, awk |
| nmount | Toggle mount status of a device as normal user | sh | pmount, udisks2 |
| nuke | Sample file opener (CLI-only by default) | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
| oldbigfile | List large files by access time | sh | find, sort |
| organize | Auto-organize files in directories by file type | sh | file |
| pdfread | Read a PDF or text file aloud | sh | pdftotext, mpv,<br>pico2wave |
| pdfview | View PDF file in `$PAGER` | sh | pdftotext/<br>mupdf-tools |
| picker | Pick files and list one per line (to pipe) | sh | nnn |
| preview-tabbed | Tabbed/xembed based file previewer | bash | _see in-file docs_ |
| preview-tui | Tmux/kitty/xterm/`$TERMINAL` based file previewer | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
| pskill | Fuzzy list by name and kill process or zombie | sh | fzf, ps, sudo/doas |
| renamer | Batch rename selection or files in dir | sh | [qmv](https://www.nongnu.org/renameutils/)/[vidir](https://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/) |
| ringtone | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | sh | date, ffmpeg |
| splitjoin | Split file or join selection | sh | split, cat |
| suedit | Edit file using superuser permissions | sh | sudoedit/sudo/doas |
| treeview | Informative tree output in `$EDITOR` | sh | tree |
| uidgid | List user and group of all files in dir | sh | ls, less |
| upgrade | Upgrade nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch | sh | curl |
| upload | Paste text to ix.io, upload binary to file.io | sh | curl, jq, tr |
| vidthumb | Show video thumbnails in terminal | sh | [ffmpegthumbnailer](https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer),<br>[lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) |
| wall | Set wallpaper or change colorscheme | sh | nitrogen/pywal |
| x2sel | Copy `\n`-separated file list from system clipboard to sel | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
| [autojump](autojump) | Navigate to dir/path | sh | autojump |
| [bookmarks](bookmarks) | Use named bookmarks managed with symlinks | sh | fzf |
| [boom](boom) | Play random music from dir | sh | [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| [dups](dups) | List non-empty duplicate files in current dir | sh | find, md5sum,<br>sort uniq xargs |
| [chksum](chksum) | Create and verify checksums | sh | md5sum,<br>sha256sum |
| [diffs](diffs) | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) | sh | vimdiff |
| [dragdrop](dragdrop) | Drag/drop files from/into nnn | sh | [dragon](https://github.com/mwh/dragon) |
| [finder](finder) | Run custom find command and list | sh | - |
| [fzcd](fzcd) | Change to the directory of a fuzzy-selected file/dir | sh | fzf |
| [fzhist](fzhist) | Fuzzy-select a cmd from history, edit in `$EDITOR` and run | sh | fzf |
| [fzopen](fzopen) | Fuzzy find a file in dir subtree and edit or open | sh | fzf, xdg-open |
| [fzz](fzz) | Change to any directory in the z database with fzf | sh | fzf, z |
| [getplugs](getplugs) | Update plugins to installed `nnn` version | sh | curl |
| [gutenread](gutenread) | Browse, download, read from Project Gutenberg | sh | curl, unzip, w3m<br>[epr](https://github.com/wustho/epr) (optional) |
| [gpg\*](gpg\*) | Encrypt/decrypt files using GPG | sh | gpg |
| [hexview](hexview) | View a file in hex in `$PAGER` | sh | xxd |
| [imgresize](imgresize) | Resize images in dir to screen resolution | sh | [imgp](https://github.com/jarun/imgp) |
| [imgthumb](imgthumb) | View thumbnail of an image or dir of images | sh | [lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) |
| [imgur](imgur) | Upload an image to imgur (from [imgur-screenshot](https://github.com/jomo/imgur-screenshot)) | bash | - |
| [imgview](imgview) | Browse images, set wallpaper, copy path ([config](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sxiv#Assigning_keyboard_shortcuts)), [rename](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Basic-use-cases#browse-rename-images)| sh | sxiv/[viu](https://github.com/atanunq/viu), less|
| [ipinfo](ipinfo) | Fetch external IP address and whois information | sh | curl, whois |
| [kdeconnect](kdeconnect) | Send selected files to an Android device | sh | kdeconnect-cli |
| [launch](launch) | GUI application launcher | sh | fzf |
| [mediainf](mediainf) | Show media information | sh | mediainfo |
| [mimelist](mimelist) | List files by mime in subtree | sh | fd/find |
| [moclyrics](moclyrics) | Show lyrics of the track playing in moc | sh | [ddgr](https://github.com/jarun/ddgr), [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| [mocplay](mocplay) | Append (and/or play) selection/dir/file in moc | sh | [moc](http://moc.daper.net/) |
| [mp3conv](mp3conv) | Extract audio from multimedia as mp3 | sh | ffmpeg |
| [nbak](nbak) | Backs up `nnn` config | sh | tar, awk |
| [nmount](nmount) | Toggle mount status of a device as normal user | sh | pmount, udisks2 |
| [nuke](nuke) | Sample file opener (CLI-only by default) | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
| [oldbigfile](oldbigfile) | List large files by access time | sh | find, sort |
| [organize](organize) | Auto-organize files in directories by file type | sh | file |
| [pdfread](pdfread) | Read a PDF or text file aloud | sh | pdftotext, mpv,<br>pico2wave |
| [pdfview](pdfview) | View PDF file in `$PAGER` | sh | pdftotext/<br>mupdf-tools |
| [picker](picker) | Pick files and list one per line (to pipe) | sh | nnn |
| [preview-tabbed](preview-tabbed) | Tabbed/xembed based file previewer | bash | _see in-file docs_ |
| [preview-tui](preview-tui) | Tmux/kitty/xterm/`$TERMINAL` based file previewer | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
| [pskill](pskill) | Fuzzy list by name and kill process or zombie | sh | fzf, ps, sudo/doas |
| [renamer](renamer) | Batch rename selection or files in dir | sh | [qmv](https://www.nongnu.org/renameutils/)/[vidir](https://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/) |
| [ringtone](ringtone) | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | sh | date, ffmpeg |
| [splitjoin](splitjoin) | Split file or join selection | sh | split, cat |
| [suedit](suedit) | Edit file using superuser permissions | sh | sudoedit/sudo/doas |
| [treeview](treeview) | Informative tree output in `$EDITOR` | sh | tree |
| [uidgid](uidgid) | List user and group of all files in dir | sh | ls, less |
| [upgrade](upgrade) | Upgrade nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch | sh | curl |
| [upload](upload) | Paste text to ix.io, upload binary to file.io | sh | curl, jq, tr |
| [vidthumb](vidthumb) | Show video thumbnails in terminal | sh | [ffmpegthumbnailer](https://github.com/dirkvdb/ffmpegthumbnailer),<br>[lsix](https://github.com/hackerb9/lsix) |
| [wall](wall) | Set wallpaper or change colorscheme | sh | nitrogen/pywal |
| [x2sel](x2sel) | Copy `\n`-separated file list from system clipboard to sel | sh | _see in-file docs_ |

## Invoking a plugin
