소스 검색

fix rounding carry in coolsize() (#91)

Sizes like 1.999 get rounded to (1 + 100/100), which should be displayed
as 2.00 not 1.100 as simple %i.%02i would do without additional measures.
Alex Suykov Arun Prakash Jana 7 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일8개의 추가작업 그리고 3개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +8

+ 8
- 3
nnn.c 파일 보기

@@ -1442,6 +1442,7 @@ coolsize(off_t size)
static char size_buf[12]; /* Buffer to hold human readable size */
static int rem, i;
static int fdig; /* number of fractional digits to show */
static int frac;

i = 0;
rem = 0;
@@ -1452,12 +1453,16 @@ coolsize(off_t size)

rem = (1000 * rem) >> 10; /* convert 1024th fractions to 1000th */
fdig = 3;
frac = 1000;
rem = (10000 * rem) >> 10; /* convert 1024th fractions to 10000th */
rem = (rem / 10) + (rem % 10 >= 5 ? 1 : 0); /* round to 1000th */

/* Show 1 decimal for KB sizes and 2 decimals for MBs. */
if (i < 3) { --fdig; rem = (rem + 5) / 10; }
if (i < 2) { --fdig; rem = (rem + 5) / 10; }
if (i < 3) { --fdig; rem = (rem + 5) / 10; frac /= 10; }
if (i < 2) { --fdig; rem = (rem + 5) / 10; frac /= 10; }
/* carry, in case rounding above overflows the fractional part */
if (i < 3 && rem >= frac) { size++; rem = 0; }

if (i > 0)
snprintf(size_buf, 12, "%" PRId64 ".%0*i%c", size, fdig, rem, U[i]);

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