diff --git a/plugins/README.md b/plugins/README.md
index 763aa43..4676a96 100644
--- a/plugins/README.md
+++ b/plugins/README.md
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ For example:
Now ;x can be used to make a file executable, ;g can be used to the git log of a git project directory, ;s can be used to preview a partially downloaded media file.
-`nnn` waits for user confirmation when it executes a command as plugin (unline plugins which can add a `read` to wait). If you do not need to wait for user confirmation after the command has executed, add a `*` after the command. For example:
+`nnn` waits for user confirmation (the prompt `Press Enter to continue`) when it executes a command as plugin (unline plugins which can add a `read` to wait). If you do not need to wait for user confirmation after the command has executed, add a `*` after the command. For example:
export NNN_PLUG='x:_chmod +x $nnn;g:_git log;s:_smplayer $nnn*;o:fzopen'
diff --git a/src/nnn.c b/src/nnn.c
index 670eb46..2781481 100644
--- a/src/nnn.c
+++ b/src/nnn.c
@@ -2070,6 +2070,7 @@ static int filterentries(char *path)
switch (*ch) {
case '=': // fallthrough /* Launch app */
+ case ']': // fallthorugh /*Prompt key */
case ';': // fallthrough /* Run plugin key */
case '?': /* Help and config key, '?' is an invalid regex */
if (len == 1) {
@@ -3463,39 +3464,39 @@ static void show_help(const char *path)
const char helpstr[] = {
- "9Up k Up%-20cPgUp ^U Scroll up\n"
- "7Down j Down%-18cPgDn ^D Scroll down\n"
- "7Left h Parent%-16c~ ` @ - HOME, /, start, last\n"
- "9g ^A Top%-15cRet Right l Open\n"
- "9G ^E Bottom%-22c' First file\n"
- "cb Pin CWD%-20c^B Go to pinned dir\n"
- "8c, ^/ Lead key%-14cN LeadN Context N\n"
- "6(Sh)Tab Cycle context%-15cd Detail view toggle\n"
- "c/ Filter%-17cIns ^N Nav-as-you-type toggle\n"
- "aEsc Exit prompt%-13c^L F5 Redraw/clear prompt\n"
- "c. Show/hide dots%-14c? Help, conf\n"
- "9Q ^Q Quit%-24cq Quit context\n"
+ "9Up k Up%-16cPgUp ^U Scroll up\n"
+ "7Down j Down%-14cPgDn ^D Scroll down\n"
+ "7Left h Parent%-12c~ ` @ - HOME, /, start, last\n"
+ "9g ^A Top%-11cRet Right l Open\n"
+ "9G ^E Bottom%-18c' First file\n"
+ "cb Pin CWD%-16c^B Go to pinned dir\n"
+ "8c, ^/ Lead key%-10cN LeadN Context N\n"
+ "6(Sh)Tab Cycle context%-11cd Detail view toggle\n"
+ "c/ Filter%-13cIns ^N Nav-as-you-type toggle\n"
+ "aEsc Exit prompt%-9c^L F5 Redraw/clear prompt\n"
+ "c. Show/hide dots%-10c? Help, conf\n"
+ "9Q ^Q Quit%-20cq Quit context\n"
"b^G QuitCD%-1c\n"
- "b^O Open with...%-16cn Create new/link\n"
- "cD File details%-12c^R F2 Rename/duplicate\n"
- "3Space ^J/a Sel toggle/all%-14cr Batch rename\n"
- "9m ^K Sel range, clear%-12cM List sel\n"
- "cP Copy sel here%-15cK Edit sel\n"
- "cV Move sel here%-15cw Copy/move sel as\n"
- "cX Delete sel%-17c^X Delete entry\n"
- "cf Archive%-18co ^F Archive ops\n"
- "ce Edit in EDITOR%-14cp Open in PAGER\n"
+ "b^O Open with...%-12cn Create new/link\n"
+ "cD File details%-8c^R F2 Rename/duplicate\n"
+ "3Space ^J/a Sel toggle/all%-10cr Batch rename\n"
+ "9m ^K Sel range, clear%-8cM List sel\n"
+ "cP Copy sel here%-11cK Edit sel\n"
+ "cV Move sel here%-11cw Copy/move sel as\n"
+ "cX Delete sel%-13c^X Delete entry\n"
+ "cf Archive%-14co ^F Archive ops\n"
+ "ce Edit in EDITOR%-10cp Open in PAGER\n"
- "cA Apparent du%-17cS du\n"
- "cz Size%-24ct Time\n"
+ "cA Apparent du%-13cS du\n"
+ "cz Size%-20ct Time\n"
"cE Extension%-1c\n"
- "9! ^] Shell%-21c; x Plugin key\n"
- "cC Execute file%-13ci ^V Pick plugin\n"
- "cs Manage session%-14c= Launch app\n"
- "cc Connect remote%-14cu Unmount\n"
- "9] ^P Prompt%-22cL Lock\n"
+ "9! ^] Shell%-17c; x Plugin key\n"
+ "cC Execute file%-9ci ^V Pick plugin\n"
+ "cs Manage session%-10c= Launch app\n"
+ "cc Connect remote%-10cu Unmount\n"
+ "9] ^P Prompt%-18cL Lock\n"
fd = create_tmp_file();