`nnn` works seamlessly with your DE and favourite GUI utilities. It runs on Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi, BSD, Cygwin, Linux subsystem for Windows and Termux on Android.
Have as many scripts as you want to extend the power of `nnn`! Pick from the [scripts repository](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/user-scripts) or add your own.
Have as many scripts as you want to extend the power of `nnn`! Pick from the available [plugins](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/plugins) or add your own.
[Quickstart](#quickstart) and see how `nnn` simplifies long desktop sessions. When you are ready for more, start [hacking `nnn`](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/hacking-nnn).
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Have as many scripts as you want to extend the power of `nnn`! Pick from the [sc
- [File indicators](#file-indicators)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Help](#help)
- [User scripts](#user-scripts)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Tmux configuration](#tmux-configuration)
- [BSD terminal issue](#bsd-terminal-issue)
@@ -102,13 +102,12 @@ Have as many scripts as you want to extend the power of `nnn`! Pick from the [sc
- Copy, move, delete, archive, link selection
- FreeDesktop compliant trash (needs trash-cli)
- Show copy, move progress on Linux (needs avdcpmv)
- Script to view directory and file diff for selection
- Plugin repository
- Transfer files using lftp
- Batch rename (needs vidir)
- Per-context directory color (default: blue)
- Spawn a shell in the current directory
- Launch applications, run a command
- Repository of custom scripts
- Run current file as executable
- Change directory at exit (*easy* shell integration)
- Edit file in EDITOR or open in PAGER
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ Have as many scripts as you want to extend the power of `nnn`! Pick from the [sc
| $SHELL | spawn a shell, run script (fallback sh) |
| $SHELL | spawn a shell, run some commands (fallback sh) |
#### From a package manager
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ Option completion scripts for Bash, Fish and Zsh can be found in respective subd
5. To use `nnn` as a GUI app launcher with fuzzy selection menu, drop [`nlaunch`](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/blob/master/scripts/nlaunch/nlaunch) somewhere in your `$PATH`. Note that the launcher requires fzy.
6. Don't memorize keys. Arrows, <kbd>/</kbd> and <kbd>q</kbd> suffice. Press <kbd>?</kbd> for help on keyboard shortcuts anytime.
- For additional functionality [setup custom scripts](#user-scripts).
- For additional functionality [setup plugins](#plugins).
- Visit the wiki page [hacking `nnn`](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/hacking-nnn) for many more specific use cases.
- To set `nnn` as the default file manager, follow these [instructions](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/nnn-as-default-file-manager).
@@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ Press <kbd>?</kbd> in `nnn` to see the list anytime.
^W Random s Size t Time modified
! ^] Spawn SHELL C Execute entry
R ^V Run script L Lock terminal
R ^V Pick plugin L Lock terminal
^P Prompt ^N Note = Launcher
@@ -379,8 +378,8 @@ The following indicators are used in the detail view:
| `NNN_OPENER_DETACH=1` | do not block when invoking file opener |
| `NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS='1234'` | specify per context color [default: '4444' (all blue)] |
| `NNN_COPIER='copier.sh'` | system clipboard copier script [default: none] |
| `NNN_SCRIPT_DIR=/home/user/scripts` | absolute path to script dir |
| `NNN_COPIER='/path/to/copier.sh'` | system clipboard copier script [default: none] |
| `NNN_PLUGIN_DIR=/home/user/nnn-plugins` | absolute path to plugins dir |
| `NNN_NOTE=/home/user/Dropbox/Public/notes` | path to note file [default: none] |
| `NNN_TMPFILE=/tmp/nnn` | file to write current open dir path to for cd on quit |
| `NNN_USE_EDITOR=1` | Open text files in `$EDITOR` (`$VISUAL`, if defined; fallback vi) |
@@ -396,17 +395,17 @@ The following indicators are used in the detail view:
$ man nnn
To lookup keyboard shortcuts at runtime, press <kbd>?</kbd>.
`nnn` can invoke custom scripts in the current directory (`$PWD` for the script) with the currently selected file name as the argument.
`nnn` can invoke plugins in the current directory (`$PWD` for the plugin) with the currently selected file name as the argument.
Copy the scripts of your interest from the [user-scripts](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/user-scripts) directory and let `nnn` know the location:
Copy the plugins of your interest from the [plugins](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/plugins) directory and let `nnn` know the location:
Use the run script shortcut to jump to the script directory and pick a script. Repeating the same shortcut cancels the operation and puts you back in the original directory.
Use the pick plugin shortcut to visit the plugin directory and pick a plugin. Repeating the same shortcut cancels the operation and puts you back in the original directory.
If you have an interesting script feel free to raise a PR.
If you have an interesting plugin feel free to raise a PR.
| copier | sh | OS-specific | Copy selection to clipboard |
| edit | sh | fzy | Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and edit in vim |
| fzy | sh | fzy | Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and open using xdg-open |
| hexview | sh | xxd, $PAGER | view a file in hex |
@@ -16,15 +15,15 @@
| transfer | sh | curl | Upload current file to transfer.sh |
| upgrade | sh | wget | Upgrade to latest nnn version manually on Debian 9 Stretch |
### File access from scripts
### File access from plugins
The design is flexible so a script can access:
- all files in the directory (`nnn` switches to the dir where the script is to be run so the dir is `$PWD` for the script)
- the currently highlighted file (the file name is passed as the first argument to a script)
- the current selection (by reading the file .nnncp, see the script `copier`)
The design is flexible so a plugin can access:
- all files in the directory (`nnn` switches to the dir where the plugin is to be run so the dir is `$PWD` for the plugin)
- the currently highlighted file (the file name is passed as the argument to a plugin)
- the current selection (by reading the file .nnncp, see the plugin `ndiff`)
### Contributing scripts
### Contributing plugins
All scripting languages should work. However, POSIX-compliant shell scripts runnable in `sh` are preferred. If that's too rudimentary for your use case, use Python, Perl or Ruby. Please keep non-portable commands (like `notify-send`) commented so users from any other OS/DE aren't surprised.
Plugins are scripts and all scripting languages should work. However, POSIX-compliant shell scripts runnable in `sh` are preferred. If that's too rudimentary for your use case, use Python, Perl or Ruby. Please keep non-portable commands (like `notify-send`) commented so users from any other OS/DE aren't surprised.
The scripts should be executable. Please add an entry in the table above.
The plugins should be executable. Please add an entry in the table above.