Переглянути джерело

Don't use xargs options -I -o and -a (#388)

Also removed another stray cat
KlzXS Mischievous Meerkat 5 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 5 додано та 28 видалено
  1. +5

+ 5
- 28
src/nnn.c Переглянути файл

@@ -348,15 +348,6 @@ static char g_pipepath[TMP_LEN_MAX] __attribute__ ((aligned));
/* Plugin control initialization status */
static bool g_plinit = FALSE;

/* Replace-str for xargs on different platforms */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#define REPLACE_STR 'J'
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define REPLACE_STR 'I'
#define REPLACE_STR 'I'

/* Options to identify file mime */
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define FILE_MIME_OPTS "-bIL"
@@ -1279,29 +1270,15 @@ static bool xdiraccess(const char *path)

static void opstr(char *buf, char *op)
#ifdef __linux__
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX, "xargs -0 -a %s -%c {} %s {} .", g_selpath, REPLACE_STR, op);
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX, "cat %s | xargs -0 -o -%c {} %s {} .", g_selpath, REPLACE_STR, op);
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX, "xargs -0 sh -c '%s $0 $@ . < /dev/tty' < %s", op, g_selpath);

static void rmmulstr(char *buf)
if (cfg.trash) {
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX,
#ifdef __linux__
"xargs -0 -a %s trash-put", g_selpath);
"cat %s | xargs -0 trash-put", g_selpath);
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX, "xargs -0 trash-put < %s", g_selpath);
} else {
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX,
#ifdef __linux__
"xargs -0 -a %s rm -%cr", g_selpath, confirm_force(TRUE));
"cat %s | xargs -0 -o rm -%cr", g_selpath, confirm_force(TRUE));
snprintf(buf, CMD_LEN_MAX, "xargs -0 sh -c 'rm -%cr $0 $@ < /dev/tty' < %s", confirm_force(TRUE), g_selpath);

@@ -1337,7 +1314,7 @@ static bool cpmv_rename(int choice, const char *path)
bool ret = FALSE;
char *cmd = (choice == 'c' ? cp : mv);
static const char formatcmd[] = "sed -i 's|^\\(\\(.*/\\)\\(.*\\)$\\)|#\\1\\n\\3|' %s";
static const char renamecmd[] = "sed 's|^\\([^#][^/]\\?.*\\)$|%s/\\1|;s|^#\\(/.*\\)$|\\1|' %s | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 -o -n2 %s";
static const char renamecmd[] = "sed 's|^\\([^#][^/]\\?.*\\)$|%s/\\1|;s|^#\\(/.*\\)$|\\1|' %s | tr '\\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 -n2 sh -c '%s $0 $@ < /dev/tty'";
char buf[sizeof(renamecmd) + sizeof(cmd) + (PATH_MAX << 1)];

fd = create_tmp_file();
@@ -1530,7 +1507,7 @@ static void archive_selection(const char *cmd, const char *archive, const char *
#ifdef __linux__
"sed -ze 's|^%s/||' '%s' | xargs -0 %s %s", curpath, g_selpath, cmd, archive);
"cat '%s' | tr '\\0' '\n' | sed -e 's|^%s/||' | tr '\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 %s %s",
"tr '\\0' '\n' < '%s' | sed -e 's|^%s/||' | tr '\n' '\\0' | xargs -0 %s %s",
g_selpath, curpath, cmd, archive);
spawn(utils[SH_EXEC], buf, NULL, curpath, F_CLI);
