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fixed a formating error (#444)

Some normal text was indent a little, which caused to to become a code
Siddharth Dushantha Mischievous Meerkat před 5 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 1 přidání a 1 odebrání
  1. +1

+ 1
- 1
plugins/ Zobrazit soubor

@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Use the plugin shortcut (<kbd>;key</kbd> or <kbd>^Skey</kbd>) to list the define

export NNN_PLUG='o:fzopen;p:mocplay;d:diffs;m:nmount;n:notes;v:imgviu;t:imgthumb'

Plugin `fzopen` can be run with the keybind <kbd>;o</kbd>, `mocplay` can be run with <kbd>;p</kbd> and so on... The key vs. plugin pairs are shown in the help and config screen.
Plugin `fzopen` can be run with the keybind <kbd>;o</kbd>, `mocplay` can be run with <kbd>;p</kbd> and so on... The key vs. plugin pairs are shown in the help and config screen.

A maximum of 15 keys can be defined. To select and invoke a plugin from the plugin directory, press <kbd>Enter</kbd> (to _enter_ the plugin dir) after the plugin shortcut.

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