My build of nnn with minor changes
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preview-tui 5.9 KiB

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  1. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  2. # Description: Terminal based file previewer
  3. #
  4. # Note: This plugin needs a "NNN_FIFO" to work. See man.
  5. #
  6. # Dependencies:
  7. # - Supports 3 independent methods to preview with:
  8. # - tmux (>=3.0), or
  9. # - kitty with allow_remote_control on, or
  10. # - $TERMINAL set to a terminal (it's xterm by default).
  11. # - less or $PAGER
  12. # - tree or exa or ls
  13. # - mediainfo or file
  14. # - unzip
  15. # - tar
  16. # - man
  17. # - optional: bat for code syntax highlighting
  18. # - optional: kitty terminal or catimg for images
  19. # - optional: file viewer from ranger.
  20. # To use:
  21. # 1. drop executable in $PATH
  22. # 2. set/export $USE_SCOPE as 1
  23. #
  24. # Usage:
  25. # You need to set a NNN_FIFO path and a key for the plugin with NNN_PLUG,
  26. # then start `nnn`:
  27. #
  28. # $ nnn -a
  29. #
  30. # or
  31. #
  32. # $ NNN_FIFO=/tmp/nnn.fifo nnn
  33. #
  34. # Then in `nnn`, launch the `preview-tui` plugin.
  35. #
  36. # If you provide the same NNN_FIFO to all nnn instances, there will be a
  37. # single common preview window. I you provide different FIFO path (e.g.
  38. # with -a), they will be independent.
  39. #
  40. # The previews will be shown in a tmux split. If that isn't possible, it
  41. # will try to use a kitty terminal split. And as a final fallback, a
  42. # different terminal window will be used ($TERMINAL).
  43. #
  44. # Tmux and kitty users can configure $SPLIT to either "h" or "v" to set a
  45. # 'h'orizontal split or a 'v'ertical split.
  46. #
  47. # Kitty users need `allow_remote_control` set to `yes`. To customize the
  48. # window split, `enabled_layouts` has to be set to `all` or `splits` (the
  49. # former is the default value). This terminal is also able to show images
  50. # without extra dependencies.
  51. #
  52. # Shell: POSIX compliant
  53. # Authors: Todd Yamakawa, Léo Villeveygoux, @Recidiviste, Mario Ortiz Manero
  54. USE_SCOPE="${USE_SCOPE:-0}"
  55. PAGER="${PAGER:-less -R}"
  56. if [ -e "${TMUX%%,*}" ] && tmux -V | grep -q '[ -][3456789]\.'; then
  57. TERMINAL=tmux
  58. elif [ -n "$KITTY_WINDOW_ID" ] && kitty @ ls >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  59. TERMINAL=kitty
  60. else
  61. TERMINAL="${TERMINAL:-xterm}"
  62. fi
  63. if [ -z "$SPLIT" ] && [ $(($(tput lines) * 2)) -gt "$(tput cols)" ] ; then
  64. SPLIT='v'
  65. elif [ "$SPLIT" != 'v' ] ; then
  66. SPLIT='h'
  67. fi
  68. exists() {
  69. command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
  70. }
  71. fifo_pager() {
  72. cmd="$1"
  73. shift
  74. # We use a FIFO to access $PAGER PID in jobs control
  75. tmpfifopath="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/nnn-preview-tui-fifo.$$"
  76. mkfifo "$tmpfifopath" || return
  77. $PAGER < "$tmpfifopath" &
  78. (
  79. exec > "$tmpfifopath"
  80. "$cmd" "$@" &
  81. )
  82. rm "$tmpfifopath"
  83. }
  84. # Binary file: show file info inside the pager
  85. print_bin_info() {
  86. printf -- "-------- \033[1;31mBinary file\033[0m --------\n"
  87. if exists mediainfo; then
  88. mediainfo "$1" 2>/dev/null
  89. else
  90. file -b "$1"
  91. fi
  92. }
  93. preview_file () {
  94. kill %- %+ 2>/dev/null && wait %- %+ 2>/dev/null
  95. clear
  96. # Detecting the exact type of the file: the encoding, mime type, and
  97. # extension in lowercase.
  98. encoding="$(file -Lb --mime-encoding -- "$1")"
  99. mimetype="$(file -Lb --mime-type -- "$1")"
  100. ext="${1##*.}"
  101. if [ -n "$ext" ]; then
  102. ext="$(printf "%s" "${ext}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
  103. fi
  104. lines=$(($(tput lines)-1))
  105. cols=$(tput cols)
  106. # Trying to use if it's available.
  107. if [ "$USE_SCOPE" -ne 0 ] && exists; then
  108. fifo_pager "$1" "$cols" "$lines" "$(mktemp -d)" \
  109. "True" 2>/dev/null
  110. return
  111. fi
  112. # Otherwise, falling back to the defaults.
  113. if [ -d "$1" ]; then
  114. cd "$1" || return
  115. if exists tree; then
  116. fifo_pager tree
  117. elif exists exa; then
  118. fifo_pager exa -G --colour=always 2>/dev/null
  119. else
  120. fifo_pager ls --color=always
  121. fi
  122. elif [ "$encoding" = "binary" ]; then
  123. if [ "${mimetype%%/*}" = "image" ] ; then
  124. if [ "$TERMINAL" = "kitty" ]; then
  125. # Kitty terminal users can use the native image preview method.
  126. kitty +kitten icat --silent --transfer-mode=stream --stdin=no \
  127. "$1" &
  128. elif exists catimg; then
  129. catimg "$1"
  130. else
  131. fifo_pager print_bin_info "$1"
  132. fi
  133. elif [ "$mimetype" = "application/zip" ] ; then
  134. fifo_pager unzip -l "$1"
  135. elif [ "$ext" = "gz" ] || [ "$ext" = "bz2" ] ; then
  136. fifo_pager tar -tvf "$1"
  137. else
  138. fifo_pager print_bin_info "$1"
  139. fi
  140. elif [ "$mimetype" = "text/troff" ] ; then
  141. fifo_pager man -Pcat -l "$1"
  142. else
  143. if exists bat; then
  144. fifo_pager bat --paging=never --decorations=always --color=always \
  145. "$1" 2>/dev/null
  146. else
  147. $PAGER "$1" &
  148. fi
  149. fi
  150. }
  151. if [ "$PREVIEW_MODE" ] ; then
  152. if [ ! -r "$NNN_FIFO" ] ; then
  153. echo "No FIFO available! (\$NNN_FIFO='$NNN_FIFO')" >&2
  154. read -r
  155. exit 1
  156. fi
  157. preview_file "$1"
  158. # use cat instead of 'exec <' to avoid issues with dash shell
  159. # shellcheck disable=SC2002
  160. cat "$NNN_FIFO" |\
  161. while read -r selection ; do
  162. preview_file "$selection"
  163. done
  164. exit 0
  165. fi
  166. if [ "$TERMINAL" = "tmux" ]; then
  167. # tmux splits are inverted
  168. if [ "$SPLIT" = "v" ]; then SPLIT="h"; else SPLIT="v"; fi
  169. tmux split-window -e "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" -e "PREVIEW_MODE=1" -d"$SPLIT" "$0" "$1"
  170. elif [ "$TERMINAL" = "kitty" ]; then
  171. # Setting the layout for the new window.
  172. kitty @ goto-layout splits >/dev/null
  173. # Trying to use kitty's integrated window management as the split window.
  174. kitty @ launch --no-response --title "nnn preview" --keep-focus \
  175. --cwd "$PWD" --env "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" --env "PREVIEW_MODE=1" \
  176. --location "${SPLIT}split" "$0" "$1" >/dev/null
  177. # Restoring the previous layout.
  178. kitty @ last-used-layout --no-response >/dev/null 2>&1
  179. else
  180. PREVIEW_MODE=1 $TERMINAL -e "$0" "$1" &
  181. fi