My build of nnn with minor changes
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  1. <h1 align="center">nnn plugins</h1>
  2. <p align="center"><img src="" /></p>
  3. <p align="center"><i>read ebooks with plugin gutenread (Android)</i></p>
  4. <p align="center"><img src="" /></p>
  5. <p align="center"><i>image preview with plugin imgthumb</i></p>
  6. ## Introduction
  7. Plugins extend the capabilities of `nnn`. They are _executable_ scripts (or binaries) which `nnn` can communicate with and trigger. This mechanism fits perfectly with the fundamental design to keep the core file manager lean and fast, by delegating repetitive (but not necessarily file manager-specific) tasks to the plugins.
  8. `nnn` is _**language-agnostic**_ when it comes to plugins. You can write a plugin in any (scripting) language you are comfortable in!
  9. ## Installing plugins
  10. The following command installs or updates (after backup) all plugins:
  11. ```sh
  12. curl -Ls | sh
  13. ```
  14. Plugins are installed to `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/plugins`.
  15. ## List of plugins
  16. | Plugin (a-z) | Description | Lang | Deps |
  17. | --- | --- | --- | --- |
  18. | autojump | Navigate to dir/path | sh | autojump |
  19. | boom | Play random music from dir | sh | [moc]( |
  20. | dups | List non-empty duplicate files in current dir | sh | find, md5sum,<br>sort uniq xargs |
  21. | chksum | Create and verify checksums | sh | md5sum,<br>sha256sum |
  22. | diffs | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) | sh | vimdiff |
  23. | dragdrop | Drag/drop files from/into nnn | sh | [dragon]( |
  24. | fzcd | Change to the directory of a fuzzy-selected file/dir | sh | fzf/fzy<br>fd/fdfind/find |
  25. | fzhist | Fuzzy-select a cmd from history, edit in `$EDITOR` and run | sh | fzf/fzy |
  26. | fzopen | Fuzzy find a file in dir subtree and edit or open | sh | fzf/fzy, xdg-open |
  27. | fzz | Change to any directory in the z database with fzf/fzy | sh | fzf/fzy, z |
  28. | getplugs | Update plugins | sh | curl |
  29. | gutenread | Browse, download, read from Project Gutenberg | sh | curl, unzip, w3m<br>[epr]( (optional) |
  30. | hexview | View a file in hex in `$PAGER` | sh | xxd |
  31. | imgresize | Resize images in dir to screen resolution | sh | [imgp]( |
  32. | imgthumb | View thumbnail of an image or dir of images | sh | [lsix]( |
  33. | imgur | Upload an image to imgur (from [imgur-screenshot]( | bash | - |
  34. | imgview | Browse images, set wallpaper, copy path ([config](, [rename](| sh | sxiv/[viu](, less|
  35. | ipinfo | Fetch external IP address and whois information | sh | curl, whois |
  36. | kdeconnect | Send selected files to an Android device | sh | kdeconnect-cli |
  37. | launch | GUI application launcher | sh | fzf/fzy |
  38. | mediainf | Show media information | sh | mediainfo |
  39. | moclyrics | Show lyrics of the track playing in moc | sh | [ddgr](, [moc]( |
  40. | mocplay | Append (and/or play) selection/dir/file in moc | sh | [moc]( |
  41. | mp3conv | Extract audio from multimedia as mp3 | sh | ffmpeg |
  42. | nmount | Toggle mount status of a device as normal user | sh | pmount, udisks2 |
  43. | nuke | Sample file opener (CLI-only by default) | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
  44. | oldbigfile | List large files by access time | sh | find, sort |
  45. | organize | Auto-organize files in directories by file type | sh | file |
  46. | pdfread | Read a PDF or text file aloud | sh | pdftotext, mpv,<br>pico2wave |
  47. | pdfview | View PDF file in `$PAGER` | sh | pdftotext/<br>mupdf-tools |
  48. | picker | Pick files and list one per line (to pipe) | sh | nnn |
  49. | pskill | Fuzzy list by name and kill process or zombie | sh | fzf/fzy, ps,<br>sudo/doas |
  50. | renamer | Batch rename selection or files in dir | sh | [qmv]([vidir]( |
  51. | ringtone | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | sh | date, ffmpeg |
  52. | splitjoin | Split file or join selection | sh | split, cat |
  53. | suedit | Edit file using superuser permissions | sh | sudoedit/sudo/doas |
  54. | treeview | Informative tree output in `$EDITOR` | sh | tree |
  55. | uidgid | List user and group of all files in dir | sh | ls, less |
  56. | upgrade | Upgrade nnn manually on Debian 9 Stretch | sh | curl |
  57. | upload | Paste text to, upload binary to | sh | curl, jq, tr |
  58. | vidthumb | Show video thumbnails in terminal | sh | [ffmpegthumbnailer](,<br>[lsix]( |
  59. | wall | Set wallpaper or change colorscheme | sh | nitrogen/pywal |
  60. | x2sel | Copy `\n`-separated file list from system clipboard to sel | sh | _see in-file docs_ |
  61. ## Invoking a plugin
  62. Use the plugin shortcut (<kbd>;key</kbd> or <kbd>^Skey</kbd>) to list the defined plugin keys and press the required key. E.g., with the below config:
  63. ```sh
  64. export NNN_PLUG='o:fzopen;p:mocplay;d:diffs;m:nmount;n:notes;v:imgviu;t:imgthumb'
  65. ```
  66. Plugin `fzopen` can be run with the keybind <kbd>;o</kbd>, `mocplay` can be run with <kbd>;p</kbd> and so on... The key vs. plugin pairs are shown in the help and config screen.
  67. To select and invoke a plugin from the plugin directory, press <kbd>Enter</kbd> (to _enter_ the plugin dir) after the plugin shortcut.
  68. #### Skip directory refresh after running a plugin
  69. `nnn` refreshes the directory after running a plugin to reflect any changes by the plugin. To disable this (say while running the `mediainfo` plugin on some filtered files), add a `-` before the plugin name:
  70. ```sh
  71. export NNN_PLUG='m:-mediainfo'
  72. ```
  73. Now `nnn` will not refresh the directory after running the `mediainfo` plugin.
  74. ## Running commands as plugin
  75. To assign keys to arbitrary non-background, non-shell-interpreted cli commands and invoke like plugins, add `_` (underscore) before the command.
  76. For example:
  77. ```sh
  78. export NNN_PLUG='x:_chmod +x $nnn;g:_git log;s:_smplayer $nnn;o:fzopen'
  79. ```
  80. Now <kbd>;x</kbd> can be used to make a file executable, <kbd>;g</kbd> can be used to the git log of a git project directory, <kbd>;s</kbd> can be used to preview a partially downloaded media file.
  81. #### Skip user confirmation after command execution
  82. `nnn` waits for user confirmation (the prompt `Press Enter to continue`) after it executes a command as plugin (unlike plugins which can add a `read` to wait). To skip this, add a `*` after the command. For example:
  83. ```sh
  84. export NNN_PLUG='s:_smplayer $nnn*;n:-_vim /home/vaio/Dropbox/Public/synced_note*'
  85. ```
  86. Now there will be no prompt after <kbd>;s</kbd> and <kbd>;n</kbd>.
  87. #### Run GUI app as plugin
  88. To run a GUI app as plugin, add a `|` after `_`. For example:
  89. ```sh
  90. export NNN_PLUG='m:-_|mousepad $nnn'
  91. ```
  92. Notes:
  93. 1. Use single quotes for `$NNN_PLUG` so `$nnn` is not interpreted
  94. 2. `$nnn` should be the last argument (IF used)
  95. 3. (_Again_) add `_` before the command
  96. 4. To disable directory refresh after running a _command as plugin_, prefix with `-_`
  97. #### Some useful key-command examples
  98. | Key:Command | Description |
  99. |---|---|
  100. | `k:-_fuser -kiv $nnn*` | Interactively kill process(es) using hovered file |
  101. | `g:-_git diff` | Show git diff |
  102. | `l:-_git log` | Show git log |
  103. | `n:-_vi /home/user/Dropbox/dir/note*` | Take quick notes in a synced file/dir of notes |
  104. | `p:-_less -iR $nnn*` | Page through hovered file in less |
  105. | `s:-_\|smplayer -minigui $nnn` | Play hovered media file, even unfinished download |
  106. | `x:_chmod +x $nnn` | Make the hovered file executable |
  107. | `y:-_sync*` | Flush cached writes |
  108. ## Access level of plugins
  109. When `nnn` executes a plugin, it does the following:
  110. - Changes to the directory where the plugin is to be run (`$PWD` pointing to the active directory)
  111. - Passes two arguments to the script:
  112. 1. The hovered file's name.
  113. 2. The working directory (might differ from `$PWD` in case of symlinked paths; non-canonical).
  114. - Sets the environment variable `NNN_PIPE` used to control `nnn` active directory.
  115. Plugins can also read the `.selection` file in the config directory.
  116. ## Create your own plugins
  117. Plugins can be written in any scripting language. However, POSIX-compliant shell scripts runnable in `sh` are preferred.
  118. Drop the plugin in `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/plugins` and make it executable. Optionally add a hotkey in `$NNN_PLUG` for frequent usage.
  119. #### Controlling `nnn`'s active directory
  120. `nnn` provides a mechanism for plugins to control its active directory.
  121. The way to do so is by writing to the pipe pointed by the environment variable `NNN_PIPE`.
  122. The plugin should write a single string in the format `<number><path>` without a newline at the end. For example, `1/etc`.
  123. The number indicates the context to change the active directory of (0 is used to indicate the current context).
  124. For convenience, we provided a helper script named `.nnn-plugin-helper` and a function named `nnn_cd` to ease this process. `nnn_cd` receives the path to change to as the first argument, and the context as an optional second argument.
  125. If a context is not provided, it is asked for explicitly. To skip this and choose the current context, set the `CUR_CTX` variable in `.nnn-plugin-helper` to `1`.
  126. Usage examples can be found in the Examples section below.
  127. #### Examples
  128. There are many plugins provided by `nnn` which can be used as examples. Here are a few simple selected examples.
  129. - Show the git log of changes to the particular file along with the code for a quick and easy review.
  130. ```sh
  131. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  132. git log -p -- "$1"
  133. ```
  134. - Change to directory in clipboard using helper script
  135. ```sh
  136. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  137. . $(dirname $0)/.nnn-plugin-helper
  138. nnn_cd "$(xsel -ob)"
  139. ```
  140. - Change directory to the location of a link using helper script with specific context (current)
  141. ```sh
  142. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  143. . $(dirname $0)/.nnn-plugin-helper
  144. nnn_cd "$(dirname $(readlink -fn $1))" 0
  145. ```
  146. - Change to arbitrary directory without helper script
  147. ```sh
  148. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  149. printf "cd to: "
  150. read -r dir
  151. printf "%s" "0$dir" > "$NNN_PIPE"
  152. ```
  153. ## Contributing plugins
  154. 1. Add informative sections like _Description_, _Notes_, _Dependencies_, _Shell_, _Author_ etc. in the plugin.
  155. 2. Add an entry in the table above.
  156. 3. Keep non-portable commands (like `notify-send`) commented so users from any other OS/DE aren't surprised.
  157. 4. The plugin file should be executable.