My build of nnn with minor changes
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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. nnn v3.2
  2. 2020-05-26
  3. - an official logo
  4. - previews
  5. - config `NNN_FIFO` to write hovered file paths a previewer can read
  6. - plugin `preview-tabbed`: [tabbed]( based file previewer
  7. - plugin `preview-tui`: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm
  8. - plugin `preview-kitty`: preview using kitty terminal's capabilities
  9. - [live preview]( configuration example
  10. - find & list
  11. - send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to `nnn`
  12. - plugin `finder`: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in `nnn`
  13. - <kbd>Right</kbd> or <kbd>l</kbd> on symlink in list dir takes to target file
  14. - persistent session option `-S` [for disk usage, run `nnn -T d` (see help)]
  15. - hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument
  16. - go to first file or match with <kbd>'</kbd> (followed by <kbd>'</kbd> or <kbd>char</kbd>)
  17. - config `NNN_SEL` to specify custom selection file
  18. - config `NNN_LOCKER` to specify locker program
  19. - dim file details in detail mode
  20. - call `chdir()` on directory change
  21. - option `-l`: number of lines to move on mouse scroll
  22. - graphical [keybind map](
  23. - let `NNN_COLORS` override `NO_COLOR`
  24. - plugins
  25. - option `-P`: run plugin by key at start
  26. - run plugins with <kbd>Alt+key</kbd>
  27. - allow `NNN_PIPE` usage by commands run as plugin
  28. - input format to `NNN_PIPE`: `<ctxcode><opcode><data>` (see plugins doc)
  29. - set `ctxcode` to `+` for smart context usage (next inactive, else current)
  30. - `getplugs` to fetch plugins by installed version of `nnn`
  31. - plugin `mimelist`: list files by mime type in subtree
  32. - plugin `bookmarks`: named bookmarks using symlinks
  33. - plugin `nbak`: backup `nnn` config
  34. - `nuke` adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer
  35. - several plugin improvements
  36. - fix broken screen on resize (see #520)
  37. - fix broken version sort (see #550)
  38. - fix list and pipe modes not working together
  39. - fix multiple issues with listing files
  40. - fix `@` shown in detail mode for symlink to dir
  41. - fix listing files directly under `/`
  42. - move to `-std=c11`
  43. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. nnn v3.1
  45. 2020-04-13
  46. - unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys
  47. - status bar text in context color
  48. - support config `NO_COLOR` to disable colors
  49. - config `NNN_OPTS` to specify binary options to `nnn`
  50. - config `NNN_MCLICK` to emulate configurable key
  51. - toggle selection on right click
  52. - ignore hard links when calculating disk usage
  53. - dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has `@`)
  54. - more special keys at empty filter prompt in _type-to-nav_
  55. - key <kbd>></kbd> to export file list
  56. - option `-F` to show fortune in help and settings screen
  57. - option `-T` to specify sort order (obsoletes `-v`)
  58. - option to clear sort order
  59. - key <kbd>T</kbd> to change time type (access/change/mod)
  60. - `.nmv` - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin
  61. - make var `O_NOBATCH` to disable native batch renamer
  62. - `nuke` & `imgview` - open all images in directory sxiv
  63. - `nuke` - open log files in vi
  64. - plugin `x2sel` - system clipboard to selection copier
  65. - plugin `fzy` - cd using z database
  66. - plugin `fzopen` - support `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND`
  67. - create new context on TAB without prompt
  68. - hover and connect by dir name (within config dir)
  69. - move to next entry on current file delete
  70. - on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file
  71. - option `-f` to to use readline history file (off by default)
  72. - use `s` in status bar to indicate selection in progress
  73. - make var `O_NOMOUSE` to disable mouse support
  74. - do not store `NNN_TRASH` and `-Q` in config/session
  75. - add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs
  76. - rename _nav-as-you-type_ to _type-to-nav_ mode
  77. - fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search
  78. - fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded
  79. - fix static package generation
  80. - fix broken abort message when started in du-mode
  81. - fix filter lost on context switch in non _type-to-nav_ mode
  82. - fix broken readline prompt
  83. - fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt
  84. - fix `NNNLVL` not reset when spawned shell is exited
  85. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. nnn v3.0
  87. 2020-02-12
  88. - take list of files as input and show
  89. - option `-e` replaces `NNN_USE_EDITOR`
  90. - option `-t` replaces `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT`
  91. - PCRE support
  92. - more readline bindings for native prompts
  93. - run GUI app as plugin
  94. - attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails
  95. - fix unmount on macOS: use `umount`
  96. - detect `sshfs` and `rclone` to prompt intelligently
  97. - auto-proceed on file open (toggle key <kbd>+</kbd>)
  98. - quit with error code on <kbd>Q</kbd>
  99. - additional key <kbd>F5</kbd> to toggle hidden
  100. - key <kbd>e</kbd> to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests)
  101. - option to edit list of files in selection is changed to <kbd>E</kbd>
  102. - do not end selection on redraw
  103. - `nuke`: [`glow`]( as Markdown viewer
  104. - `nuke`: refactor, handle some common video types by extension
  105. - file name removed from status bar
  106. - static Makefile target
  107. - generate, upload static package on release
  108. - fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down
  109. - fix keypresses lost when showing message
  110. - fix #227: `nnn` creates xdg-open zombies
  111. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. nnn v2.9
  113. 2020-01-15
  114. - all keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422)
  115. - reduced number of keybinds
  116. - greatly improved help screen readability
  117. - `nuke`: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin
  118. - fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks @annagrram)
  119. - auto archive handling by extension (see config `NNN_ARCHIVE`)
  120. - Lead key simplified to bookmark key (<kbd>b</kbd> or <kbd>^/</kbd>)
  121. - single key to toggle order (<kbd>t</kbd> or <kbd>^T</kbd>)
  122. - plugins
  123. - `.cbcp`: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option `-x`)
  124. - `.ntfy`: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option `-x`)
  125. - `autojump`: navigate using autojump
  126. - `upload`: paste text files to, upload rest to
  127. - all fuzzy plugins modified to support both `fzf` and `fzy`
  128. - more control on plugins
  129. - prefix `-` to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin
  130. - suffix `*` to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin
  131. - indicate range selection mode with `*`
  132. - list keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts
  133. - visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by <kbd>,</kbd>)
  134. - toggle executable (key <kbd>*</kbd>)
  135. - show mime along with file details
  136. - more special keys at empty filter prompt:
  137. - apply the last filter (<kbd>^L</kbd>)
  138. - toggle between string and regex (<kbd>/</kbd>)
  139. - toggle case-sensitivity (<kbd>:</kbd>)
  140. - retain filter on <kbd>Esc</kbd>, <kbd>Up</kbd>, <kbd>Down</kbd>
  141. - show filter details when filter is on
  142. - remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive)
  143. - program options
  144. - option `-x`: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard
  145. - option `-g`: regex filters (string filter is default now)
  146. - option `-Q`: quit program without confirmation
  147. - option `-s`: load session
  148. - option `-n`: start in nav-as-you-type mode
  149. - option `-v`: version sort
  150. - option `-V`: show program version
  151. - option `-A`: disable dir auto-select
  152. - ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar
  153. - ported to Haiku OS (thanks @annagrram)
  154. - sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh)
  155. - fix `getplugs` to install hidden files
  156. - fix several selection issues (see #400)
  157. - fix detail mode not restored on loading session
  158. - fix symlink to directory not auto-selected
  159. - fix regex error on partial regex patterns
  160. - fix symlink not shown if `stat(2)` on target fails
  161. - fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM
  162. - fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for `dirent.d_type`)
  163. - fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session
  164. - signed source distribution on release
  165. - simplified debugging with line numbers in logs
  166. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. nnn v2.8.1
  168. 2019-12-05
  169. - Fix always archiving current file
  170. - More elaborate docs on selection changes
  171. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. nnn v2.8
  173. 2019-12-04
  174. - sessions (thanks @annagrram)
  175. - `rclone` support for remote access (mount _any_ cloud storage!!!)
  176. - toggle selection with <kbd>Space</kbd> or <kbd>^J</kbd>
  177. - ignore events during selection so the `+` symbol is not lost
  178. - run custom (non-shell-interpreted) commands like plugins
  179. - configure _cd-on-quit_ as the default behaviour
  180. - create parent dirs for new files and dirs, duplicate a file/dir anywhere
  181. - _copy/move as_ workflow (thanks @KlzXS)
  182. - edit , flush selection buffer (thanks @KlzXS)
  183. - support xargs with minimal options (as in BusyBox) (thanks @KlzXS)
  184. - changed the key to size sort to <kbd>z</kbd>
  185. - additional key <kbd>]</kbd> to show command prompt
  186. - mount archives using `archivemount`
  187. - smoother double click handling
  188. - program option `-R` to disable rollover at edges
  189. - keybind collision checker (for custom keybind config) (thanks @annagrram)
  190. - show size of file in bytes in status bar in disk usage mode
  191. - pass unresolved path as second argument (`$2`) to plugin
  192. - mechanism for plugins to control active directory
  193. - all binary questions are confirmed by <kbd>y</kbd> or <kbd>Y</kbd>
  194. - plugins
  195. - some plugins renamed
  196. - integrated `shellcheck` in CI, POSIX-compliance fixes (thanks @koalaman)
  197. - `getplugs` - detect modifications in exiting plugin file (thanks @KlzXS)
  198. - `drag-file` & `drop-file`: drag & drop files using dragon
  199. - `gutenread`: browse, download and read from Project Gutenberg
  200. - `suedit` - edit file with superuser permissions
  201. - `fzhist` - fuzzy select commands from history, edit and run
  202. - `fzcd` - change to a fuzzy-searched directory
  203. - `rename` - batch rename directory or selection using qmv or vidir
  204. - `pskill` - fuzzy list a process or zombies by name and kill
  205. - `exetoggle` - toggle executable status of hovered file
  206. - `treeview` - informative tree output with file permissions and size
  207. - `chksum` - recursively calculate checksum for files in hovered directory
  208. - `fzopen` renamed to `fzopen`
  209. - `imgsxiv` instructions added to browse and rename images
  210. - create link to current file
  211. - additional key <kbd>;</kbd> to execute plugin
  212. - more explicit force removal message
  213. - force non-detachable internal edits in $EDITOR (option `-E`)
  214. - export current file as `$nnn` (instead of `$NN`)
  215. - fix file open failure from browser when configured as default FM
  216. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. nnn v2.7
  218. 2019-10-06
  219. - plugins for image preview, image and video thumbnails
  220. - redesigned selection workflow
  221. - drop path prefix for files in current dir for selection based archives
  222. - custom direct keybinds for plugins
  223. - libreadline `.history` file moved to `nnn` config directory
  224. - export current entry as `$NN` at command prompt
  225. - more informative status bar in light/detail modes
  226. - auto-proceed to next file on single file select
  227. - path clipping for long paths
  228. - completely revamped wiki
  229. - new program options:
  230. - `-a` to use file access time throughout the program
  231. - `-c` to indicate cli-only opener
  232. - `-f` to run filter as command on <kbd>^P</kbd>
  233. - `-o` replaces config `NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN`
  234. - `-t` replaces config `NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT`
  235. - `-r` replaces config `NNN_OPS_PROG`
  236. - plugin changes:
  237. - `vidthumb` - show video thumbnails in terminal
  238. - `mediainf` - show media info (decoupled as a plugin)
  239. - `notes` - open a quick notes file/dir in `$EDITOR` (decoupled as a plugin)
  240. - `dups` - list duplicate files in the current directory
  241. - `oldbigfile` - list large files by access time
  242. - `moclyrics` - show lyrics of the track currently playing in MOC
  243. - `uidgid` list uid and gid of files in directory
  244. - `mocplay` - now detects if a track is playing or not
  245. - `organize` - categorize files and move to respective directories
  246. - `pastebin` - now uses paste service
  247. - `fzy-edit` - merged into `fzy-open`
  248. - `viuimg` - fix directory view
  249. - `checksum` - fixed POSIX compliance issues
  250. - `boom` - play music in MOC
  251. - keybind changes:
  252. - select entry: <kbd>Space</kbd> and <kbd>^J</kbd>
  253. - select range (or clear selection): <kbd>m</kbd> and <kbd>^K</kbd>
  254. - select all in dir: <kbd>a</kbd>
  255. - list selection: <kbd>M</kbd>
  256. - <kbd>^N</kbd> replaces <kbd>^T</kbd> to toggle _nav-as-you-type_
  257. - <kbd>Shift TAB</kbd> to reverse context cycle
  258. - <kbd>'</kbd> to jump to first file in dir
  259. - <kbd>S</kbd> for du, <kbd>A</kbd> for apparent du
  260. - additional key <kbd>:</kbd> to run plugin
  261. - additional key <kbd>F2</kbd> to rename file
  262. - additional key <kbd>F5</kbd> to redraw
  263. - quit context key <kbd>Leadq</kbd> is removed
  264. - Leader key combinations:
  265. - <kbd>Lead'</kbd> to jump to first file in dir
  266. - <kbd>Lead]</kbd> go to next active context
  267. - <kbd>Lead[</kbd> go to prev active context
  268. - <kbd>Lead.</kbd> toggle show hidden files
  269. - improved duplicate file workflow
  270. - improved batch rename workflow when a selection exists
  271. - removed the wild load option (`-w`)
  272. - removed quick notes (added plugin `notes`)
  273. - fix #225 (thanks @KlzXS)
  274. - fix `tar`/`bsdtar` always creating tar archives (and not by suffix)
  275. - fix single mouse click to select file not working
  276. - fix symlink to dir removed on batch rename
  277. - fix detail mode not set with program option `-S`
  278. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. nnn v2.6
  280. 2019-08-06
  281. - new plugins
  282. - view image or browse a directory of images in terminal
  283. - show image thumbnails
  284. - PDF and text file reader
  285. - calculate and verify checksum of selection or file
  286. - append (and play) selection/dir/file music in MOC
  287. - variable bitrate mp3 ringtone generator
  288. - split current file or join selection
  289. - better experience on Termux (and touch based devices)
  290. - mouse scrolling support (with ncursesw6.0 and above)
  291. - tap/left click to visit parent, toggle nav-as-you-type mode
  292. - light mode set as default
  293. - show status bar and use reverse video in light mode
  294. - changed program options
  295. - `-d`: detail mode
  296. - `-H`: show hidden files
  297. - `-l` is retired
  298. - support `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`
  299. - support <kbd>/</kbd> as an additional Leader key when filter is on
  300. - sort by file extension
  301. - use zip/unzip/tar if atool/bsdtar not found
  302. - support duplicate file (key <kbd>^R</kbd>, same as rename file)
  303. - new config option `NNN_SSHFS_OPTS` to specify `sshfs` options
  304. - restrict opening 0 byte files (`NNN_RESTRICT_0B` is obsolete)
  305. - critical defects fixed
  306. - fix #276 - crash with variable length inotify event handling
  307. - fix #285 - hang after deleting/moving current directory
  308. - fix #274 - a broken prompt on empty input with libreadline
  309. - fix #304 - list selection from another instance
  310. - `cmatrix` as locker fallback
  311. - wait for user input after running a command from prompt
  312. - scrolloff set to 3 from 5
  313. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. nnn v2.5
  315. 2019-05-27
  316. - mouse support
  317. - new location for config files - `~/.config/nnn`
  318. - plugin dir location: `~/.config/nnn/plugins`
  319. - selection file `.nnncp` is now `~/.config/nnn/.selection`
  320. - plugins:
  321. - pdfview: view a PDF in pager
  322. - nmount: (un)mount a storage device
  323. - ndiff: file and directory diff for selection
  324. - hexview: view a file in hex
  325. - imgresize: batch resize images to desktop resolution
  326. - ipinfo: check your IP address and whois information
  327. - transfer: upload a file to
  328. - pastebin: paste the contents of a text file to
  329. - boom: play random music from a directory
  330. - nwal: set an image as wallpaper using nitrogen
  331. - pywal: set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme
  332. - getplugs: update plugins
  333. - SSHFS support
  334. - support `bsdtar`, simplify `patool` integration
  335. - native batch rename support (`vidir` dependency dropped)
  336. - changes to support [configuration]( as the default file manager
  337. - per-context detail/light mode
  338. - case-insensitive version compare
  339. - shortcut to visit `/` - <kbd>`</kbd> (backtick)
  340. - vim-like scrolloff support
  341. - <kbd>^D</kbd> & <kbd>^U</kbd>: scroll half page, <kbd>PgDn</kbd> & <kbd>PdUp</kbd>: scroll full page
  342. - fix selection across contexts
  343. - recognize <kbd>Home</kbd> and <kbd>End</kbd> keys at prompt for editing
  344. - fix broken program option `-b`
  345. - POSIX-compliant user-scripts (wherever possible)
  346. - `NNN_SCRIPT` is retired (replaced by plugins)
  347. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. nnn v2.4
  349. 2019-03-19
  350. - compliant trashing
  351. - mark selected entries with `+`
  352. - _wild_ mode (option `-w`, key <kbd>^W</kbd>) for _nav-as-you-type_
  353. - POSIX-compliant GUI app launcher with drop-down menu (key <kbd>=</kbd>)
  354. - new scripts:
  355. - upload image to imgur
  356. - send selection to Android using kdeconnect-cli
  357. - show permissions in detail mode
  358. - cp, mv progress bar for Linux (needs advcpmv) [BSD, macOS shows on <kbd>^T</kbd>]
  359. - make libreadline an optional dep (reduces memory usage)
  360. - minimize the number of redraws
  361. - handle screen resize gracefully
  362. - option `-d` to show hidden files (`NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN` is removed)
  363. - additional key <kbd>K</kbd> to toggle selection
  364. - change visit start dir key to <kbd>@</kbd>
  365. - option `-C` to disable colors removed
  366. - per-context initial directory replaced by program start dir
  367. - marker msg when spawning new shell removed
  368. - rename debug file to `nnndbg`
  369. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. nnn v2.3
  371. 2019-02-19
  372. - file picker mode
  373. - repo of user-contributed scripts
  374. - substring search for filters (option `-s`)
  375. - version sort (option `-n`)
  376. - disk usage calculation abort with <kbd>^C</kbd>
  377. - create sym/hard link(s) to files in selection
  378. - archiving of selection
  379. - show dir symlinks along with dirs in top
  380. - fixed CJK character handling at prompts
  381. - key `N` (1 <= N <= 4) to switch to context N
  382. - bring back `NNN_OPENER` to specify file opener
  383. - env var `NNN_NOTE` and keybind <kbd>^N</kbd> for quick notes
  384. - handle multiple arguments in VISUAL/EDITOR
  385. - show the current directory being scanned in `du` mode
  386. - select all files (<kbd>Y</kbd>)
  387. - show command prompt (<kbd>^P</kbd>)
  388. - key <kbd>,</kbd> replaces <kbd>`</kbd> as alternative Leader Key
  389. - keybind for visit pinned directory is now <kbd>^B</kbd>
  390. - additional key <kbd>^V</kbd> to run or select custom script
  391. - use libreadline for command prompt
  392. - reduce delay on <kbd>Esc</kbd> press
  393. - config option to avoid unexpected behaviour on 0-byte file open (see #187)
  394. - rename config option `DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV` to `NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN`
  395. - keys removed - <kbd>$</kbd>, <kbd>^</kbd>, <kbd>Backspace</kbd>, <kbd>^H</kbd>, <kbd>^P</kbd>, <kbd>^M</kbd>, <kbd>^W</kbd>, <kbd>`</kbd>
  396. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  397. nnn v2.2
  398. 2019-01-01
  399. What's in?
  400. - (neo)vim plugin [nnn.vim](
  401. - macOS fixes
  402. - Fix issues with file copy, move, remove
  403. - Handle <kbd>Del</kbd> in rename prompt
  404. - Pass correct `file` option to identify mime
  405. - Support selection across directories and contexts
  406. - Offer option `force` before file remove
  407. - Keys <kbd>Tab</kbd>, <kbd>^I</kbd> to go to next active context
  408. - Per-context directory color specified by `$NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS`
  409. - Option `-c` is removed
  410. - Option `-C` to disable colors
  411. - Choose script to run from a script directory
  412. - Run a command (or launch an application)
  413. - Run file as executable (key <kbd>C</kbd>)
  414. - Documentation on lftp integration for remote file transfers
  415. - Support a _combined_ set of arguments to `$EDITOR`, `$PAGER` and `$SHELL`
  416. - Handle > 2 GB files on 32-bit ARM
  417. - Env var `$DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV` to disable file open on <kbd>Right</kbd> or <kbd>l</kbd>
  418. - `NUL`-terminated file paths in selection list instead of `LF`
  419. - Better support for Termux and Cygwin environments
  420. - Remapped keys
  421. - <kbd>^I</kbd> - go to next active context
  422. - <kbd>^T</kbd> - toggle _navigate-as-you-type_
  423. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  424. nnn v2.1
  425. 2018-11-23
  426. What's in?
  427. - Inclusion in several distros including Arch Linux official repo
  428. - Multiple contexts (_aka_ tabs _aka_ workspaces) [max 4]
  429. - Copy, move, remove selected files, remove current file
  430. - [Leader key]( (like vim)
  431. - In-built GUI app launcher with up to 2 arguments (key <kbd>o</kbd>)
  432. - List copy selection (key <kbd>y</kbd>)
  433. - Env var `NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT` to disable dir auto-select
  434. - Key <kbd>Esc</kbd> exits prompt, <kbd>^L</kbd> clears prompt
  435. - Program runtime help revamped
  436. - Static code analysis integration
  437. - gcc-8 warnings fixed
  438. - Remapped keys:
  439. - <kbd>^W</kbd> - go to pinned dir
  440. - <kbd>^X</kbd> - delete current entry
  441. - <kbd>^Q</kbd> - quit program
  442. - `nlay` is retired (functionality built into `nnn`)
  443. - `chdir` prompt is retired
  444. - Env var `NNN_NO_X` retired, selection now works out of the box
  445. - Only single-char bookmark keys (to work with Leader key)
  446. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. nnn v2.0
  448. 2018-10-19
  449. What's in?
  450. - Mode to show apparent size (key `S`)
  451. - Script to integrate `patool` instead of `atool`
  452. - Support `bashlock` (OS X) and `lock` (BSD) as terminal locker
  453. - Symbol `@/` for symlink to dir
  454. - Dependency on `libreadline` removed
  455. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  456. nnn v1.9
  457. 2018-08-10
  458. What's in?
  459. - Support unlimited number of scripts
  460. - Pass currently selected filename as first argument to custom scripts
  461. - Support directory auto-select in _navigate-as-you-type_ mode
  462. - Show selection name in archive name prompt
  463. - Support Cygwin opener
  464. - Better support on RHEL 25 with earlier version on curses
  465. - Sample script for `fzy` integration
  466. - Now available on OpenBSD
  467. - Disabled package generation for Ubuntu 17.10
  468. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  469. nnn v1.8
  470. 2018-05-02
  471. What's in?
  472. - Run a custom script
  473. - Archive selected file/directory
  474. - Show number of cherry-picked files in multi-copy mode
  475. - Env var `NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN` to show hidden files by default
  476. - Additional information in help screen
  477. - Give preference to env var VISUAL, if defined, over EDITOR
  478. - New/changed/remapped shortcuts
  479. - <kbd>^]</kbd> - spawn a new shell in current directory
  480. - <kbd>r</kbd> - edit directory entries in vidir
  481. - <kbd>R</kbd> - run a custom script
  482. - <kbd>^I</kbd> - toggle navigate-as-you-type mode
  483. - <kbd>L</kbd> - lock the current terminal (Linux-only)
  484. - All Ctrl shortcuts enabled in navigate-as-you-type mode
  485. - Fix: GUI programs closing when parent terminal is closed
  486. - Recognize `~`, `-` and `&` at bookmark prompt
  487. - Recognize ruby (.rb) files as text files
  488. - Efficient integer-only file size calculation
  489. - Official inclusion on openSUSE and Fedora
  490. - Package generation for Ubuntu 18.04
  491. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  492. nnn v1.7
  493. 2018-02-28
  494. What's in?
  495. - Batch rename/move/delete files in vidir from [moreutils](
  496. - Copy multiple file paths
  497. - Copy file paths when X is unavailable
  498. - Optionally quote individual file paths with single quotes on copy
  499. - Use ISO 8601 date format in file details
  500. - New/changed/remapped shortcuts:
  501. - <kbd>^B</kbd> - show bookmark prompt (replaces <kbd>b</kbd>)
  502. - <kbd>b</kbd> - pin current dir (replaces <kbd>^B</kbd>)
  503. - <kbd>^J</kbd> - toggle du mode
  504. - <kbd>R</kbd> - batch rename files in vidir
  505. - <kbd>^F</kbd> - extract archive (replaces <kbd>^X</kbd>)
  506. - <kbd>^G</kbd> - quit nnn and change dir
  507. - <kbd>^X</kbd> - quit nnn (replaces <kbd>^Q</kbd>)
  508. - Extra shortcuts enabled in nav-as-you-type mode:
  509. - <kbd>^K</kbd>, <kbd>^Y</kbd> (file path copy)
  510. - <kbd>^T</kbd> (toggles quoted file path copy)
  511. - <kbd>^R</kbd> (rename)
  512. - <kbd>^O</kbd> (open with...)
  513. - <kbd>^B</kbd> (show bookmark prompt)
  514. - <kbd>^V</kbd> (visit pinned dir)
  515. - <kbd>^J</kbd> (toggle du mode)
  516. - <kbd>^/</kbd> (open desktop opener)
  517. - <kbd>^F</kbd> (extract archive)
  518. - <kbd>^L</kbd> (refresh)
  519. - <kbd>^G</kbd> (quit nnn and change dir)
  520. - <kbd>^X</kbd> (quit nnn)
  521. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522. nnn v1.6
  523. 2017-12-25
  524. What's in?
  525. - Shortcut `^O` to open file with custom application
  526. - Option `-b` to open bookmarks directly at start
  527. - Huge performance improvements around file name storing and handling
  528. - Several large static buffers removed or reduced
  529. - Several internal algorithms fine tuned for performance/resource usage
  530. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. nnn v1.5
  532. 2017-10-05
  533. What's in?
  534. - File and directory creation (`n`)
  535. - Env variable `NNN_NOWAIT` to unblock nnn when opening files (DE-specific)
  536. - Show current entry number in status bar
  537. - Support archive listing (`F`) and extraction (`Ctrl-X`) [using `atool`]
  538. - Show correct file size on i386 for large files (> 2GB)
  539. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. nnn v1.4
  541. 2017-09-04
  542. What's in?
  543. - Monitor directory changes
  544. - In-place file rename
  545. - Pin (`Ctrl-B`) a directory and visit (`Ctrl-V`) it anytime
  546. - Auto-completion scripts
  547. - Show volume capacity and free in help
  548. - Auto-fallback to light mode if too few columns (< 35)
  549. - PackageCore integration
  550. - Unsupported Function keys (they never work universally):
  551. - `F2` (rename), use `Ctrl-R`
  552. - `F5` (refresh), use `Ctrl-L`
  553. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  554. nnn v1.3
  555. 2017-07-26
  556. What's in?
  557. - Show directories in custom color (default: enabled in blue)
  558. - Option `-e` to use exiftool instead of mediainfo
  559. - Fixed #34: nftw(3) broken with too many open descriptors
  560. - More concise help screen
  561. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  562. nnn v1.2
  563. 2017-06-29
  564. What's in?
  565. - Use the desktop opener (xdg-open on Linux, open(1) on OS X) to open files
  566. - Option `NNN_USE_EDITOR` to open text files in EDITOR (fallback vi)
  567. - Bookmark support (maximum 10, key `b`)
  568. - *Navigate-as-you-type* mode (key `Insert` or option `-i`)
  569. - Subtree search: gnome-search-tool, fallback catfish (key `^/`) (customizable)
  570. - Show current directory content size and file count in disk usage mode
  571. - Add detail view mode as default, use `-l` to start in light mode
  572. - Shortcuts `F2` and `^L` to refresh and unfilter
  573. Note: if filter is empty, `Enter` *opens* the currently selected file now
  574. - Help screen shows bookmarks and configuration
  575. - Show a message when calculating disk usage
  576. - Show the spawned shell level
  577. - Linux only: use vlock as the locker on timeout (set using `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT`)
  578. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. nnn v1.1
  580. 2017-05-12
  581. News
  582. - Introducing nlay - a highly customizable bash script to handle media type
  583. - nnn is on [Homebrew]( now
  584. - RPM packages for CentOS 7 and Fedora 24 generated on release
  585. What's in?
  586. - *Search-as-you-type*
  587. - Unicode support
  588. - Option `-S` to start in disk usage analyzer mode
  589. - Show media information (using mediainfo)
  590. - Use readline at change directory prompt
  591. - Jump to prev directories using `cd .....` (with `.` as PWD)
  592. - Jump to initial directory using `&`
  593. - Show help, mediainfo and file info in PAGER
  594. - Several optimizations
  595. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  596. nnn v1.0
  597. 2017-04-13
  598. Modifications
  599. - Behaviour and navigation
  600. - Detail view (default: disabled) with:
  601. - file type (directory, regular, symlink etc.)
  602. - modification time
  603. - human-readable file size
  604. - current item in reverse video
  605. - number of items in current directory
  606. - full name of currently selected file in 'bar'
  607. - Show details of the currently selected file (stat, file)
  608. - Disk usage analyzer mode (within the same fs, doesn't follow symlinks)
  609. - Directories first (even with sorting)
  610. - Sort numeric names in numeric order
  611. - Case-insensitive alphabetic content listing instead of upper case first
  612. - Key `-` to jump to last visited directory
  613. - Roll over at the first and last entries of a directory (with Up/Down keys)
  614. - Removed navigation restriction with relative paths (and let permissions handle it)
  615. - Sort entries by file size (largest to smallest)
  616. - Shortcut to invoke file name copier (set using environment variable `NNN_COPIER`)
  617. - File association
  618. - Set `NNN_OPENER` to let a desktop opener handle it all. E.g.:
  619. export NNN_OPENER=xdg-open
  620. export NNN_OPENER=gnome-open
  621. export NNN_OPENER=gvfs-open
  622. - Selective file associations (ignored if `NNN_OPENER` is set):
  623. - Associate plain text files (determined using file) with vi
  624. - Associate common audio and video mimes with mpv
  625. - Associate PDF files with [zathura](
  626. - Removed `less` as default file opener (there is no universal standalone opener utility)
  627. - You can customize further (see [how to change file associations](#change-file-associations))
  628. - `NNN_FALLBACK_OPENER` is the last line of defense:
  629. - If the executable in static file association is missing
  630. - If a file type was not handled in static file association
  631. - This may be the best option to set your desktop opener to
  632. - To enable the desktop file manager key, set `NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER`. E.g.:
  633. export NNN_DE_FILE_MANAGER=thunar
  634. - Optimization
  635. - All redundant buffer removal
  636. - All frequently used local chunks now static
  637. - Removed some redundant string allocation and manipulation
  638. - Simplified some roundabout procedures
  639. - Compiler warnings fixed
  640. - strip the final binary
  641. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------