My scripts for startup, dmenu, and the command line
Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.
= de0e31d543 Add more terminal applications 3 роки тому
.gitignore Create utility functions for managing backups 4 роки тому Add more terminal applications 3 роки тому
backup :q 4 роки тому :q 4 роки тому
cvpn statusbar and dwm improvements 4 роки тому
dwm-start Add more terminal applications 3 роки тому
dwm-statusbar Removed brightness and volume from statusbar 4 роки тому
edit-ini Added INI editor 3 роки тому
ewrap Move launcher and actions to prompt script 3 роки тому
lsix :q 4 роки тому
mru Add more terminal applications 3 роки тому
pages Add info display feature 3 роки тому
prompt Add more terminal applications 3 роки тому :q 4 роки тому
setup-xbindkeys Make app launchers 3 роки тому statusbar and dwm improvements 4 роки тому
util util flag changes 4 роки тому
util-audio statusbar and dwm improvements 4 роки тому


This is a collection of scripts I use to make managing files and processes easier. Use it to automagically select and run terminal applications, send signals to daemons, execute arbitrary commands, search the web, grab passwords from a password manager, and more.

Installing dependencies

sudo apt install pass enscript dunst xclip scrot mpc mpd ghostscript zathura suckless-tools

All of them are optional except suckless-tools. Many of the features aren’t interdependent and are made up of 1 or 2 functions.


It’s the central script that gives the rest of the features interactivity. Read the source code for more details.


prompt [ launch | action | cmd | ddg | manual ]
pages [ open ]


pages is a command for viewing /tmp/pages-{number} files with less or zathura. The files are the result of prompt commands like prompt action -> Go page or can be created from your own tools. I use it for viewing documentation.

  • dmenu for the prompts. It can be changed to rofi or some other solution
  • scrot and xclip for screenshots
  • all scripts assume your prefered terminal is st
  • mpc is for media controls
  • commands that display information from man pages, godoc, logs, etc do it using enscript -p - | ps2pdf - | zathura -. I’m considering more minimal combinations like enscript and surf or st and less but they create their own set of problems. This solution makes future changes easy without becoming too complicated

Use it to automagically select and run terminal applications, send signals to daemons, execute arbitrary commands, search the web, grab passwords from the password manager, and more.


  • Finish vpn and networking stuff after ini script is finished, then make sure printf in case goes to stderror which is shown in bar
  • Add ddg search prompt
  • setup pass
  • variables to the script to make assumed paths easier to change
  • show script for man pages, pkg info, and other things
  • command to clipboard
  • emoji select to clipboard
  • system of additional clipboards using /tmp files
  • use attach-session -t . -c /dir for selecting multiplexer directory
  • ddg fill options should be taken from bookmarks or history
  • Make password prompts green
  • Figure out range selecting for parsing passwords
  • Figure out using dmenu instead of gnome key prompt
  • Give launched st windows better naming