Browse Source

Remove unnecessary scripts and variables

Prompt was modified to be more readable and modifieable, more edits are
still required to make dmenu, st, and notify-send executions
configurable. Config and macro directories are being moved to Source
because I now see the many annoyances caused by having using user
specific bin directories. The configure script is what will be used
going formward to manage configurations and builds.
Immanuel Onyeka 2 years ago
9 changed files with 196 additions and 279 deletions
  1. +0
  2. +0
  3. +59
  4. +0
  5. +2
  6. +135
  7. +0
  8. +0
  9. +0

+ 0
- 68
backup View File

@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@


paths="$HOME/Documents $HOME/Notes $HOME/Pictures $HOME/Projects $HOME/Source"


conf() {
configs=$(echo $configs | tr '\n' ' ')
for dir in $configs
rsync -av --progress --exclude '*.git/' $HOME/.config/$dir $BU/config/

mac() {
rsync -av --progress --exclude '*.git/ *.swp$ *.swo$' $macros $BU/macros

global_vim() {
for dir in $macros
echo $dir
rsync -av --progress --exclude '*.git/' $HOME/.config/$dir $BU/config/global_vim/

notes() {
for dir in $macros
echo $dir
rsync -av --progress --exclude '*.git/' $HOME/.config/$dir $BU/config/global_vim/

archive() {
destination=$BU/archives/$(date +%F)-$(openssl rand -base64 6)
tar -g $BU/archives/ -cvf $destination $paths

case "$1" in
configs) conf;;
macros) mac;;
globalvim) global_vim;;
notes) notes;;
archive) archive;;

+ 0
- 63 View File

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@


clock() {
date '+%H:%M %d-%m-%y'

# get the battery capacity and status
battery() {

# prepend percentage with a '+' if charging, '-' otherwise
test "`cat $BATS`" = "Charging" && echo -n '+' || echo -n '-'
echo $BATC

volume() {
# get master volume level from amixer

# parse amixer output to get ONLY the level. Will output "84%"
# we need `uniq` because on some hardware, The master is listed twice in
# "Front Left" and Front Right" (because laptop speakers I guess)
amixer get Master | sed -n 's/^.*\[\([0-9]\+\)%.*$/\1/p'| uniq

network() {
infs=$(ip link | sed -n 's/^[0-9]: \(.*\):.*$/\1/p')
lo=$(echo $infs | awk '{print $1}')
int1=$(echo $infs | awk '{print $2}')
int2=$(echo $infs | awk '{print $3}')

#iwconfig returns an error code if the interface tested has no wireless extensions
if iwconfig $int1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then

ip link show $eth0 | grep 'state UP' >/dev/null && int=$eth0 || int=$wifi
printf $int
ping -c1 -s1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "connected" || echo "disconnected"


# get cpu load (TODO- get this using iostat)

# get ram usage
memused() {
# store the total and free memory in two variables
t=$(grep -E 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}')
f=$(grep -E 'MemFree' /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}')
b=$(grep -E '^(Buffers)' /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}')
c=$(grep -E '^(Cached)' /proc/meminfo |awk '{print $2}')

# then, calcultate the percentage of memory used
bc | "100($t -$f -$c -$b) / $t"

+ 59
- 0
configure View File

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@

# A file used to automaticaly copy configs and macros to their appropriate
# location


# Copy a script over to /usr/local/bin and make it executable. Accepts the full
# path of a file
copy() {
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then return 1; fi
sudo cp $1 /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/$(basename $1)
printf "Copied and made executable: %s\n" $(basename $1)

# Exclude files with extensions like .c or .sh that are not executable or
# are incomplete and copy them over
macros() {
for f in $(find ~/Source/macros -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.*')
copy "$f"

# Rebuilds selected custom applications
builds() {
for f in ~/Source/enabled/*
cd $f
git -C $f pull
sudo make clean install

vim() {
sudo cp ~/Source/configs/vimrc.local /etc/vim/vimrc.local
# Should copy plugins too

bash() {
cp $CONFIGS/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
cp $CONFIGS/.profile ~/.profile

# Used to configure a new system or reset things for an existing one.
all() {

case $1 in
configure) copy $MACROS/configure;;
builds) builds;;
vim) vim;;
macros) macros;;
bash) bash;;
*) printf "Invalid argument";;

+ 0
- 14
create View File

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@

password() {
tr -d '\n' < /dev/urandom | fold -w30 | head -n1

password_easy() {
tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w20 | head -n1

case $1 in
password) password;;
*) printf "Invalid argument";;

+ 2
- 2
dwm-start View File

@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps -option tilde:swapescape
source ~/.profile source ~/.profile
picom -b picom -b
~/.fehbg ~/.fehbg
xbindkeys -f $HOME/backups/configs/xbindkeysrc
protonmail-bridge --no-window --noninteractive &
xbindkeys -f $HOME/Source/configs/xbindkeysrc
( mru update; mru updatedirs ) & ( mru update; mru updatedirs ) &

# relaunch DWM if the binary changes, otherwise bail # relaunch DWM if the binary changes, otherwise bail

+ 135
- 30
prompt View File

@@ -3,6 +3,29 @@
browser_cmd="brave-browser" browser_cmd="brave-browser"
browser_new_cmd="brave-browser --new-window" browser_new_cmd="brave-browser --new-window"

# First argument is the directory picking message
ask_dir() {
d=$(mru listdirs | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p "$1")
if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi

printf "$d"

# First argument is the file picking message
ask_file() {
d=$(ask_dir "from")

if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi

find "$d" -maxdepth 4 \( -path '*/.*/*' -o -name 'node_modules'\
-o -name '*.uuid' -o -name 'vendor' -o -regex '.*sw[op]$' \) -prune -o -print |
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p "$1"

printf "$f"

launch() { launch() {
app=$(printf "Notes app=$(printf "Notes
Files Files
@@ -26,6 +49,7 @@ launch() {
Package info Package info
Images Images
Games Games
Play clipboard Play clipboard
Play downloads Play downloads
Processes Processes
@@ -33,7 +57,7 @@ launch() {
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p "Launcher") dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p "Launcher")

case $app in case $app in
Notes) st -t "Notes" -e vim "+cd ~/notes/text" "+CtrlP";;
Notes) st -t "Notes" -e vim "+cd ~/Notes" "+CtrlP";;
Files) st -t "Files" -e sh -lc nnn;; Files) st -t "Files" -e sh -lc nnn;;
Edit) editor;; Edit) editor;;
Editor) st -t "Editor" -e vim "+CtrlPMRUFiles";; Editor) st -t "Editor" -e vim "+CtrlPMRUFiles";;
@@ -45,7 +69,10 @@ launch() {
Tasks) st -t "Tasks" -e sh -lc taskwarrior-tui;; Tasks) st -t "Tasks" -e sh -lc taskwarrior-tui;;
Page) pages pager "$(printf "1\n2\n3\n" | dmenu -p 'page')";; Page) pages pager "$(printf "1\n2\n3\n" | dmenu -p 'page')";;
Games) games;; Games) games;;
Multiplexer) st -t "Multiplexer" -e tmux attach-session -t 0 || st -t "Multiplexer" -e tmux new-session -s 0;;
Movie) mpv $(find /mnt/media/movies -name '*.m*' -type f -not -path '*.x/*' |
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'Play');;
Multiplexer) st -t "Multiplexer" -e tmux attach-session -t 0 ||
st -t "Multiplexer" -e tmux new-session -s 0;;
'Go page') num=$(go_page); pages pager $num;; 'Go page') num=$(go_page); pages pager $num;;
Chat) element-desktop;; Chat) element-desktop;;
Music) st -t "Music" -e ncmpcpp;; Music) st -t "Music" -e ncmpcpp;;
@@ -54,7 +81,8 @@ launch() {
Email) st -t 'Email' -e sh -lc neomutt;; Email) st -t 'Email' -e sh -lc neomutt;;
Images) view_images;; Images) view_images;;
'Play clipboard') mpv "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)";; 'Play clipboard') mpv "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)";;
'Play downloads') mpv "$HOME/downloads/tmp/$(ls ~/downloads/tmp/ | dmenu -i -l 10 -p 'play')";;
'Play downloads') mpv "$HOME/Downloads/tmp/$(ls ~/Downloads/tmp/ |
dmenu -i -l 10 -p 'play')";;
'Mixer') st -t "Mixer" -e pulsemixer;; 'Mixer') st -t "Mixer" -e pulsemixer;;
'Equalizer') qpaeq;; 'Equalizer') qpaeq;;
Processes) st -t "Processes" -e top;; Processes) st -t "Processes" -e top;;
@@ -82,6 +110,9 @@ action() {
Select song Select song
Download Download
Download music Download music
Update cache Update cache
Enable Bar Enable Bar
Exit" | tr -d '\t' | Exit" | tr -d '\t' |
@@ -108,6 +139,9 @@ action() {
#This should check for an error code and confirm that download has started #This should check for an error code and confirm that download has started
'Download') download;; 'Download') download;;
'Download music') download_music;; 'Download music') download_music;;
'Torrent') torrent;;
'Configure') configure;;
'Move') move;;
esac esac
} }

@@ -137,44 +171,54 @@ do_search() {
Github" | tr -d '\t' | dmenu -i -c -p "Search") Github" | tr -d '\t' | dmenu -i -c -p "Search")
case "$type" in case "$type" in
Manual) p=$(man -k '' | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'Manual' | cut -d' ' -f1); if [ -z $p ]; then exit; fi; st -t "Manual - $p" -e man "$p";;
Manual) p=$(man -k '' | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'Manual' | cut -d' ' -f1);
if [ -z $p ]; then exit; fi; st -t "Manual - $p" -e man "$p";;
Github) github;; Github) github;;
Godocs) godoc;; Godocs) godoc;;
DDG) ddg;; DDG) ddg;;
Package) package;; Package) package;;
Definition) word=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'word'); if [ -z "$word" ]; then exit; fi; st -e sh -lc "dict \"$word\" | less";;
Definition) word=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'word');
if [ -z "$word" ]; then exit; fi;
st -e sh -lc "dict \"$word\" | less";;
esac esac
} }

download() { download() {
youtube-dl --add-metadata --no-progress -o "$HOME/downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"
youtube-dl --add-metadata --no-progress -o \
"$HOME/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"
notify-send -u low -t 3000 "Download complete" notify-send -u low -t 3000 "Download complete"
} }

download_music() { download_music() {
youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \ youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \
"$HOME/music/new/%(track)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" "$HOME/music/new/%(track)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"

if [ ! $? ]; then if [ ! $? ]; then
youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \ youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \
"$HOME/music/new/%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" "$HOME/music/new/%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"
fi fi

if [ -e "$HOME/music/new/NA - NA"* ]; then if [ -e "$HOME/music/new/NA - NA"* ]; then
rm "$HOME/music/new/NA - NA"* rm "$HOME/music/new/NA - NA"*
youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \ youtube-dl -x --add-metadata --no-progress --audio-format mp3 -o \
"$HOME/music/new/%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"
"$HOME/music/new/%(title)s - %(artist)s.%(ext)s" \
"$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)"
fi fi
notify-send -u low -t 3000 "Download complete"

notify-send -u low -t 3000 "Download complete"
} }

view_images() { view_images() {
d=$(mru listdirs | dmenu -c -l 20 -i -p 'where?') d=$(mru listdirs | dmenu -c -l 20 -i -p 'where?')

if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi

sxiv -r "$d" sxiv -r "$d"
} }

package() { package() {
type=$(printf "search\ninfo" | dmenu -c -p 'package') type=$(printf "search\ninfo" | dmenu -c -p 'package')

if [ -z "$type" ]; then if [ -z "$type" ]; then
exit exit
elif [ "$type" = "info" ]; then elif [ "$type" = "info" ]; then
@@ -189,37 +233,45 @@ package() {
editor() { editor() {
#handle spacing in filenames bug #handle spacing in filenames bug
file=$(mru list | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'edit file') file=$(mru list | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'edit file')

if [ -z "$file" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$file" ]; then exit; fi

first=$(printf "$file" | head -n1 -) first=$(printf "$file" | head -n1 -)
d=$(dirname "$first") d=$(dirname "$first")
files=$(printf "$file" | tr '\n' ' ') files=$(printf "$file" | tr '\n' ' ')

printf "files: $files" printf "files: $files"
st -t 'Editor' -e vim "+cd $d" $files st -t 'Editor' -e vim "+cd $d" $files
} }

opener() { opener() {
mru list | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'open' | while read f; do xdg-open "$f"; done
mru list | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'open' |
while read f; do xdg-open "$f"; done
} }

screenshot() { screenshot() {
method=$(printf "clipboard
printf "clipboard
file file
both" | both" |
dmenu -i -p "Screenshot") dmenu -i -p "Screenshot")

if [ $method = "file" ]; then if [ $method = "file" ]; then
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c 255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c
255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
-s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png -s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png
fi fi

if [ $method = "clipboard" ]; then if [ $method = "clipboard" ]; then
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c 255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c
255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
-s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png\ -s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png\
-e "xclip $f; rm $f" -e "xclip $f; rm $f"
fi fi

if [ $method = "both" ]; then if [ $method = "both" ]; then
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c 255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
scrot --note "-f 'LiterationSans Nerd Font Book/11' -x 10 -y 20 -c
255,0,0,255 -t 'Hi'"\
-s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png\ -s ~/Pictures/screenshots/screenshot-%Y-%m-%d_$wx$h.png\
-e "xclip $f;" -e "xclip $f;"
fi fi
@@ -230,7 +282,8 @@ search_type() {
search_mode='tab' search_mode='tab'

case "$search_string" in case "$search_string" in
'New window') search_mode='window'; search_string=$(printf '' | dmenu -c -p "new $1");;
'New window') search_mode='window';
search_string=$(printf '' | dmenu -c -p "new $1");;
'Bookmarks');; 'Bookmarks');;
'History') ;; 'History') ;;
# *) printf "Invalid argument";; # *) printf "Invalid argument";;
@@ -293,11 +346,17 @@ manual() {
goinfo() { goinfo() {
#Maybe this can also show recent searches #Maybe this can also show recent searches
search=$(printf "Window\nNotify" | dmenu -p 'goinfo') search=$(printf "Window\nNotify" | dmenu -p 'goinfo')

case $search in case $search in
Window) search=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'goinfo'); result=$(go doc "$search"); infowindow "$result"; exit;;
Notify) search=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'goinfo'); result=$(go doc "$search"); notify-send -u low -t 0 "Go documentation" "$result"; exit;;
Window) search=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'goinfo');
result=$(go doc "$search"); infowindow "$result"; exit;;
Notify) search=$(printf '' | dmenu -p 'goinfo');
result=$(go doc "$search");
notify-send -u low -t 0 "Go documentation" "$result"; exit;;
esac esac
result=$(go doc "$search"); notify-send -u low -t 0 "Go documentation" "$result";

result=$(go doc "$search");
notify-send -u low -t 0 "Go documentation" "$result";
} }

go_page() { go_page() {
@@ -320,6 +379,7 @@ cmd() {
cmd_clip() { cmd_clip() {
value=$(cmd) value=$(cmd)
show_value="$(expr substr "$value" 1 200)\n..." show_value="$(expr substr "$value" 1 200)\n..."

notify-send -u low -t 2000 "Items cliped" "$show_value" notify-send -u low -t 2000 "Items cliped" "$show_value"
printf "%s" "$value" | xclip -selection clipboard printf "%s" "$value" | xclip -selection clipboard
} }
@@ -330,28 +390,31 @@ sel_account() {
sed -e "s:$HOME/.password-store/::" -e "s:\.gpg::" | sed -e "s:$HOME/.password-store/::" -e "s:\.gpg::" |
dmenu -c -i -l 20 -p 'account' dmenu -c -i -l 20 -p 'account'
) )

if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi

printf "$account" printf "$account"
} }

username() { username() {
account=$(sel_account) account=$(sel_account)

if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi

name=$(pass show "$account" | sed -n -e "s/^username: //p" | name=$(pass show "$account" | sed -n -e "s/^username: //p" |
dmenu -c -i -l 20 -p 'which username' | xclip -f -selection clipboard) dmenu -c -i -l 20 -p 'which username' | xclip -f -selection clipboard)

if [ -z "$name" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$name" ]; then exit; fi

notify-send -u low -t 2000 "username copied" "$account: $name" notify-send -u low -t 2000 "username copied" "$account: $name"
} }

password() { password() {
rm prompt-login-*
touch /tmp/prompt-login-$$
account=$(find ~/.password-store/[!\.]* -type f | account=$(find ~/.password-store/[!\.]* -type f |
sed -e "s:$HOME/.password-store/::" -e "s:\.gpg::" | sed -e "s:$HOME/.password-store/::" -e "s:\.gpg::" |
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'which service') dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'which service')
pass -c $account pass -c $account
notify-send -u low -t 1000 'password copied' "Copied $account" notify-send -u low -t 1000 'password copied' "Copied $account"

} }

# Giving multiple accounts for the same service the same username may cause problems. # Giving multiple accounts for the same service the same username may cause problems.
@@ -361,12 +424,17 @@ other_password() {
account=$(sel_account) account=$(sel_account)
name=$(pass show "$account" | sed -n -e "s/^username: //p" | name=$(pass show "$account" | sed -n -e "s/^username: //p" |
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'which user password') dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'which user password')

if [ -z "$name" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$name" ]; then exit; fi

copy=$(pass show $account | grep -B 1 "^username: $name" | head -n1 | tr -d '\n') copy=$(pass show $account | grep -B 1 "^username: $name" | head -n1 | tr -d '\n')

printf "$copy" | xclip -selection clipboard printf "$copy" | xclip -selection clipboard
notify-send -u low -t 2000 "password copied" "$account: $name" notify-send -u low -t 2000 "password copied" "$account: $name"
sleep 30s sleep 30s

new_copy=$(xclip -o -selection clipboard) new_copy=$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)

if [ "$copy" = $newcopy ]; then if [ "$copy" = $newcopy ]; then
printf '' | xclip -selection clipboard printf '' | xclip -selection clipboard
fi fi
@@ -375,33 +443,39 @@ other_password() {
show_password() { show_password() {
account=$(sel_account) account=$(sel_account)
info=$(pass show "$account") info=$(pass show "$account")

st -e sh -lc "printf '$info' | less" st -e sh -lc "printf '$info' | less"
} }

edit_password() { edit_password() {
account=$(sel_account) account=$(sel_account)
if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi
error=$(st -e pass edit "$account" 2>&1)
if [ -n "$error" ]; then notify-send -u low -t 3000 "password edit error" "$error"; fi

if [ -z "$account" ]; then exit; fi
error=$(st -e pass edit "$account" 2>&1)

if [ -n "$error" ];
then notify-send -u low -t 3000 "password edit error" "$error"; fi

# Execute a command with the specified file or directory as it's argument # Execute a command with the specified file or directory as it's argument
choose() { choose() {
d=$(mru listdirs | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'from') d=$(mru listdirs | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'from')

if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$d" ]; then exit; fi

f=$( f=$(
(printf "$d\n"; find "$d" -type f -not \( -path '*/.*/*' -o -path '*node_modules/*' -o -ipath '*backups/my-plugins*' -o -ipath '*/.uuid' -ipath '*.swp*' \)) |
dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'choose file'
(printf "$d\n"; find "$d" -type f -not \( -path '*/.*/*' -o -path
'*node_modules/*' -o -ipath '*backups/my-plugins*' -o -ipath '*/.uuid'
-ipath '*.swp*' \)) | dmenu -i -c -l 20 -p 'choose file'
) )

if [ -z "$f" ]; then exit; fi if [ -z "$f" ]; then exit; fi

c=$(dmenu_path | dmenu -i -c -p 'operation') c=$(dmenu_path | dmenu -i -c -p 'operation')

if [ -z $c ]; then exit; fi if [ -z $c ]; then exit; fi
$c "$f"

vpn() {
$c "$f"
} }

# It finds all the current files in a known directory without needing to update the mru list of files # It finds all the current files in a known directory without needing to update the mru list of files
@@ -466,6 +540,37 @@ bookmarks() {
esac esac
} }

torrent() {
sel=$(printf "List
Edit" | tr -d "\t" | dmenu -i -c -p 'Bookmarks')

case "$sel" in
'Add') btcli add -T -d /mnt/media/torrents/ \
find ~/Downloads -name '*.torrent' |
dmenu -i -c -l 30 -p "Select torrent"
'List');; # Already lists as final output

notify-send -u low -t 6000 "Torrents" "$(btcli list)"


move() {
f=$(ask_file "Choose file")
dest=$(ask_dir "Destination")
notify-send -u low -t 6000 "Move" "$(mv $f $dest)"

# Should be used for automatically selecting and copying files in
# ~/Source/configs to their correct path
# configure() {
# }

case $1 in case $1 in
launch ) launch;; launch ) launch;;
action) action;; action) action;;

+ 0
- 3
store View File

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

#For downloading bookmarks in a directory

+ 0
- 96
util View File

@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
#A file for managing git tar/git backups
gitcmd() {
#First arg should be the name of the subdirectory, second arg should be command
check_args $# 2
if [ ! -d "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1" ]; then
invalid_path_msg "$1"
return 1;

git -C $BACKUPS_PATH/$1 $2
printf "The command succeded\n"

git_clone_backup() {
check_args $# 2
git -C $BACKUPS_PATH clone $1:Backups/$2

git_clone_proj() {
check_args $# 2
git -C $HOME/Projects clone ssh://$1/~/Projects/$2

bdiff() {
check_args $# 2
if [ ! -d "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1" ]; then
invalid_path_msg "$1"
return 1;
case "$1" in
configs) vimdiff "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$2";;
macros) vimdiff "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2" "$HOME/Macros/$2";;
global_vim) vimdiff "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2" "/usr/share/vim/$2";;
*) invalid_path_msg "$1"; return 1;;

overwrite_local() {
if [ ! -e $BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2 ]; then
printf "The backup path $BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2 does not exist\n"
return 1;
case "$1" in
configs) cp -r $BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2 "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/";;
macros) cp -r $BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2 "$HOME/Macros/";;
*) invalid_path_msg "$1"; return 1;;
printf "local overwrite successful\n"

overwrite_lmacros() {
overwrite_local macros '*'

overwrite_backup() {
if [ git diff --stat $BACKUPS_PATH/$1 ]; then
printf "There are uncommited changes in $1\n"
return 1
case "$1" in
config) cp -r $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$2 "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2";;
macros) cp -r $HOME/Macros/$2 "$BACKUPS_PATH/$1/$2";;
*) invalid_path_msg "$1"; return 1;;
printf "backup overwrite successful\n"

invalid_path_msg() {
printf "That path is invalid. $@\n"

check_args() {
if [ $1 -ne $2 ]; then
printf "Invalid number of arguments. Expected $2\n"
return 0;

case "$1" in
case "$2" in
configs) pull_backup configs;;
macros) pull_backup macros;;
overwrite-local) overwrite_local $2 $3;;
overwrite-backup) overwrite_backup $2 $3;;
gitcmd) gitcmd "$2" "$3";;
push-backup) overwrite_backup $2 $3;;
bclone) git_clone_backup "$2" "$3";;
pclone) git_clone_proj "$2" "$3";;
bdiff) bdiff $2 "$3";;
*) printf "No such option\n";;

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vpn View File

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