My scripts for startup, dmenu, and the command line
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splitchapters 3.6 KiB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Copied from Eloise Speight's Stack Exchange answer
  3. # script to convert m4b (audiobook) files with embedded chapted (for eg. converted from Audbile) into individual chapter files
  4. # required: ffmpeg; jg (json interpreter) & AtomicParsley (to embed pictures and add additional metadata to m4a/m4b AAC files)
  5. # discover the file type (extension) of the input file
  6. ext=${1##*.}
  7. echo "extension: $ext"
  8. # all files / folders are named based on the "shortname" of the input file
  9. shortname=$(basename "$1" ".$ext")
  10. picture=$shortname.jpg
  11. chapterdata=$shortname.dat
  12. metadata=$shortname.tmp
  13. echo "shortname: $shortname"
  14. # if an output type has been given on the command line, set parameters (used in ffmpeg command later)
  15. if [[ $2 = "mp3" ]]; then
  16. outputtype="mp3"
  17. codec="libmp3lame"
  18. elif [[ $2 = "m4a" ]]; then
  19. outputtype="m4a"
  20. codec="copy"
  21. else
  22. outputtype="m4b"
  23. codec="copy"
  24. fi
  25. echo "outputtype: |$outputtype|"
  26. # if it doesn't already exist, create a json file containing the chapter breaks (you can edit this file if you want chapters to be named rather than simply "Chapter 1", etc that Audible use)
  27. [ ! -e "$chapterdata" ] && ffprobe -loglevel error \
  28. -i "$1" -print_format json -show_chapters -loglevel error -sexagesimal \
  29. >"$chapterdata"
  30. read -p "Now edit the file $chapterdata if required. Press ENTER to continue."
  31. # comment out above if you don't want the script to pause!
  32. # read the chapters into arrays for later processing
  33. readarray -t id <<< $(jq -r '.chapters[].id' "$chapterdata")
  34. readarray -t start <<< $(jq -r '.chapters[].start_time' "$chapterdata")
  35. readarray -t end <<< $(jq -r '.chapters[].end_time' "$chapterdata")
  36. readarray -t title <<< $(jq -r '.chapters[].tags.title' "$chapterdata")
  37. # create a ffmpeg metadata file to extract addition metadata lost in splitting files - deleted afterwards
  38. ffmpeg -loglevel error -i "$1" -f ffmetadata "$metadata"
  39. artist_sort=$(sed 's/.*=\(.*\)/\1/' <<<$(cat "$metadata" |grep -m 1 ^sort_artist))
  40. album_sort=$(sed 's/.*=\(.*\)/\1/' <<<$(cat "$metadata" |grep -m 1 ^sort_album))
  41. rm "$metadata"
  42. # create directory for the output
  43. mkdir -p "$shortname"
  44. echo -e "\fID\tStart Time\tEnd Time\tTitle\t\tFilename"
  45. for i in ${!id[@]}; do
  46. let trackno=$i+1
  47. # set the name for output - currently in format <bookname>/<tranck number>
  48. outname="$shortname/$(printf "%02d" $trackno). $shortname - ${title[$i]}.$outputtype"
  49. #outname=$(sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._- ]/_/g' <<< $outname)
  50. outname=$(sed 's/:/_/g' <<< $outname)
  51. echo -e "${id[$i]}\t${start[$i]}\t${end[$i]}\t${title[$i]}\n\t\t$(basename "$outname")"
  52. ffmpeg -loglevel error -i "$1" -vn -c $codec \
  53. -ss ${start[$i]} -to ${end[$i]} \
  54. -metadata title="${title[$i]}" \
  55. -metadata track=$trackno \
  56. -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 \
  57. "$outname"
  58. [[ $outputtype == m4* ]] && AtomicParsley "$outname" \
  59. --artwork "$picture" --overWrite \
  60. --sortOrder artist "$artist_sort" \
  61. --sortOrder album "$album_sort" \
  62. > /dev/null
  63. done