Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Add go code

Immanuel Onyeka pirms 3 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 87 papildinājumiem un 1 dzēšanām
  1. +1
  2. +86

+ 1
- 1
README.md Parādīt failu

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Code Examples
Some sample code taken from sites I've completed. They're written in
Javascript, PHP, and SCSS. The examples are incomplete and meant for
demonstrative purposes only as I'm not comfortable share complete code of a
demonstrative purposes only as I'm not comfortable sharing complete code of a
live, potentialy profitable project.

+ 86
- 0
view.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package view

import (

var (
available = true
matrix = "zgvhdgh0b3nwawv6"

type Page struct {
tpl *template.Template
Title string
Name string
Matrix string
Available bool

var titles = map[string]string {
"home": "Home",
"services": "Services",
"contact": "Contact",
"web": "Web Development",
"projects": "Projects",
"about": "About",

var paths = map[string]string {
"home": "view/home.tpl",
"services": "view/services.tpl",
"contact": "view/contact.tpl",
"web": "view/web.tpl",
"projects": "view/projects.tpl",
"about": "view/about.tpl",

var pages = map[string]Page {
"home": cache("home"),
"services": cache("services"),
"contact": cache("contact"),
"web": cache("web"),
"projects": cache("projects"),
"about": cache("about"),

func parse(path string) *template.Template {
var paths = []string{"view/master.tpl", path}
tpl, err := template.ParseFiles(paths...)
if err != nil {
log.Print(err, "| Could not parse:", path)
return tpl

func Create(name string) Page {
tpl := parse(paths[name])
title := titles[name]
return Page{tpl: tpl,
Title: title,
Name: name,
Matrix: matrix,
Available: available}

func cache(name string) Page {
var p = []string{"view/master.tpl", paths[name]}
tpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(p...))
return Page{tpl: tpl,
Title: titles[name],
Name: name,
Matrix: matrix,
Available: available}

func Get(name string) Page {
return pages[name]
func (page Page) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) {
err := page.tpl.Execute(w, page)
if err != nil {

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