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Move nrowgrid function

Immanuel Onyeka 3 years ago
5 changed files with 66 additions and 36 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +8
  3. +54
  4. +0
  5. +3

+ 1
- 2
TODO View File

@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ fullgaps (might be shortcuts)
awesomebar: hidewindow() function crashes dwm and tag background color is weird
maybe manage hidden windows with dmenu
use dmenu for selecting and focusing window
undo fullgaps and add useless gaps instead for more generality
add patch for moving slave windows
correct tag colors

hide border of nonfocused windows or make transparent
@@ -28,3 +26,4 @@ specified from known directories and used in dmenu), and pointing to specific
file to update it's position (ctrlp hook script should be possible)
add shortcut for focusing master
add scratchpad that opens in a special session
maybe make width and height of outer gaps equal

+ 8
- 7
config.h View File

@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ static const char *fonts[] = {
"SauceCodePro NF:size=10"
static const char dmenufont[] = "SauceCodePro NF:size=10";
static const char normbordercolor[] = "#444444";
static const char normbordercolor[] = "#000000";
static const char normbgcolor[] = "#222222";
static const char normfgcolor[] = "#bbbbbb";
static const char selbordercolor[] = "#333544";
static const char selbordercolor[] = "#ffffff";
static const char selbgcolor[] = "#005577";
static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eeeeee";
static const unsigned int borderpx = 5; /* border pixel of windows */
static const unsigned int borderpx = 2; /* border pixel of windows */
static const Gap default_gap = {.ogap = 10, .isgap = 1, .realgap = 10, .gappx = 10};
static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
static const int showbar = 0; /* 0 means no bar */
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
static const int resizehints = 1; /* 1 means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
static int attachbelow = 1; /* 1 means attach after the currently active window */

#include "layouts.c"
#define FORCE_VSPLIT 1
static const Layout layouts[] = {
/* symbol arrange function */
{ "|M|", centeredmaster },
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static const Layout layouts[] = {
{ "[M]", monocle },
{ "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
{ "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
{ "HHH", grid },
{ "###", nrowgrid },

/* key definitions */
@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@ static const Layout layouts[] = {
static char dmenumon[2] = "0"; /* component of dmenucmd, manipulated in spawn() */
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-m", dmenumon, "-fn", dmenufont, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
static const char *termcmd[] = { "st", NULL };
static const char scratchpadname[] = "scratchpad";
static const char *scratchpadcmd[] = { "st", "-t", scratchpadname, "-g", "120x34", NULL };
static const char scratchpadname[] = "Scratchpad";
static const char *scratchpadcmd[] = { "st", "-t", scratchpadname,
"-g", "120x34", "-e", "tmux", "new-session", "-As", "scratchpad", NULL};

#include "movestack.c"
static Key keys[] = {

+ 54
- 0
dwm.c View File

@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ static void maprequest(XEvent *e);
static void monocle(Monitor *m);
static void motionnotify(XEvent *e);
static void movemouse(const Arg *arg);
static void nrowgrid(Monitor *m);
static Client *nexttiled(Client *c);
static void pop(Client *);
static void propertynotify(XEvent *e);
@@ -2662,3 +2663,56 @@ focusmaster(const Arg *arg)
if (c)

nrowgrid(Monitor *m)
unsigned int n = 0, i = 0, ri = 0, ci = 0; /* counters */
unsigned int cx, cy, cw, ch; /* client geometry */
unsigned int uw = 0, uh = 0, uc = 0; /* utilization trackers */
unsigned int cols, rows = m->nmaster + 1;
Client *c;

/* count clients */
for (c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), n++);

/* nothing to do here */
if (n == 0)

/* force 2 clients to always split vertically */
if (FORCE_VSPLIT && n == 2)
rows = 1;

/* never allow empty rows */
if (n < rows)
rows = n;

/* define first row */
cols = n / rows;
uc = cols;
cy = m->wy;
ch = m->wh / rows;
uh = ch;

for (c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), i++, ci++) {
if (ci == cols) {
uw = 0;
ci = 0;

/* next row */
cols = (n - uc) / (rows - ri);
uc += cols;
cy = m->wy + uh;
ch = (m->wh - uh) / (rows - ri);
uh += ch;

cx = m->wx + uw;
cw = (m->ww - uw) / (cols - ci);
uw += cw;

resize(c, cx, cy, cw - 2 * c->bw, ch - 2 * c->bw, 0);

+ 0
- 27
layouts.c View File

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
grid(Monitor *m) {
unsigned int i, n, cx, cy, cw, ch, aw, ah, cols, rows;
Client *c;

for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next))

/* grid dimensions */
for(rows = 0; rows <= n/2; rows++)
if(rows*rows >= n)
cols = (rows && (rows - 1) * rows >= n) ? rows - 1 : rows;

/* window geoms (cell height/width) */
ch = m->wh / (rows ? rows : 1);
cw = m->ww / (cols ? cols : 1);
for(i = 0, c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next)) {
cx = m->wx + (i / rows) * cw;
cy = m->wy + (i % rows) * ch;
/* adjust height/width of last row/column's windows */
ah = ((i + 1) % rows == 0) ? m->wh - ch * rows : 0;
aw = (i >= rows * (cols - 1)) ? m->ww - cw * cols : 0;
resize(c, cx, cy, cw - 2 * c->bw + aw, ch - 2 * c->bw + ah, False);

+ 3
- 0
movestack.c View File

@@ -27,10 +27,13 @@ movestack(const Arg *arg) {
pc = i;

/* printf("%s", c->name); */
/* swap c and selmon->sel selmon->clients in the selmon->clients list */
if(c && c != selmon->sel) {
Client *temp = selmon->sel->next==c?selmon->sel:selmon->sel->next;
/* Client *temp = selmon->sel; */
selmon->sel->next = c->next==selmon->sel?c:c->next;
/* selmon->sel->next = c->next; */
c->next = temp;

if(p && p != c)
