My configuration files for Debian/Ubuntu applications
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  1. # set mbox = ~/Mail
  2. set realname = "Immanuel Onyeka"
  3. set folder = ~/Mail
  4. set mbox_type = Maildir
  5. set mbox = ~/Mail
  6. set spoolfile = "+personal/INBOX"
  7. set sidebar_visible
  8. set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
  9. bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible
  10. set mail_check_stats
  11. set from = ""
  12. set postponed = "+personal/drafts"
  13. set record = "+personal/sent"
  14. set trash = "+personal/trash"
  15. # set sendmail="msmtp"
  16. set sendmail="msmtp -a immanuel"
  17. set use_envelope_from = yes
  18. # compose View Options
  19. set edit_headers # show headers when composing
  20. set fast_reply # skip to compose when replying
  21. set askcc # ask for CC:
  22. set fcc_attach # save attachments with the body
  23. set forward_format = "Fwd: %s" # format of subject when forwarding
  24. set forward_decode # decode when forwarding
  25. set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:" # format of quoting header
  26. set reply_to # reply to Reply to: field
  27. set reverse_name # reply as whomever it was to
  28. set include # include message in replies
  29. set forward_quote # include message in forwards
  30. set editor = "vim"
  31. set text_flowed
  32. unset sig_dashes # no dashes before sig
  33. unset mime_forward # forward attachments as part of body
  34. # status bar, date format, finding stuff etc.
  35. # set status_chars = " *%A"
  36. set status_format = "[ Folder: %f ] [%r%m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?"
  37. set date_format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"
  38. set index_format = "[%Z] %?X?A&-? %D %-20.20F %s"
  39. set sort = threads
  40. set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
  41. set uncollapse_jump
  42. set sort_re
  43. # set reply_regexp = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
  44. # set quote_regexp = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+ )+"
  45. # Mailboxes to show in the sidebar.
  46. # mailboxes =ALL-INBOX
  47. mailboxes =personal/INBOX =personal/archive =personal/sent =personal/drafts =personal/junk =personal/trash
  48. mailboxes =work/INBOX
  49. # mailboxes =work/"[Gmail]INBOX" =work/"[Gmail]/Spam" =work/"[Gmail]/Trash" =work/"[Gmail]/All Mail" =work/Reference
  50. # mailboxes =hussar
  51. # mailboxes =hussar/archive =hussar/sent =hussar/drafts =hussar/junk =hussar/trash
  52. # set sidebar_short_path
  53. # set sidebar_delim_chars="/"
  54. # set sidebar_folder_indent
  55. # set sidebar_indent_string=" "
  56. # Pager View Options
  57. # set pager_index_lines = 10
  58. # set pager_context = 3
  59. # set pager_stop
  60. # set menu_scroll
  61. # set tilde
  62. # unset markers
  63. # set mail_check_stats
  64. # Bindings
  65. bind index,pager \CP sidebar-prev
  66. bind index,pager \CN sidebar-next
  67. bind index,pager \CO sidebar-open
  68. # bind pager gg top
  69. # bind index gg first-entry
  70. # bind pager G bottom
  71. # bind index G last-entry
  72. # Other
  73. auto_view text/html
  74. # Save all attachments
  75. macro pager S "<pipe-message> ripmime -i - -d ~/downloads && rm ~/downloads/textfile*" "Save all non-text attachments using ripmime"
  76. # opening urls with urlscan
  77. macro pager \cb "<pipe-message> urlscan --run 'printf "{}" | xclip -i -selection clipboard'<Enter>" "call urlscan to extract URLs out of a message"
  78. macro index,pager O "<shell-escape>mbsync -a<enter>" "run mbsync to sync all mail"
  79. macro index,pager A \
  80. "<save-message>+immanuel/archive/<enter>" \
  81. "move message to the archive"
  82. macro index,pager I \
  83. "<save-message>+immanuel/INBOX/<enter>"
  84. # GPG/PGP
  85. # set pgp_sign_as = 2F283D0D
  86. set crypt_use_gpgme = yes
  87. set crypt_autosign = no
  88. set crypt_verify_sig = yes
  89. set crypt_replysign = yes
  90. set crypt_replyencrypt = yes
  91. set crypt_replysignencrypted = yes
  92. color normal default default
  93. # color attachment color109 default
  94. # color bold color229 default
  95. # color error color167 default
  96. # color hdrdefault color246 default
  97. # color indicator color235 color66
  98. # color markers color243 default
  99. # color normal color223 default
  100. # color quoted color250 default
  101. # color quoted1 color108 default
  102. # color quoted2 color250 default
  103. # color quoted3 color108 default
  104. # color quoted4 color250 default
  105. # color quoted5 color108 default
  106. color search default color208
  107. # color signature color108 default
  108. # color tilde color243 default
  109. # color tree color142 default
  110. # color underline color223 color239
  111. # color sidebar_divider color250 default
  112. # color sidebar_new color142 default
  113. # color index color142 default ~N
  114. # color index color108 default ~O
  115. # color index color109 default ~P
  116. # color index color214 default ~F
  117. # color index color175 default ~Q
  118. # color index color167 default ~=
  119. # color index default color223 ~T
  120. # color index default color167 ~D
  121. color header default default "^From:"
  122. color header default default "^To:"
  123. color header default default "^Subject:"
  124. color header default default "^X-Spam-Status:"
  125. color header default default "^Received:"
  126. # color body default default
  127. color body default default "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
  128. # color body color208 default "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
  129. # color body color208 default "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
  130. # color body default default "[;:]-*[)>(<lt;|]"
  131. color body default default "[;:]-*[)>(<lt;|]"
  132. color body default default "\\*[- A-Za-z]+\\*"
  133. # color body color229 default "\\*[- A-Za-z]+\\*"
  134. # color compose header color223 default")]"