- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <openssl/sha.h>
- #include "btpd.h"
- #include "tracker_req.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- static unsigned m_ntorrents;
- static struct torrent_tq m_torrents = BTPDQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(m_torrents);
- const struct torrent_tq *
- torrent_get_all(void)
- {
- return &m_torrents;
- }
- unsigned
- torrent_count(void)
- {
- return m_ntorrents;
- }
- struct torrent *
- torrent_by_num(unsigned num)
- {
- struct tlib *tl = tlib_by_num(num);
- return tl != NULL ? tl->tp : NULL;
- }
- struct torrent *
- torrent_by_hash(const uint8_t *hash)
- {
- struct tlib *tl = tlib_by_hash(hash);
- return tl != NULL ? tl->tp : NULL;
- }
- const char *
- torrent_name(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- return tp->tl->name;
- }
- off_t
- torrent_piece_size(struct torrent *tp, uint32_t index)
- {
- if (index < tp->npieces - 1)
- return tp->piece_length;
- else {
- off_t allbutlast = tp->piece_length * (tp->npieces - 1);
- return tp->total_length - allbutlast;
- }
- }
- uint32_t
- torrent_piece_blocks(struct torrent *tp, uint32_t piece)
- {
- return ceil(torrent_piece_size(tp, piece) / (double)PIECE_BLOCKLEN);
- }
- uint32_t
- torrent_block_size(struct torrent *tp, uint32_t piece, uint32_t nblocks,
- uint32_t block)
- {
- if (block < nblocks - 1)
- else {
- uint32_t allbutlast = PIECE_BLOCKLEN * (nblocks - 1);
- return torrent_piece_size(tp, piece) - allbutlast;
- }
- }
- enum ipc_err
- torrent_start(struct tlib *tl)
- {
- struct stat sb;
- struct torrent *tp;
- char *mi;
- char relpath[RELPATH_SIZE];
- char file[PATH_MAX];
- if (tl->dir == NULL)
- return IPC_EBADTENT;
- if (stat(tl->dir, &sb) == 0) {
- if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR,
- "torrent '%s': content dir '%s' is not a directory\n",
- tl->name, tl->dir);
- return IPC_EBADCDIR;
- }
- } else if (errno == ENOENT) {
- if (mkdirs(tl->dir, 0777) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "torrent '%s': "
- "failed to create content dir '%s' (%s).\n",
- tl->name, tl->dir, strerror(errno));
- }
- } else {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR,
- "torrent '%s': couldn't stat content dir '%s' (%s)\n",
- tl->name, tl->dir, strerror(errno));
- return IPC_EBADCDIR;
- }
- bin2hex(tl->hash, relpath, 20);
- snprintf(file, PATH_MAX, "torrents/%s/torrent", relpath);
- if ((mi = mi_load(file, NULL)) == NULL) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR,
- "torrent '%s': failed to load metainfo (%s).\n",
- tl->name, strerror(errno));
- return IPC_EBADTENT;
- }
- tp = btpd_calloc(1, sizeof(*tp));
- tp->tl = tl;
- bcopy(relpath, tp->relpath, RELPATH_SIZE);
- tp->files = mi_files(mi);
- tp->nfiles = mi_nfiles(mi);
- if (tp->files == NULL)
- btpd_err("out of memory.\n");
- tp->total_length = mi_total_length(mi);
- tp->piece_length = mi_piece_length(mi);
- tp->npieces = mi_npieces(mi);
- tp->pieces_off =
- benc_dget_mem(benc_dget_dct(mi, "info"), "pieces", NULL) - mi;
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_BTPD, "Starting torrent '%s'.\n", torrent_name(tp));
- if (tr_create(tp, mi) == 0) {
- net_create(tp);
- cm_create(tp);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m_torrents, tp, entry);
- m_ntorrents++;
- cm_start(tp);
- tl->tp = tp;
- free(mi);
- return IPC_OK;
- } else {
- mi_free_files(tp->nfiles, tp->files);
- free(tp);
- free(mi);
- }
- }
- static void
- torrent_kill(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_BTPD, "Stopped torrent '%s'.\n", torrent_name(tp));
- assert(m_ntorrents > 0);
- assert(!(tr_active(tp) || net_active(tp) || cm_active(tp)));
- m_ntorrents--;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&m_torrents, tp, entry);
- if (!tp->delete)
- tlib_update_info(tp->tl);
- tp->tl->tp = NULL;
- if (tp->delete)
- tlib_del(tp->tl);
- tr_kill(tp);
- net_kill(tp);
- cm_kill(tp);
- mi_free_files(tp->nfiles, tp->files);
- free(tp);
- if (m_ntorrents == 0)
- btpd_on_no_torrents();
- }
- void
- torrent_stop(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- int tra, cma;
- switch (tp->state) {
- case T_ACTIVE:
- case T_STARTING:
- tp->state = T_STOPPING;
- if (net_active(tp))
- net_stop(tp);
- tra = tr_active(tp);
- cma = cm_active(tp);
- if (tra)
- tr_stop(tp);
- if (cma)
- cm_stop(tp);
- if (!(tra || cma))
- torrent_kill(tp);
- break;
- case T_STOPPING:
- if (tr_active(tp))
- tr_stop(tp);
- break;
- }
- }
- void
- torrent_on_cm_started(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- tp->state = T_ACTIVE;
- net_start(tp);
- tr_start(tp);
- }
- void
- torrent_on_cm_stopped(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- assert(tp->state == T_STOPPING);
- if (!tr_active(tp))
- torrent_kill(tp);
- }
- void
- torrent_on_tr_stopped(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- assert(tp->state == T_STOPPING);
- if (!cm_active(tp))
- torrent_kill(tp);
- }