- #include <math.h>
- #include "btpd.h"
- #include "tracker_req.h"
- /*
- * Called when a peer announces it's got a new piece.
- *
- * If the piece is missing or unfull we increase the peer's
- * wanted level and if possible call dl_on_download.
- */
- void
- dl_on_piece_ann(struct peer *p, uint32_t index)
- {
- struct net *n = p->n;
- n->piece_count[index]++;
- if (cm_has_piece(n->tp, index))
- return;
- struct piece *pc = dl_find_piece(n, index);
- if (n->endgame) {
- assert(pc != NULL);
- peer_want(p, index);
- if (!peer_chokes(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_assign_requests_eg(p);
- } else if (pc == NULL) {
- peer_want(p, index);
- if (!peer_chokes(p) && !peer_laden(p)) {
- pc = dl_new_piece(n, index);
- if (pc != NULL)
- dl_piece_assign_requests(pc, p);
- }
- } else if (!piece_full(pc)) {
- peer_want(p, index);
- if (!peer_chokes(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_piece_assign_requests(pc, p);
- }
- }
- void
- dl_on_download(struct peer *p)
- {
- assert(peer_wanted(p));
- struct net *n = p->n;
- if (n->endgame) {
- dl_assign_requests_eg(p);
- } else {
- unsigned count = dl_assign_requests(p);
- if (count == 0 && !p->n->endgame) // We may have entered end game.
- assert(!peer_wanted(p) || peer_laden(p));
- }
- }
- void
- dl_on_unchoke(struct peer *p)
- {
- if (peer_wanted(p))
- dl_on_download(p);
- }
- void
- dl_on_undownload(struct peer *p)
- {
- if (!p->n->endgame)
- dl_unassign_requests(p);
- else
- dl_unassign_requests_eg(p);
- }
- void
- dl_on_choke(struct peer *p)
- {
- if (p->nreqs_out > 0)
- dl_on_undownload(p);
- }
- /**
- * Called when a piece has been tested positively.
- */
- void
- dl_on_ok_piece(struct net *n, uint32_t piece)
- {
- struct peer *p, *next;
- struct piece *pc = dl_find_piece(n, piece);
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_POL, "Got piece: %u.\n", pc->index);
- struct net_buf *have = nb_create_have(pc->index);
- nb_hold(have);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &n->peers, p_entry)
- if (!peer_has(p, pc->index))
- peer_send(p, have);
- nb_drop(have);
- if (n->endgame)
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &n->peers, p_entry)
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index))
- peer_unwant(p, pc->index);
- assert(pc->nreqs == 0);
- piece_free(pc);
- if (cm_full(n->tp)) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_BTPD, "Finished downloading '%s'.\n",
- torrent_name(n->tp));
- tr_complete(n->tp);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH_MUTABLE(p, &n->peers, p_entry, next) {
- assert(p->nwant == 0);
- if (peer_full(p))
- peer_kill(p);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Called when a piece has been tested negatively.
- */
- void
- dl_on_bad_piece(struct net *n, uint32_t piece)
- {
- struct piece *pc = dl_find_piece(n, piece);
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "Bad hash for piece %u of '%s'.\n",
- pc->index, torrent_name(n->tp));
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pc->nblocks; i++)
- clear_bit(pc->down_field, i);
- pc->ngot = 0;
- pc->nbusy = 0;
- if (n->endgame) {
- struct peer *p;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &n->peers, p_entry) {
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index) && peer_leech_ok(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_assign_requests_eg(p);
- }
- } else
- dl_on_piece_unfull(pc); // XXX: May get bad data again.
- }
- void
- dl_on_new_peer(struct peer *p)
- {
- }
- void
- dl_on_lost_peer(struct peer *p)
- {
- struct net *n = p->n;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n->tp->npieces; i++)
- if (peer_has(p, i))
- n->piece_count[i]--;
- if (p->nreqs_out > 0)
- dl_on_undownload(p);
- }
- void
- dl_on_block(struct peer *p, struct block_request *req,
- uint32_t index, uint32_t begin, uint32_t length, const uint8_t *data)
- {
- struct net *n = p->n;
- struct piece *pc = dl_find_piece(n, index);
- cm_put_bytes(p->n->tp, index, begin, data, length);
- pc->ngot++;
- if (n->endgame) {
- struct block_request *req, *next;
- struct net_buf *cancel = nb_create_cancel(index, begin, length);
- nb_hold(cancel);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(req, &pc->reqs, blk_entry) {
- if (nb_get_begin(req->msg) == begin) {
- if (req->p != p)
- peer_cancel(req->p, req, cancel);
- pc->nreqs--;
- }
- }
- nb_drop(cancel);
- dl_piece_reorder_eg(pc);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH_MUTABLE(req, &pc->reqs, blk_entry, next) {
- if (nb_get_begin(req->msg) != begin)
- continue;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&pc->reqs, req, blk_entry);
- nb_drop(req->msg);
- if (peer_leech_ok(req->p) && !peer_laden(req->p))
- dl_assign_requests_eg(req->p);
- free(req);
- }
- if (pc->ngot == pc->nblocks)
- cm_test_piece(pc->n->tp, pc->index);
- } else {
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&pc->reqs, req, blk_entry);
- nb_drop(req->msg);
- free(req);
- pc->nreqs--;
- // XXX: Needs to be looked at if we introduce snubbing.
- clear_bit(pc->down_field, begin / PIECE_BLOCKLEN);
- pc->nbusy--;
- if (pc->ngot == pc->nblocks)
- cm_test_piece(pc->n->tp, pc->index);
- if (peer_leech_ok(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_assign_requests(p);
- }
- }