- /*
- * The commandments:
- *
- * A peer is wanted except when it only has pieces we've already
- * downloaded or fully requested. Thus, a peer's wanted count is
- * increased for each missing or unfull piece it announces, or
- * when a piece it has becomes unfull.
- *
- * When a peer we want unchokes us, requests will primarily
- * be put on pieces we're already downloading and then on
- * possible new pieces.
- *
- * When choosing between several different new pieces to start
- * downloading, the rarest piece will be chosen.
- *
- * End game mode sets in when all missing blocks are requested.
- * In end game mode no piece is counted as full unless it's
- * downloaded.
- *
- */
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <openssl/sha.h>
- #include "btpd.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- static struct piece *
- piece_alloc(struct net *n, uint32_t index)
- {
- assert(!has_bit(n->busy_field, index)
- && n->npcs_busy < n->tp->meta.npieces);
- struct piece *pc;
- size_t mem, field, blocks;
- unsigned nblocks;
- off_t piece_length = torrent_piece_size(n->tp, index);
- nblocks = (unsigned)ceil((double)piece_length / PIECE_BLOCKLEN);
- blocks = sizeof(pc->blocks[0]) * nblocks;
- field = (size_t)ceil(nblocks / 8.0);
- mem = sizeof(*pc) + field + blocks;
- pc = btpd_calloc(1, mem);
- pc->n = n;
- pc->down_field = (uint8_t *)(pc + 1);
- pc->have_field = cm_get_block_field(n->tp, index);
- pc->index = index;
- pc->nblocks = nblocks;
- pc->nreqs = 0;
- pc->next_block = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
- if (has_bit(pc->have_field, i))
- pc->ngot++;
- assert(pc->ngot < pc->nblocks);
- pc->blocks = (struct block *)(pc->down_field + field);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
- uint32_t start = i * PIECE_BLOCKLEN;
- uint32_t len = torrent_block_size(pc, i);
- struct block *blk = &pc->blocks[i];
- blk->pc = pc;
- BTPDQ_INIT(&blk->reqs);
- blk->msg = nb_create_request(index, start, len);
- nb_hold(blk->msg);
- }
- n->npcs_busy++;
- set_bit(n->busy_field, index);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_HEAD(&n->getlst, pc, entry);
- return pc;
- }
- void
- piece_free(struct piece *pc)
- {
- struct net *n = pc->n;
- assert(n->npcs_busy > 0);
- n->npcs_busy--;
- clear_bit(n->busy_field, pc->index);
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&pc->n->getlst, pc, entry);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < pc->nblocks; i++) {
- struct block_request *req = BTPDQ_FIRST(&pc->blocks[i].reqs);
- while (req != NULL) {
- struct block_request *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(req, blk_entry);
- free(req);
- req = next;
- }
- nb_drop(pc->blocks[i].msg);
- }
- free(pc);
- }
- int
- piece_full(struct piece *pc)
- {
- return pc->ngot + pc->nbusy == pc->nblocks;
- }
- static int
- dl_should_enter_endgame(struct net *n)
- {
- int should;
- if (cm_get_npieces(n->tp) + n->npcs_busy == n->tp->meta.npieces) {
- should = 1;
- struct piece *pc;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(pc, &n->getlst, entry) {
- if (!piece_full(pc)) {
- should = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- } else
- should = 0;
- return should;
- }
- static void
- dl_piece_insert_eg(struct piece *pc)
- {
- struct piece_tq *getlst = &pc->n->getlst;
- if (pc->nblocks == pc->ngot)
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(getlst, pc, entry);
- else {
- unsigned r = pc->nreqs / (pc->nblocks - pc->ngot);
- struct piece *it;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(it, getlst, entry) {
- if ((it->nblocks == it->ngot
- || r < it->nreqs / (it->nblocks - it->ngot))) {
- BTPDQ_INSERT_BEFORE(it, pc, entry);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (it == NULL)
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(getlst, pc, entry);
- }
- }
- void
- dl_piece_reorder_eg(struct piece *pc)
- {
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&pc->n->getlst, pc, entry);
- dl_piece_insert_eg(pc);
- }
- static void
- dl_enter_endgame(struct net *n)
- {
- struct peer *p;
- struct piece *pc;
- struct piece *pcs[n->npcs_busy];
- unsigned pi;
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_POL, "Entering end game\n");
- n->endgame = 1;
- pi = 0;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(pc, &n->getlst, entry) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < pc->nblocks; i++)
- clear_bit(pc->down_field, i);
- pc->nbusy = 0;
- pcs[pi] = pc;
- pi++;
- }
- BTPDQ_INIT(&n->getlst);
- while (pi > 0) {
- pi--;
- dl_piece_insert_eg(pcs[pi]);
- }
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &n->peers, p_entry) {
- assert(p->nwant == 0);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(pc, &n->getlst, entry) {
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index))
- peer_want(p, pc->index);
- }
- if (p->nwant > 0 && peer_leech_ok(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_assign_requests_eg(p);
- }
- }
- struct piece *
- dl_find_piece(struct net *n, uint32_t index)
- {
- struct piece *pc;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(pc, &n->getlst, entry)
- if (pc->index == index)
- break;
- return pc;
- }
- static int
- dl_piece_startable(struct peer *p, uint32_t index)
- {
- return peer_has(p, index) && !cm_has_piece(p->n->tp, index)
- && !has_bit(p->n->busy_field, index);
- }
- /*
- * Find the rarest piece the peer has, that isn't already allocated
- * for download or already downloaded. If no such piece can be found
- * return ENOENT.
- *
- * Return 0 or ENOENT, index in res.
- */
- static int
- dl_choose_rarest(struct peer *p, uint32_t *res)
- {
- uint32_t i;
- struct net *n = p->n;
- assert(n->endgame == 0);
- for (i = 0; i < n->tp->meta.npieces && !dl_piece_startable(p, i); i++)
- ;
- if (i == n->tp->meta.npieces)
- return ENOENT;
- uint32_t min_i = i;
- uint32_t min_c = 1;
- for(i++; i < n->tp->meta.npieces; i++) {
- if (dl_piece_startable(p, i)) {
- if (n->piece_count[i] == n->piece_count[min_i])
- min_c++;
- else if (n->piece_count[i] < n->piece_count[min_i]) {
- min_i = i;
- min_c = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (min_c > 1) {
- min_c = rand_between(1, min_c);
- for (i = min_i; min_c > 0; i++) {
- if (dl_piece_startable(p, i)
- && n->piece_count[i] == n->piece_count[min_i]) {
- min_c--;
- min_i = i;
- }
- }
- }
- *res = min_i;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Called from dl_piece_assign_requests when a piece becomes full.
- * The wanted level of the peers that has this piece will be decreased.
- * This function is the only one that may trigger end game.
- */
- static void
- dl_on_piece_full(struct piece *pc)
- {
- struct peer *p;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &pc->n->peers, p_entry) {
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index))
- peer_unwant(p, pc->index);
- }
- if (dl_should_enter_endgame(pc->n))
- dl_enter_endgame(pc->n);
- }
- /*
- * Allocate the piece indicated by the index for download.
- * There's a small possibility that a piece is fully downloaded
- * but haven't been tested. If such is the case the piece will
- * be tested and NULL will be returned. Also, we might then enter
- * end game.
- *
- * Return the piece or NULL.
- */
- struct piece *
- dl_new_piece(struct net *n, uint32_t index)
- {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_POL, "Started on piece %u.\n", index);
- cm_prealloc(n->tp, index);
- return piece_alloc(n, index);
- }
- /*
- * Called when a previously full piece loses a peer.
- * This is needed because we have decreased the wanted
- * level for the peers that have this piece when it got
- * full. Thus we have to increase the wanted level and
- * try to assign requests for this piece.
- */
- void
- dl_on_piece_unfull(struct piece *pc)
- {
- struct net *n = pc->n;
- struct peer *p;
- assert(!piece_full(pc) && n->endgame == 0);
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(p, &n->peers, p_entry)
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index))
- peer_want(p, pc->index);
- p = BTPDQ_FIRST(&n->peers);
- while (p != NULL && !piece_full(pc)) {
- if (peer_leech_ok(p) && !peer_laden(p))
- dl_piece_assign_requests(pc, p); // Cannot provoke end game here.
- p = BTPDQ_NEXT(p, p_entry);
- }
- }
- #define INCNEXTBLOCK(pc) \
- (pc)->next_block = ((pc)->next_block + 1) % (pc)->nblocks
- /*
- * Request as many blocks as possible on this piece from
- * the peer. If the piece becomes full we call dl_on_piece_full.
- *
- * Return the number of requests sent.
- */
- unsigned
- dl_piece_assign_requests(struct piece *pc, struct peer *p)
- {
- assert(!piece_full(pc) && !peer_laden(p));
- unsigned count = 0;
- do {
- while ((has_bit(pc->have_field, pc->next_block)
- || has_bit(pc->down_field, pc->next_block)))
- struct block *blk = &pc->blocks[pc->next_block];
- struct block_request *req = btpd_malloc(sizeof(*req));
- req->p = p;
- req->blk = blk;
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(&blk->reqs, req, blk_entry);
- peer_request(p, req);
- set_bit(pc->down_field, pc->next_block);
- pc->nbusy++;
- pc->nreqs++;
- count++;
- } while (!piece_full(pc) && !peer_laden(p));
- if (piece_full(pc))
- dl_on_piece_full(pc);
- return count;
- }
- /*
- * Request as many blocks as possible from the peer. Puts
- * requests on already active pieces before starting on new
- * ones. Care must be taken since end game mode may be triggered
- * by the calls to dl_piece_assign_requests.
- *
- * Returns number of requests sent.
- *
- * XXX: should do something smart when deciding on which
- * already started piece to put requests on.
- */
- unsigned
- dl_assign_requests(struct peer *p)
- {
- assert(!p->n->endgame && !peer_laden(p));
- struct piece *pc;
- struct net *n = p->n;
- unsigned count = 0;
- BTPDQ_FOREACH(pc, &n->getlst, entry) {
- if (piece_full(pc) || !peer_has(p, pc->index))
- continue;
- count += dl_piece_assign_requests(pc, p);
- if (n->endgame)
- break;
- if (!piece_full(pc))
- assert(peer_laden(p));
- if (peer_laden(p))
- break;
- }
- while (!peer_laden(p) && !n->endgame) {
- uint32_t index;
- if (dl_choose_rarest(p, &index) == 0) {
- pc = dl_new_piece(n, index);
- if (pc != NULL)
- count += dl_piece_assign_requests(pc, p);
- } else
- break;
- }
- return count;
- }
- void
- dl_unassign_requests(struct peer *p)
- {
- while (p->nreqs_out > 0) {
- struct block_request *req = BTPDQ_FIRST(&p->my_reqs);
- struct piece *pc = req->blk->pc;
- int was_full = piece_full(pc);
- while (req != NULL) {
- struct block_request *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(req, p_entry);
- uint32_t blki = nb_get_begin(req->blk->msg) / PIECE_BLOCKLEN;
- struct block *blk = req->blk;
- // XXX: Needs to be looked at if we introduce snubbing.
- assert(has_bit(pc->down_field, blki));
- clear_bit(pc->down_field, blki);
- pc->nbusy--;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&p->my_reqs, req, p_entry);
- p->nreqs_out--;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&blk->reqs, req, blk_entry);
- free(req);
- pc->nreqs--;
- while (next != NULL && next->blk->pc != pc)
- next = BTPDQ_NEXT(next, p_entry);
- req = next;
- }
- if (p->nreqs_out == 0)
- peer_on_no_reqs(p);
- if (was_full && !piece_full(pc))
- dl_on_piece_unfull(pc);
- }
- assert(BTPDQ_EMPTY(&p->my_reqs));
- }
- static void
- dl_piece_assign_requests_eg(struct piece *pc, struct peer *p)
- {
- unsigned first_block = pc->next_block;
- do {
- if ((has_bit(pc->have_field, pc->next_block)
- || peer_requested(p, &pc->blocks[pc->next_block]))) {
- continue;
- }
- struct block_request *req = btpd_calloc(1, sizeof(*req));
- req->blk = &pc->blocks[pc->next_block];
- req->p = p;
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pc->blocks[pc->next_block].reqs, req, blk_entry);
- pc->nreqs++;
- peer_request(p, req);
- } while (!peer_laden(p) && pc->next_block != first_block);
- }
- void
- dl_assign_requests_eg(struct peer *p)
- {
- assert(!peer_laden(p));
- struct net *n = p->n;
- struct piece_tq tmp;
- BTPDQ_INIT(&tmp);
- struct piece *pc = BTPDQ_FIRST(&n->getlst);
- while (!peer_laden(p) && pc != NULL) {
- struct piece *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(pc, entry);
- if (peer_has(p, pc->index) && pc->nblocks != pc->ngot) {
- dl_piece_assign_requests_eg(pc, p);
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&n->getlst, pc, entry);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_HEAD(&tmp, pc, entry);
- }
- pc = next;
- }
- pc = BTPDQ_FIRST(&tmp);
- while (pc != NULL) {
- struct piece *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(pc, entry);
- dl_piece_insert_eg(pc);
- pc = next;
- }
- }
- void
- dl_unassign_requests_eg(struct peer *p)
- {
- struct block_request *req;
- struct piece *pc;
- struct piece_tq tmp;
- BTPDQ_INIT(&tmp);
- while (p->nreqs_out > 0) {
- req = BTPDQ_FIRST(&p->my_reqs);
- pc = req->blk->pc;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&pc->n->getlst, pc, entry);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_HEAD(&tmp, pc, entry);
- while (req != NULL) {
- struct block_request *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(req, p_entry);
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&p->my_reqs, req, p_entry);
- p->nreqs_out--;
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&req->blk->reqs, req, blk_entry);
- free(req);
- pc->nreqs--;
- while (next != NULL && next->blk->pc != pc)
- next = BTPDQ_NEXT(next, p_entry);
- req = next;
- }
- }
- assert(BTPDQ_EMPTY(&p->my_reqs));
- peer_on_no_reqs(p);
- pc = BTPDQ_FIRST(&tmp);
- while (pc != NULL) {
- struct piece *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(pc, entry);
- dl_piece_insert_eg(pc);
- pc = next;
- }
- }