A clone of btpd with my configuration changes.
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btpd consists of the following programs:
* btpd - The BitTorrent client.
* btcli - Command line interface to btpd.
* btinfo - Shows information from a torrent file.

All programs takes the "--help" option.


The torrent metainfo file.

Content will be downloaded to, and uploaded from, this dir.
It and its subdirectories and files will be created by
btpd as it downloads them.

Created by 'btcli add'. Contains info on downloaded pieces.


NOTE: Don't start one instance of btpd per torrent. You should only
need one instance regardless of how many torrents you want to share.

Start btpd:
# btpd

Start downloading or seeding bar.torrent:
# btcli add /path/to/bar.torrent

List active torrents (only bar.torrent atm):
# btcli list

Show some stats:
# btcli stat

Stop downloading/seeding bar.torrent:
# btcli del /path/to/bar.torrent

Shut down btpd (Why would you do such a thing?):
# btcli die


Make sure you have recent versions of the following software:
* curl - Get at <URL:http://curl.haxx.se/>
* openssl - Get at <URL:http://www.openssl.org/>
* libevent - Get at <URL:http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/>

You also need a c99 compiler. A non antique GCC should do.

# ./configure
# make
# make install

See ./configure --help for options if it fails.