A clone of btpd with my configuration changes.
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

46 行
1.5 KiB

  1. #ifndef ERRDEF
  2. #define __IPCE
  3. #define ERRDEF(name, msg)
  4. #endif
  5. ERRDEF(OK, "no error")
  6. ERRDEF(COMMERR, "communication error")
  7. ERRDEF(EBADCDIR, "bad content directory")
  8. ERRDEF(EBADT, "bad torrent")
  9. ERRDEF(EBADTENT, "bad torrent entry")
  10. ERRDEF(EBADTRACKER, "bad tracker")
  11. ERRDEF(ECREATECDIR, "couldn't create content directory")
  12. ERRDEF(ENOKEY, "no such key")
  13. ERRDEF(ENOTENT, "no such torrent")
  14. ERRDEF(ESHUTDOWN, "btpd is shutting down")
  15. ERRDEF(ETACTIVE, "torrent is active")
  16. ERRDEF(ETENTEXIST, "torrent entry exists")
  17. ERRDEF(ETINACTIVE, "torrent is inactive")
  18. #ifdef __IPCE
  19. #undef __IPCE
  20. #undef ERRDEF
  21. #endif
  22. #ifndef TVDEF
  23. #define __IPCTV
  24. #define TVDEF(val, type, name)
  25. #endif
  26. TVDEF(CGOT, NUM, "content_got")
  27. TVDEF(CSIZE, NUM, "content_size")
  28. TVDEF(DIR, PATH, "dir")
  29. TVDEF(NAME, STR, "name")
  30. TVDEF(NUM, NUM, "num")
  31. TVDEF(IHASH, BIN, "info_hash")
  32. TVDEF(PCGOT, NUM, "pieces_got")
  33. TVDEF(PCOUNT, NUM, "peer_count")
  34. TVDEF(PCCOUNT, NUM, "piece_count")
  35. TVDEF(PCSEEN, NUM, "pieces_seen")
  36. TVDEF(RATEDWN, NUM, "rate_down")
  37. TVDEF(RATEUP, NUM, "rate_up")
  38. TVDEF(SESSDWN, NUM, "sess_down")
  39. TVDEF(SESSUP, NUM, "sess_up")
  40. TVDEF(STATE, TSTATE, "state")
  41. TVDEF(TRERR, NUM, "tr_errors")
  42. #ifdef __IPCTV
  43. #undef __IPCTV
  44. #undef TVDEF
  45. #endif