- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <openssl/sha.h>
- #include "btpd.h"
- #include "tracker_req.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- static int
- ro_fd_cb(const char *path, int *fd, void *arg)
- {
- struct torrent *tp = arg;
- return vopen(fd, O_RDONLY, "%s.d/%s", tp->relpath, path);
- }
- static int
- wo_fd_cb(const char *path, int *fd, void *arg)
- {
- struct torrent *tp = arg;
- return vopen(fd, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, "%s.d/%s", tp->relpath, path);
- }
- static int
- torrent_load3(const char *file, struct metainfo *mi, char *mem, size_t memsiz)
- {
- struct torrent *tp = btpd_calloc(1, sizeof(*tp));
- tp->relpath = strdup(file);
- if (tp->relpath == NULL)
- btpd_err("Out of memory.\n");
- tp->piece_count = btpd_calloc(mi->npieces, sizeof(tp->piece_count[0]));
- tp->busy_field = btpd_calloc(ceil(mi->npieces / 8.0), 1);
- BTPDQ_INIT(&tp->peers);
- BTPDQ_INIT(&tp->getlst);
- tp->imem = mem;
- tp->isiz = memsiz;
- tp->piece_field = tp->imem;
- tp->block_field =
- (uint8_t *)tp->imem + (size_t)ceil(mi->npieces / 8.0);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mi->npieces; i++)
- if (has_bit(tp->piece_field, i))
- tp->have_npieces++;
- tp->meta = *mi;
- free(mi);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(&btpd.cm_list, tp, entry);
- tracker_req(tp, TR_STARTED);
- btpd.ntorrents++;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- torrent_load2(const char *file, struct metainfo *mi)
- {
- int error, ifd;
- struct stat sb;
- char *mem;
- size_t memsiz;
- if ((error = vopen(&ifd, O_RDWR, "%s.i", file)) != 0) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "Error opening %s.i: %s.\n",
- file, strerror(error));
- return error;
- }
- if (fstat(ifd, &sb) == -1) {
- error = errno;
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "Error stating %s.i: %s.\n",
- file, strerror(error));
- close(ifd);
- return error;
- }
- memsiz =
- ceil(mi->npieces / 8.0) +
- ceil(mi->npieces * mi->piece_length / (double)(1 << 17));
- if (sb.st_size != memsiz) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "File has wrong size: %s.i.\n", file);
- close(ifd);
- return EINVAL;
- }
- mem = mmap(NULL, memsiz, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, ifd, 0);
- if (mem == MAP_FAILED)
- btpd_err("Error mmap'ing %s.i: %s.\n", file, strerror(errno));
- close(ifd);
- if ((error = torrent_load3(file, mi, mem, memsiz) != 0)) {
- munmap(mem, memsiz);
- return error;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- torrent_load(const char *file)
- {
- struct metainfo *mi;
- int error;
- if ((error = load_metainfo(file, -1, 0, &mi)) != 0) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_ERROR, "Couldn't load metainfo file %s: %s.\n",
- file, strerror(error));
- return error;
- }
- if (torrent_get_by_hash(mi->info_hash) != NULL) {
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_BTPD, "%s has same hash as an already loaded torrent.\n", file);
- error = EEXIST;
- }
- if (error == 0)
- error = torrent_load2(file, mi);
- if (error != 0) {
- clear_metainfo(mi);
- free(mi);
- }
- return error;
- }
- void
- torrent_unload(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- struct peer *peer;
- struct piece *piece;
- btpd_log(BTPD_L_BTPD, "Unloading %s.\n", tp->relpath);
- tracker_req(tp, TR_STOPPED);
- peer = BTPDQ_FIRST(&tp->peers);
- while (peer != NULL) {
- struct peer *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(peer, cm_entry);
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&tp->peers, peer, cm_entry);
- BTPDQ_INSERT_TAIL(&btpd.unattached, peer, cm_entry);
- peer->flags &= ~PF_ATTACHED;
- peer = next;
- }
- peer = BTPDQ_FIRST(&btpd.unattached);
- while (peer != NULL) {
- struct peer *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(peer, cm_entry);
- if (peer->tp == tp)
- peer_kill(peer);
- peer = next;
- }
- piece = BTPDQ_FIRST(&tp->getlst);
- while (piece != NULL) {
- struct piece *next = BTPDQ_NEXT(piece, entry);
- free(piece);
- piece = next;
- }
- free(tp->piece_count);
- free(tp->busy_field);
- free((void *)tp->relpath);
- clear_metainfo(&tp->meta);
- munmap(tp->imem, tp->isiz);
- BTPDQ_REMOVE(&btpd.cm_list, tp, entry);
- free(tp);
- btpd.ntorrents--;
- }
- off_t
- torrent_bytes_left(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- if (tp->have_npieces == 0)
- return tp->meta.total_length;
- else if (has_bit(tp->piece_field, tp->meta.npieces - 1)) {
- return tp->meta.total_length -
- ((tp->have_npieces - 1) * tp->meta.piece_length +
- tp->meta.total_length % tp->meta.piece_length);
- } else
- return tp->meta.total_length -
- tp->have_npieces * tp->meta.piece_length;
- }
- char *
- torrent_get_bytes(struct torrent *tp, off_t start, size_t len)
- {
- char *buf = btpd_malloc(len);
- struct bt_stream_ro *bts;
- if ((bts = bts_open_ro(&tp->meta, start, ro_fd_cb, tp)) == NULL)
- btpd_err("Out of memory.\n");
- if (bts_read_ro(bts, buf, len) != 0)
- btpd_err("Io error.\n");
- bts_close_ro(bts);
- return buf;
- }
- void
- torrent_put_bytes(struct torrent *tp, const char *buf, off_t start, size_t len)
- {
- int err;
- struct bt_stream_wo *bts;
- if ((bts = bts_open_wo(&tp->meta, start, wo_fd_cb, tp)) == NULL)
- btpd_err("Out of memory.\n");
- if ((err = bts_write_wo(bts, buf, len)) != 0)
- btpd_err("Io error1: %s\n", strerror(err));
- if ((err = bts_close_wo(bts)) != 0)
- btpd_err("Io error2: %s\n", strerror(err));
- }
- int
- torrent_has_peer(struct torrent *tp, const uint8_t *id)
- {
- int has = 0;
- struct peer *p = BTPDQ_FIRST(&tp->peers);
- while (p != NULL) {
- if (bcmp(p->id, id, 20) == 0) {
- has = 1;
- break;
- }
- p = BTPDQ_NEXT(p, cm_entry);
- }
- return has;
- }
- struct torrent *
- torrent_get_by_hash(const uint8_t *hash)
- {
- struct torrent *tp = BTPDQ_FIRST(&btpd.cm_list);
- while (tp != NULL && bcmp(hash, tp->meta.info_hash, 20) != 0)
- tp = BTPDQ_NEXT(tp, entry);
- return tp;
- }
- off_t
- torrent_piece_size(struct torrent *tp, uint32_t index)
- {
- if (index < tp->meta.npieces - 1)
- return tp->meta.piece_length;
- else {
- off_t allbutlast = tp->meta.piece_length * (tp->meta.npieces - 1);
- return tp->meta.total_length - allbutlast;
- }
- }
- uint32_t
- torrent_block_size(struct piece *pc, uint32_t index)
- {
- if (index < pc->nblocks - 1)
- else {
- uint32_t allbutlast = PIECE_BLOCKLEN * (pc->nblocks - 1);
- return torrent_piece_size(pc->tp, pc->index) - allbutlast;
- }
- }
- int
- torrent_has_all(struct torrent *tp)
- {
- return tp->have_npieces == tp->meta.npieces;
- }