#include #include #include #include #include #include "benc.h" #include "metainfo.h" #include "subr.h" /* * d * announce = url * announce-list = l l url ... e ... e * info = d * name = advisory file/dir save name * piece length = power of two length of each block * pieces = 20b of sha1-hash * num of pieces * length = length of file in bytes in single file download * files = l d * length = length of file in bytes * path = l path components * */ uint8_t * mi_hashes(const char *p) { return benc_dget_mema(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "pieces", NULL); } size_t mi_npieces(const char *p) { size_t plen; benc_dget_mem(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "pieces", &plen); return plen / 20; } int mi_simple(const char *p) { return benc_dget_lst(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "files") == NULL; } void mi_free_announce(struct mi_announce *ann) { if (ann->tiers != NULL) { for (int ti = 0; ti < ann->ntiers; ti++) if (ann->tiers[ti].urls != NULL) { for (int ui = 0; ui < ann->tiers[ti].nurls; ui++) if (ann->tiers[ti].urls[ui] != NULL) free(ann->tiers[ti].urls[ui]); free(ann->tiers[ti].urls); } free(ann->tiers); } free(ann); } static void mi_shuffle_announce(struct mi_announce *ann) { for (int i = 0; i < ann->ntiers; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ann->tiers[i].nurls - 1; j++) { char *tmp = ann->tiers[i].urls[j]; int ri = rand_between(j, ann->tiers[i].nurls - 1); ann->tiers[i].urls[j] = ann->tiers[i].urls[ri]; ann->tiers[i].urls[ri] = tmp; } } } struct mi_announce * mi_announce(const char *p) { int ti, ui; const char *alst, *ulst, *url; struct mi_announce *res; if ((res = calloc(1, sizeof(*res))) == NULL) return NULL; if ((alst = benc_dget_lst(p, "announce-list")) != NULL) { res->ntiers = benc_nelems(alst); if ((res->tiers = calloc(res->ntiers, sizeof(*res->tiers))) == NULL) goto error; ti = 0; ulst = benc_first(alst); while (ulst != NULL) { res->tiers[ti].nurls = benc_nelems(ulst); res->tiers[ti].urls = calloc(res->tiers[ti].nurls, sizeof(*res->tiers[ti].urls)); if (res->tiers[ti].urls == NULL) goto error; ui = 0; url = benc_first(ulst); while (url != NULL) { if ((res->tiers[ti].urls[ui] = benc_str(url, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) goto error; ui++; url = benc_next(url); } ti++; ulst = benc_next(ulst); } } else { res->ntiers = 1; if ((res->tiers = calloc(1, sizeof(*res->tiers))) == NULL) goto error; res->tiers[0].nurls = 1; if ((res->tiers[0].urls = calloc(1, sizeof(*res->tiers[0].urls))) == NULL) goto error; if ((res->tiers[0].urls[0] = benc_dget_str(p, "announce", NULL)) == NULL) goto error; } mi_shuffle_announce(res); return res; error: if (res != NULL) mi_free_announce(res); return NULL; } off_t mi_piece_length(const char *p) { return benc_dget_int(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "piece length"); } off_t mi_total_length(const char *p) { const char *info = benc_dget_dct(p, "info"); const char *files = benc_dget_lst(info, "files"); if (files != NULL) { off_t length = 0; const char *fdct = benc_first(files); while (fdct != NULL) { length += benc_dget_int(fdct, "length"); fdct = benc_next(fdct); } return length; } else return benc_dget_int(info, "length"); } uint8_t * mi_info_hash(const char *p, uint8_t *hash) { const char *info = benc_dget_dct(p, "info"); if (hash == NULL) if ((hash = malloc(20)) == NULL) return NULL; return SHA1(info, benc_length(info), hash); } char * mi_name(const char *p) { return benc_dget_str(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "name", NULL); } size_t mi_nfiles(const char *p) { const char *files = benc_dget_lst(benc_dget_dct(p, "info"), "files"); if (files != NULL) return benc_nelems(files); else return 1; } static char * mi_filepath(const char *plst) { char *res = NULL; const char *str; size_t npaths = 0, plen = 0, len; const char *iter = benc_first(plst); while (iter != NULL) { benc_mem(iter, &len, &iter); npaths++; plen += len; } if ((res = malloc(plen + (npaths - 1) + 1)) == NULL) return NULL; iter = benc_first(plst); str = benc_mem(iter, &len, &iter); bcopy(str, res, len); plen = len; npaths--; while (npaths > 0) { res[plen] = '/'; plen++; str = benc_mem(iter, &len, &iter); bcopy(str, res + plen, len); plen += len; npaths--; } res[plen] = '\0'; return res; } void mi_free_files(unsigned nfiles, struct mi_file *files) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) if (files[i].path != NULL) free(files[i].path); free(files); } struct mi_file * mi_files(const char *p) { struct mi_file *fi; const char *info = benc_dget_dct(p, "info"); const char *files = benc_dget_lst(info, "files"); if (files != NULL) { int i = 0; unsigned nfiles = benc_nelems(files); const char *fdct = benc_first(files); if ((fi = calloc(nfiles, sizeof(*fi))) == NULL) return NULL; for (fdct = benc_first(files); fdct != NULL; fdct = benc_next(fdct)) { fi[i].length = benc_dget_int(fdct, "length"); fi[i].path = mi_filepath(benc_dget_lst(fdct, "path")); if (fi[i].path == NULL) { mi_free_files(nfiles, fi); return NULL; } i++; } } else { if ((fi = calloc(1, sizeof(*fi))) == NULL) return NULL; fi[0].length = benc_dget_int(info, "length"); fi[0].path = benc_dget_str(info, "name", NULL); if (fi[0].path == NULL) { free(fi); return NULL; } } return fi; } static int mi_test_path(const char *path, size_t len) { if (len == 0) return 0; else if (len == 1 && path[0] == '.') return 0; else if (len == 2 && path[0] == '.' && path[1] == '.') return 0; else if (memchr(path, '/', len) != NULL) return 0; return 1; } static int mi_test_files(const char *files) { int fcount = 0; const char *fdct = benc_first(files); while (fdct != NULL) { const char *plst; const char *path; int pcount = 0; if (!benc_isdct(fdct)) return 0; if (benc_dget_int(fdct, "length") <= 0) return 0; if ((plst = benc_dget_lst(fdct, "path")) == NULL) return 0; path = benc_first(plst); while (path != NULL) { size_t plen; const char *pstr = benc_mem(path, &plen, &path); if (pstr == NULL || !mi_test_path(pstr, plen)) return 0; pcount++; } if (pcount == 0) return 0; fcount++; fdct = benc_next(fdct); } return fcount > 0 ? 1 : 0; } static int mi_test_announce_list(const char *alst) { int lstcount = 0; const char *t = benc_first(alst); while (t != NULL && benc_islst(t)) { int strcount = 0; const char *s = benc_first(t); while (s != NULL && benc_isstr(s)) { strcount++; s = benc_next(s); } if (strcount == 0) return 0; lstcount++; t = benc_next(t); } return lstcount > 0 ? 1 : 0; } int mi_test(const char *p, size_t size) { const char *info; const char *alst; const char *pieces; const char *files; const char *fdct; const char *name; size_t slen, npieces; off_t length = 0, piece_length; if (benc_validate(p, size) != 0 || !benc_isdct(p)) return 0; if ((alst = benc_dget_any(p, "announce-list")) != NULL) { if (!benc_islst(alst)) return 0; if (!mi_test_announce_list(alst)) return 0; } else if (benc_dget_mem(p, "announce", NULL) == NULL) return 0; if ((info = benc_dget_dct(p, "info")) == NULL) return 0; if ((name = benc_dget_mem(info, "name", &slen)) != NULL) if (!mi_test_path(name, slen)) return 0; if ((piece_length = benc_dget_int(info, "piece length")) <= 0) return 0; if ((pieces = benc_dget_mem(info, "pieces", &slen)) == NULL || slen % 20 != 0) return 0; npieces = slen / 20; if ((length = benc_dget_int(info, "length")) != 0) { if (length < 0 || benc_dget_any(info, "files") != NULL) return 0; } else { if ((files = benc_dget_lst(info, "files")) == NULL) return 0; if (!mi_test_files(files)) return 0; fdct = benc_first(files); while (fdct != NULL) { length += benc_dget_int(fdct, "length"); fdct = benc_next(fdct); } } if (length < (npieces - 1) * piece_length || length > npieces * piece_length) return 0; return 1; } char * mi_load(const char *path, size_t *size) { void *res = NULL; size_t mi_size = (1 << 21); if ((errno = read_whole_file(&res, &mi_size, path)) != 0) return NULL; if (!mi_test(res, mi_size)) { free(res); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } if (size != NULL) *size = mi_size; return res; }