#include "btcli.h" void usage_stat(void) { printf( "Display stats for active torrents.\n" "\n" "Usage: stat [-i] [-w seconds] [torrent ...]\n" "\n" "Arguments:\n" "torrent ...\n" "\tOnly display stats for the given torrents.\n" "\n" "Options:\n" "-i\n" "\tDisplay individual lines for each torrent.\n" "\n" "-n\n" "\tDisplay the name of each torrent. Implies '-i'.\n" "\n" "-w n\n" "\tDisplay stats every n seconds.\n" "\n"); exit(1); } struct btstat { unsigned num; enum ipc_tstate state; unsigned peers, tr_errors; long long content_got, content_size, downloaded, uploaded, rate_up, rate_down, tot_up; uint32_t pieces_seen, torrent_pieces; }; struct cbarg { int individual, names; struct btstat tot; }; static enum ipc_tval stkeys[] = { IPC_TVAL_STATE, IPC_TVAL_NUM, IPC_TVAL_NAME, IPC_TVAL_PCOUNT, IPC_TVAL_TRERR, IPC_TVAL_PCCOUNT, IPC_TVAL_PCSEEN, IPC_TVAL_SESSUP, IPC_TVAL_SESSDWN, IPC_TVAL_TOTUP, IPC_TVAL_RATEUP, IPC_TVAL_RATEDWN, IPC_TVAL_CGOT, IPC_TVAL_CSIZE }; static size_t nstkeys = sizeof(stkeys) / sizeof(stkeys[0]); static void print_stat(struct btstat *st) { print_percent(st->content_got, st->content_size); print_size(st->downloaded); print_rate(st->rate_down); print_size(st->uploaded); print_rate(st->rate_up); print_ratio(st->tot_up, st->content_size); printf("%4u ", st->peers); print_percent(st->pieces_seen, st->torrent_pieces); if (st->tr_errors > 0) printf("E%u", st->tr_errors); printf("\n"); } static void stat_cb(int obji, enum ipc_err objerr, struct ipc_get_res *res, void *arg) { struct cbarg *cba = arg; struct btstat st, *tot = &cba->tot; if (objerr != IPC_OK || res[IPC_TVAL_STATE].v.num == IPC_TSTATE_INACTIVE) return; bzero(&st, sizeof(st)); st.state = res[IPC_TVAL_STATE].v.num; st.num = res[IPC_TVAL_NUM].v.num; tot->torrent_pieces += (st.torrent_pieces = res[IPC_TVAL_PCCOUNT].v.num); tot->pieces_seen += (st.pieces_seen = res[IPC_TVAL_PCSEEN].v.num); tot->content_got += (st.content_got = res[IPC_TVAL_CGOT].v.num); tot->content_size += (st.content_size = res[IPC_TVAL_CSIZE].v.num); tot->downloaded += (st.downloaded = res[IPC_TVAL_SESSDWN].v.num); tot->uploaded += (st.uploaded = res[IPC_TVAL_SESSUP].v.num); tot->rate_down += (st.rate_down = res[IPC_TVAL_RATEDWN].v.num); tot->rate_up += (st.rate_up = res[IPC_TVAL_RATEUP].v.num); tot->peers += (st.peers = res[IPC_TVAL_PCOUNT].v.num); tot->tot_up += (st.tot_up = res[IPC_TVAL_TOTUP].v.num); if ((st.tr_errors = res[IPC_TVAL_TRERR].v.num) > 0) tot->tr_errors++; if (cba->individual) { if (cba->names) printf("%.*s\n", (int)res[IPC_TVAL_NAME].v.str.l, res[IPC_TVAL_NAME].v.str.p); printf("%4u %c. ", st.num, tstate_char(st.state)); print_stat(&st); } } static void do_stat(int individual, int names, int seconds, struct ipc_torrent *tps, int ntps) { enum ipc_err err; struct cbarg cba; int header = 1; if (names) individual = 1; cba.individual = individual; cba.names = names; again: header--; if (header == 0) { if (individual) { header = 1; printf(" NUM ST "); } else header = 20; printf(" HAVE DLOAD RTDWN ULOAD RTUP RATIO CONN" " AVAIL\n"); } bzero(&cba.tot, sizeof(cba.tot)); cba.tot.state = IPC_TSTATE_INACTIVE; if (tps == NULL) err = btpd_tget_wc(ipc, IPC_TWC_ACTIVE, stkeys, nstkeys, stat_cb, &cba); else err = btpd_tget(ipc, tps, ntps, stkeys, nstkeys, stat_cb, &cba); if (err != IPC_OK) diemsg("command failed (%s).\n", ipc_strerror(err)); if (names) printf("-------\n"); if (individual) printf(" "); print_stat(&cba.tot); if (seconds > 0) { sleep(seconds); goto again; } } static struct option stat_opts [] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'H' }, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; void cmd_stat(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; int wflag = 0, iflag = 0, nflag = 0, seconds = 0; struct ipc_torrent *tps = NULL; int ntps = 0; char *endptr; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "inw:", stat_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'i': iflag = 1; break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; case 'w': wflag = 1; seconds = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0' || seconds < 1) usage_stat(); break; default: usage_stat(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 0) { tps = malloc(argc * sizeof(*tps)); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (torrent_spec(argv[i], &tps[ntps])) ntps++; else exit(1); } } btpd_connect(); do_stat(iflag, nflag, seconds, tps, ntps); }